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  • Dry January 2024..
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    Full Member

    After a fairly boozey end to 2023, myself and my OH (and a few mates) are giving up the plonk for Jan 2024..

    Say what you like about it being positive or negative, but each to their own!

    Anyone else here going to be clucking for a fix over the next few days then??!!


    Oh – good luck all!

    Free Member

    I’m in.  Woke up on the 27th Dec feeling rank and decided to lay off it for a while so already 6 days in on the 2nd of Jan.  It’s my birthday mid-Feb so planning on staying off the booze until then.  Not missing it at the moment but I have been keeping myself busy.

    Free Member

    Well I don’t drink, haven’t done for years as it screws my guts up, but in a spur of the moment, buying other stuff in the local shop, I bought a bottle of Newcastle Brown for New Year’s Eve.

    I didn’t quite manage to finish the whole bottle 🤣

    So, it’s back to dry however many months or years until the next one!

    Good luck with those of you giving it up (for however long) or cutting down.

    There is very much a great world out there that doesn’t involve booze, it’s cost, health and social issues.

    Full Member

    longdog… we’ll rally around you pal, and help you off this slippery slope you’ve got yourself into ;-)


    Full Member

    Me and Mrs Epic starting today. We always have a new year’s day family lunch, so starting on the first would be hard.

    Having a spicy 🍅 juice at around 7pm is one thing I do to have a non-alcoholic snifter to address the gap in the evening that would be a beer or glass of wine.

    What other tips to help get through the first couple of weeks?

    Good luck if you are doing it

    Full Member

    Damn. I hoped this about the weather improving. 

    Full Member

    Yeah I’m in. Didn’t have a particularly boozy xmas but I normally do dry Jan anyway and always feel very good by the end.

    Full Member

    I’m in from tomorrow, on holiday still today so last beers this afternoon. 

    Free Member

    Yeah we’re doing it. We drink a lot, although I’d cut down somewhat towards the end of last year. Third year that I’ve done it, first year for my wife.

    Free Member

    Definitely not today Clubby!

    But the news yesterday did say from this weekend could be a dry, cold,still January due to big high pressure coming. Sick of the flooded roads and paths.

    Full Member

    No! I’m going to jump on another bandwagon, albeit belatedly, and grow a moustache. 🥸 Happy Mouanuary.

    Full Member

    Nope. It’s not unusual for me to stop for a bit but never took park in an ‘official’ one. 

    Free Member

    There won’t be any booze in the house, but stopping for a pint in a country pub mid-ride is one of life’s pleasures that I don’t intend denying myself.

    Full Member

    Yeh we’re in too. Despite it also being my birthday. Not even going to bother with a meal out as I always have to pay.

    Full Member

    I’ve said I’ll have a dry couple of weeks and see how it goes.

    Free Member

    Yes. 3rd year in the row for me. Miserable Jan I call it!

    January accountability challenge:

    No Alcohol

    2Ltrs of water each day

    20KM run /week

    Restricted calories

    3 sessions at my local bootcamp/outdoor circuits per week

    No caffeine past 2pm

    10000 steps a day

    and a surprise weekly challenge  :)

    I lost 9lb last year. Aiming for similar this year.

    Full Member

    I lost 9lb last year.

    …and the will to live? That does a bit too punitive if I’m honest

    Full Member

    Never seen the point myself as it always looked like a sticky plaster solution. I.e. I was good/will be good in Jan so can crack on for the other 11 months. This obviously not helped by having a Jan BD :D. I did however cut down to only drinking once a week in October as the previous state was getting a bit much.

    Full Member

    After a rather excessive ( well for me any way) week in Lanzarote at the end of November I decided to knock it on the head for a while. Tried Zero Guinness on NYE , quite acceptable more so than Thatchers Zero Cider that was gash ! 

    My wife tried to get me to break by buying me 4 bottles of ale , one was Grumpy Santa another Old Peculiar, hmmm 🤔For me it’s easier this time of year it’s the summer beer garden rides that would be more of a problem.

    One annoying aspect is the fact that I haven’t lost any weight 😡😡😡

    Free Member

    Me and Mrs Pizza are doing it this year, decided to after realising there hasn’t been a period longer than say 10 days since about 2016 where I haven’t had a drink, including the odd one here and there stopping in the local for a pint and bowl of chips after dog walk or cracking one open after a long day at work. Rarely do I get battered anymore but realised I do drink quite a bit spread out.

    Full Member

    About to go skiing (in France) – therefore unlimited free wine. Would be silly to pass that up.

    And in all honesty, would have failed by about 5pm on the 1st as there was 1/3 of a bottle of bubbly left in the fridge whcih needed finishing before oging flat.

    Full Member

    Very boozy December for me. Back at work today and m my suit and shirt is very very tight….so tight I’ve just had to issue my colleagues safety specs as buttons look and feel like they could be pinging about the office any time now!

    Dry Jan and back to training from today. So glad December is over, towards the end of the festivities I was feeling rotten, just from over indulging.

    Go on holiday in February so got to try and slim back down to fit my summer clothes!

    Full Member

    No Alcohol

    2Ltrs of water each day

    20KM run /week

    Restricted calories

    3 sessions at my local bootcamp/outdoor circuits per week

    No caffeine past 2pm

    10000 steps a day

    and a surprise weekly challenge  🙂

    I lost 9lb last year. Aiming for similar this year.

    I’ll take the extra 9lbs 😁

    Full Member

    I didn’t drink from the middle of September to Christmas, so I’m going to get wasted for the whole of January. 👍

    Full Member

    So this Christmas I’ve laid off the booze, not given up but every drink I’ve had next day I’ve felt rough.
    I’m having some time away from alcohol, I’m too heavy as it is and get back to some sort of fitness routine.

    Full Member

    I’ll just go back to my normal routine of only drinking on Fridays and Saturdays.

    I gave up caffeine mid-December though and I definitely noticed an improvement in my alertness. I was drinking up to 8 mugs a day though!

    Full Member

    What other tips to help get through the first couple of weeks?

    I just kinda tell myself that actually, i don’t NEED a drink, and the way i feel in teh morning is SOOO good when not drinking, that I look forward to THAT, rather than missing booze in the evening.

    Never seen the point myself as it always looked like a sticky plaster solution

    I get that idea..but I think it’s useful to tell myself that I can actually survive without booze, and hopefully improve my relationship with it in the future.


    Full Member

    January is cold and dark and the pub is warm and welcoming, so I’ll carry on.
    Never on a school night though.

    Free Member

    “No! I’m going to jump on another bandwagon, albeit belatedly, and grow a moustache. 🥸 Happy Mouanuary.”


    Full Member

    I’ve not had a beer for the last 4 days due to a somewhat excessive intake in the build up to Christmas. At the moment I’m just choosing not to have a beer on a day by day basis, we’ll see how long it lasts for.

    Free Member

    In. Been VERY boozy for a while, time to break the cycle. Need to shift some timber too

    Full Member

    January is cold and dark and the pub is warm and welcoming, so I’ll carry on

    These are my sentiments exactly. If you’re going to select an arbitrary period of time to stop drinking then surely January is the worst possible time? It’s cold, wet, dark and miserable, and we’re confined to the indoors more than any other time of year.

    Good luck if you’re doing though. My sister did it last year and ended up not having a drink for over 6 months

    Full Member

    Pretty sure I had a hang over last night from home made Tiramisu, which must be some sort of record…

    Full Member

    Yeah, also in – day two today. Heavier month – and heavier year, really – than it should have been for an ‘athlete’… :)

    I don’t miss the effects of alcohol at all, but I do miss something nice to drink while I’m cooking and eating. The only think that ever really fills that gap for me is sparkling water.

    Full Member

    If you’re going to select an arbitrary period of time to stop drinking then surely January is the worst possible time? It’s cold, wet, dark and miserable, and we’re confined to the indoors more than any other time of year.

    Totally get this. I think I do January because I’ve had such a heavy period of drinking over Christmas I can’t face any more. Same goes for red meat, bacon and sausages. Body can’t face anymore (although sausage normally falls first, by the second weekend)…

    Full Member

    Totally get this. I think I do January because I’ve had such a heavy period of drinking over Christmas

    Yep, they picked January to get people while they were feeling vulnerable.

    Anyway, February would be an even worse month to do it. It’s often colder, wetter and Christmas is a distant memory.

    I know this as I did Dry February a year or two ago :D

    Full Member

    I think I do January because I’ve had such a heavy period of drinking over Christmas I can’t face any more

    We’re the opposite. We’ll tend to nip out to the pub for a couple of pints quite frequently as We both work from home and it’s a nice way to get out of the house in the evening and have a stroll if you’re getting cabin fever after being constantly indoors

    …. apart from in December, where the nobhead proportion of all pubs goes through the roof and being a miserable bugger my tolerance for the Colin Hunts of this world is low at the best of times. That’s before they’ve even donned their best Christmas jumper and decided everyone has to apparently be ‘jolly’.

    So January is when we get ‘our’ pubs back



    Full Member

    January is always so miserable anyway; It’s still darkest mid-winter, The weather is crap, it goes on forever. Adding to the pain by ‘giving up’ stuff just feels extra punitive and too self-flagellating to me.

    I mostly have just a small glass of wine with my supper anyway and I’m pretty strict about it, I don’t feel the need to make the dark nights even more intolerable.

    Full Member

    I think the miserable weather prompted us to book a couple of nights out to cheer us up through January, starting with a nice Brighton restaurant tonight. So won’t be dry, but will definitely cut right down as my body feels somewhat violated even though I didn’t really go mad.

    The “posh” carbonator I bought the Mrs for Christmas is going to get a hammering I think.

    Full Member

    dont really do the whole dry January thing, just cut right back, nothing on a school night and just a couple of nice beers at the weekend.

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