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  • Dry January 2024..
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    Agreed on the annoyance of drunk folk/coked up loons… a former professional musician I’ve spent waay to much time surrounded by that.

    I’m planning on sober for the first 2 weeks in February too. Haven’t really enjoyed the benefits of better sleep this dry Jan. I’m in the middle of the first batch of assignments for my masters degree and struggling to switch off currently. Sleep has been crap throughout Jan as a result.

    Free Member

    I’ve already failed at dryness, as I’ve already mentioned.  But that’s fine, as the few beers I’ve had have made me realise that I don’t need beer.


    no Dry Feb to aim for

    Why not?

    Set your own rules/challenges, not just because the media say it’s dry Jan, or stoptober. If I decide I’m doing dry Feb, then I will – which I am

    Full Member

    Set your own rules/challenges,

    Agreed. On that note I’m on a countdown to Monday when we arrive in Mediera. I’ve only been to the pub once after riding this year (and that was sitting outside, not conducive to a cold beer!) which has definitely helped any ‘one doesn’t count’ weakness!

    Ended up buying a lot of 0.0/0.5% AF beer. Won’t get anywhere near finishing it before 29th, but happy to keep some in the fridge as a ‘start here’ option when fancying a beer.

    Full Member

    Set your own rules/challenges, not just because the media say it’s dry Jan, or stoptober. If I decide I’m doing dry Feb, then I will – which I am

    Temperance Februance? I’m in.

    Full Member

    Me too. I’ve avoided dry January again this year (the worst time to deny pubs etc trade/income in my opinion) but plan to abstain for February. Not because it’s shorter month… honest! 😉

    Full Member

    I’ve had a slightly cheating dry January.  Drank copiously at a gig on the 1st, that was planned.

    Then I had a dram last Saturday night.  My resolve just broke, simple as that.

    I’ll also have a drink or two this weekend as a friend is visiting.

    All that ‘fail’ aside, I’m not beating myself up over it.  The aim is to break habits, and I intend to carry that on beyond the end of January.  The main habit being drinking a couple of beers and a dram or two sitting in front of the telly three or four nights of the week.

    Sociable drinks with friends = good

    Boozing mindlessly in front of the telly = bad

    It’s a creeping habit which does no good for body or mind.  I want to be more mindful in consumption, that way the drinks  I do have should be more enjoyable.  Stuff like a post ride beer on a warm day with pals, that’s the good boozing!

    Having a short break with no forward plan doesn’t do much good long term IMO, unless it highlights a serious drinking problem where giving up is extremely hard.  I’ve previously given up for 5 months totally dry (Jan – May 2020.  Good timing…) but pretty much jumped back in where I’d left off.

    Full Member

    Sociable drinks with friends = good

    Boozing mindlessly in front of the telly = bad

    It’s a creeping habit which does no good for body or mind.  I want to be more mindful in consumption, that way the drinks  I do have should be more enjoyable.  Stuff like a post ride beer on a warm day with pals, that’s the good boozing!

    Well said. Pretty much reflects my aspirations.

    I do really enjoy a beer or wine watching a movie but I’m gonna try to cut that right back.

    Temptation getting stronger now, but will hold out until Feb no worries.

    Full Member

    Friday again, still going strong…however, back last night from a work trip and had 3 cans of Small Beer with dinner, which is 2.1%, so 2.7 units consumed in total.  Oddly woke up this am with a sore head ! :)

    Free Member

    Post January I’m thinking of trying to follow a “rule of threes”, I.e. maximum of 3 drinks, 3 days a week. That way I’ll be having at least 4 days a week dry and will hopefully avoid that “one too many” feeling.

    Full Member

    Why not?

    Set your own rules/challenges, not just because the media say it’s dry Jan, or stoptober. If I decide I’m doing dry Feb, then I will – which I am

    It’s also a shorter, nicer, lighter month than the misery that is usually January.  Much better month to quit drinking IME.  

    Free Member

    The 14 units a week and no more that 7 units in any day is a good rule to follow.  There are some apps that help you track that as well.

    You definitely enjoy the drinks you do have more.  

    Full Member

    ^^^ I think after nearly a month off it, 7 units would floor me … :)

    Free Member

    There’s a bottle of corona in the fridge that nearly caught me out the other night but still pure. Doing a bit more on the bike and eating better so have lost a little weight this week too. Keep on keeping on troopers!

    Free Member

    Still going strong and the ‘want’ has wained.

    Genuinely now thinking of doing February as well.

    It transpires I’ve also lost about 4 kg too, although I put that down to doing parkrun rather than not drinking.

    Full Member

    I have made much of this month easy by being too ill to contemplate alcohol. But I’m going climbing tonight, and it’s Friday, and the itch is already strong. Must not fall off the wagon at this late stage!

    Free Member

    Stay strong, just 5 days to go.

    Free Member

    I was at the funeral of my best friends father today. He died very suddenly on New year’s Day. He was a huge fan of real ale, really wish that I’d have broken dry Jan and had a pint with my mate at the wake.

    Full Member

    Despite enjoying a few large rums or whisky’s on my days off, I’ve not found dry January to difficult. 

    I have noticed that the urgency to pee through night is a lot less, and not having a fuzzy head is better too.

    I am looking forward to a Jeffersons rum come February 😋

    Full Member

    Really fancied a beer last night. But kept strong and didn’t have one, then was reflecting at 10pm that it’s really nice not feeling pissed.

    Full Member

    Did dry Jan a few years ago except the 30th was a mates bday so slipped with 1 day to go.

    This year I wasn’t doing it had a couple on the 6th and not since. Will have a few at a 40th on the 2nd so not quite 4weeks.
    Only real improvement is quality of sleep, but my sleep is ruined anyway but sleep score slowly creeping up.

    Free Member

    Well today is day 28. Even went to an Australia day “celebration” on Friday and consumed ZERO alcohol.

    I’m coping surprisingly well…Slightly distracted with a new pup in the Aphex household though….

    Full Member

    First pub visit last night for dinner with friends.
    Had some big drop citra and stout.
    Convinced I have a hangover this morning.
    Do AF beers have congeners in that could give you a hangover.
    Rumour when I was a student that Courage Directors had some stuff in the give you a proper hangover so you’d think it was a strong beer

    Free Member

    Into the home straight boys and girls…


    Into the home straight boys and girls…

    I’d normally be looking forward to a beer, but I’m not bothered.

    Dry February won’t be a problem

    Full Member

    Had some non-alcoholic Beavertown Lazer Crush IPA this weekend.
    My daughter chose it for me. It was pretty tasty, but not very beer-like.
    It was fine for a weekend substitute though.

    We’re off out for a meal tonight. I’ll probably have non-alc beer or a diet coke with the meal.
    Main issue with me is still the healthy eating. If I stay on track for 1 lb a week I’ll be OK with that. I’ll be surprised if I lose anything this week though, come Tuesday morning’s weigh-in.

    Full Member

    Anyone else get a tiny buzz off a 0.01% beer? I don’t know if I’m extremely sensitive to alcohol having none in my system, or if it’s psychological

    Free Member

    No effect on me. Sadly my tolerance is fairly high I’d guess!

    Just been for our regular Sunday afternoon alcohol free drink at the local. I didn’t half fancy a couple of the bitters that they’d got on!

    Free Member

    FAIL! Had a horrendous weekend with our water supply (remote so spring and tank job) spent Friday and Saturday soaked and down holes and crawling around pipes so last night after I’d got it working again thought ‘balls to this’ and went for a few pints. Only had three but felt dog rough this morning and in no hurry to repeat the experience. Nice beer though – Ennerdale darkest, robust! Then when we’d got home the bloody water was off again! Bah!

    Full Member

    @pisco I posted a few pages ago about everyday food and drinks having alcohol in them. I’d expect your 0.01% beer is psychological.

    Full Member

    I don’t know if it’s because it’s getting close to the end, but I would have really enjoyed a nice glass of red about 9pm last night. However that would have spoilt my plan to do a big long run today. Same again tonight, but the Chamomile tea will be nice, and my recovery will be much better.

    Full Member

    I had a couple of home measure GnT’s Fri and Sat evenings. Didn’t enjoy as much as I was expecting to and definitely had worse sleeps.

    Back to the abstinence again now, just feels better overall.

    Full Member

    I discovered Tanqueray AF today, I say discovered, obviouslyI knew it existed.

    While it stung to £15 for something with no duty it made tonight’t tonic a bit more interesting.  I know I’ll drink again, and want to really because I enjoy the taste, I must say I’m in no hurry – which is a big surprise to be honest.

    Free Member

    Had my first “big” all day high elevation Mtb ride of the year, not just Zwift or a nighttime hour out – which would normally be followed by a couple beers in joggers in front of the TV on Saturday evening. I was actually kind of disappointed not to want one!

    Had a chippy instead as a treat – which whilst delicious and I was ravenous, also made me feel a bit crap as I’ve been eating more or less all wholefood and rather lean nutritious stuff as well as avoiding the deoch – think it was the salt and grease! 

    Actually kind of made me think I should dial back the whole “live like a monk” thing I’ve been doing so far this year a tad, so I don’t go crazy and develop a bit of a disorder. I feel great and have noticeably trimmed down but I don’t want a slice of cake or whatever to feel like something I need to agonise over.

    I’ve really found Dry January to be quite interesting and it’s really made me explore my relationship with how alcohol is tied to my personal reward system. Mad how an internet trend that I’ve always kinda thought was bullsh*t has had quite a profound effect. I’m sure I’m not a teetotaller now, but I really can’t see myself rushing to the offie to get a couple 9 percent Belgian ales every Friday like usual again. Christ that’s all a bit pretentious isn’t it! 

    Full Member


    if it was in a Special Brew can it carries certain connotations. However put it in a Belgian / craft beer bottle and it’s highbrow

    Free Member

    To be fair – Trappiste Rochefort, Tripel Karmeliet or even your garden variety Duvel are delish and quite nice slow sippers. Still a hell of a lot though.

    Free Member

    Still feeling like i could do this for a long time…

    loving the sleep, and the spare time (although deep into marathon training, so a lot of that time is spent snoozing).

    Definitely on for 105 days (Manchester Marathon) may go longer…

    Full Member

    Was thinking about this last night. It almost feels like I have a super power. Lack of hangovers, more energy it’s all good.

    Some interesting insights from Garmin relating to my sleep score and resting HR.

    December – other months look very similar

    Jan – Blip at the start is me finishing all the Christmas booze. Not sure about the one in the middle, maybe I was just feeling crap.

    Full Member

    Monthly pub night with some dads from son’s school on Friday.  Had a Butcombe Goram AF 0.05% which was pretty decent, tasted a bit thin maybe (I like the 5% Goram), but I reckon if you gave me that as a first pint with no clue it was AF, I might just have put it down to whatever I’d had for dinner or something.  Guinness Zero, similar.  Don’t reach for Guinness often, just occasionally when the mood takes me.  Came out of a can.  Was OK.  Again, if someone set it down in front of me as a first pint and said “sorry, it was out of a can”, rather than “sorry, it’s Zero” I might not have twigged.

    Probably 3/8 of us were drinking Low/No alcohol beers.  It’s nice that not drinking booze is becoming more normalised, that there’s less of a social barrier to making healthy choices.  This thread is part of that.  Thanks for starting, DrP, and all the posters.

    I’ve not been yearning for a drink anywhere near as much as I thought I would.  I was quite tempted to have a glass or red last night, for various reasons.  My wife put the half bottle of serviceable red she bought for cooking in the fridge when she unpacked the shopping.  No idea why, but it introduced a handy time delay on that being drinkable.  Just enough to sit down with a mint tea instead.

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