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  • Donald! Trump!
  • timba
    Free Member

    Well, that is certainly rather shocking to read. Although sadly not surprising
    I’m not sure in all the cheering, whether the GOP might have overlooked the galvanizing effect it will have on their opponents
    If there’s one thing I’m sure of, it’ll come back and bite their arses.

    The military will be confused…

    “I, _____ (SSAN), having been appointed an officer in the _____ (Military Branch) of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God.” US military officers’ oath. Enlisted personnel also swear allegiance to their officers (including their Commander in Chief, the President)

    Full Member

    All in it’s a dangerous precedent for a dangerous president.

    But, there’s a great deal of time and testing to figure out to what extent it applies, and what an ‘official act’ is. It creates a massive cushion of litigation and uncertainty for Trump to take advantage of, even if it doesn’t end up giving him carte blanche in the way he thinks (which it may!?). I’ve no idea if it only covers the period of presidency/sworn in/out of office either, it bloody well should do.

    With his current cases, how can anything about the hush money case be seen as an official act of a president, when the crimes occurred before he was sworn into office (as far as I understand?). Same with the classified papers: didn’t that occur after he was in office, and waving top secret papers around at parties can be claimed to be an ‘official act’.

    I guess none of that matters as the headline and not the detail of the decision will be used and abused for all it is worth. It will be seen by him and his supporters as ‘I am the immune king of the US’. What an epic and dangerous mess. If feels like the US is unravelling itself.

    Full Member

    faustusFull Member
    All in it’s a dangerous precedent for a dangerous president.


    Free Member

    A corrupt decision made by a corrupt court. Nowhere in the constitution does it say that a President is immune from criminal prosecution. They are just making stuff up now 🤷‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ .

    Free Member

    Enabling Act Lite.

    Free Member

    Even if Trump is elected, DOJ is apparently going to continue with the various cases until roughly January 20th.

    Full Member

     how can anything about the hush money case be seen as an official act of a president

    As I understand it, it’s something to do with some of the evidence the prosecutor used in the trial, which came from when he was in office.  The argument is that evidence shouldn’t have been included cos of immunity, and if it hadn’t, he’d have been found not guilty.

    Full Member

    As I understand it, it’s something to do with some of the evidence the prosecutor used in the trial, which came from when he was in office.  The argument is that evidence shouldn’t have been included cos of immunity, and if it hadn’t, he’d have been found not guilty.

    yep a lot of the SCOTUS ruling was about blocking the use of evidence and making it much harder to request & obtain it

    Free Member

    So, where does this ruling stand in terms of the second amendment? Same place as the forces oath?

    Full Member

    They are just making stuff up now

    I think that boat sailed a long time ago. I doubt that the right to bear arms was written with automatic weapons in mind. The constitution, much like the Ten Commandments, is a document of its time. Some bits still hold up, others not so much.

    Full Member

    I hope Trump will reject this decision as politically motivated and false, as he has done with every decision that went against him.

    Free Member

    Paying hush money to a prostitute is definitely an official act, everyone knows this 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

    Full Member

    How long is Biden going to wait before officially authorising the removal of this threat to democracy and national security?

    Full Member

    I doubt that the right to bear arms was written with automatic weapons in mind. The constitution, much like the Ten Commandments, is a document of its time. Some bits still hold up, others not so much.

    Theres not even a definitive version of the Ten Commandments. Theres a case going on in <I forget which state> requiring schools to display the 10 commandments in classroom. This is

    a) in contravention of the US Constitution

    b) the version of the Ten Commandments they want to be displayed was written by Cecil B DeMilne as part of the promotional material for his movie.

    Full Member

    Theres a case going on in <I forget which state> requiring schools to display the 10 commandments in classroom

    Read that.

    Ironically the guy insisting on it had his personal fortune go from nearly $3m to $12.5m in only 3 years. So pretty obvious which god he worships.

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