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  • Donald! Trump!
  • sharkbait
    Free Member

    $355 million & 3 year business ban in NY


    Full Member

    A coincidence that Navanly dies on the day of this announcement? Could Putin be doing his (alleged) buddy Trump a favour by diverting a lot of media attention?

    Full Member

    Could Putin be doing his (alleged) buddy Trump a favour by diverting a lot of media attention?

    With Putin having just endorsed Biden – he could be signalling its time for the President to bump off the troublesome upstart leading the opposition. :-)

    Full Member

    What happens if trump declares himself bankrupt?

    Full Member

    What happens if trump declares himself bankrupt?

    Trump and his sons have been barred from running the business for three years and they are required to allow a court appointed auditor to oversee the running of the business. If they try to reorganize the company under bankruptcy regulations, they would be watched very carefully to make sure that it wasn’t just a ploy to avoid paying creditors.

    Free Member

    But, it’s 350 million PLUS compound interest of 9%, which is calculated from the start of the fraud. So probably 500+ million.

    Also – the decision to dissolve the LLCs has been delayed and put in the hands of two financial monitors.

    Full Member

    How’s our MAGA-totaliser of ruined lives looking then

    Trumps total is now up to $442m
    Murdoch / Fox $1600m
    Alex Jones $1500m
    Mike Lindell $5m so far- also hasn’t paid his lawyers for 3 years so is facing a claim from them for $millions whilst facing a claims, presumably without representation now, for defamation that run to more than $1000m
    Rudy Giuliani $148m so far

    Steve Bannon has already had jail time and has got the ‘We Build the Wall’ fraud case coming up in a few months for Money Laundering and Conspiracy. But his co-accused have already netted:

    Brian Kolfage: $20m and 4 years in prison
    Andrew Badolato: $3m and 3 years in prison
    and unlike Bannon they both pled guilty so the judges went easy on them. I wonder if they’ll let him where 3 orange jumpsuits in jail.

    There are 18 co-accuesd in the Georgia Case including Giuliani so he’ll have more to add to the misfortune index there – so far
    Sydney Powell – 6 years probation
    Gonna Ellis – 5 years probation

    Then theres all the old school ruined lives that we’ve sort of forgotten about

    Micheal Cohen – $2m and 3 years in Prison
    Roger Stone – 2 years (altough commuted by Trump)
    Micheal Flynn – plead guilty but Trump / Bill Barr got a pardon in before he could be sentenced

    How many more or there? And the above is just the fines – who knows what the combined legal bill is. Trump has also settled numerous cases out of court so they won’t be without cost. Everything Trump touches just tuns to shit doesn’t it?

    Full Member

    It’s strange that he hasn’t spoken about Jean Carrol in ages. He used to talk about her at every campaign rally.

    Free Member

    EDIT frankconway +1

    What happens if trump declares himself bankrupt?

    It doesn’t stop him becoming President.
    He won’t be allowed to dodge his dues because he has property. The judge, Justice Engoron, had previously signalled that he’d break The Trump Organisation up and force property sales, but he didn’t include it in the trial outcome, possibly because although fraud was committed all loan repayments were made.
    The interesting bit is the “roughly $400 mn” that Trump says he has in cash (and he says things a lot of things, including boosting asset value). That cash will disappear just on the Court ruling (+9% interest), if he has it. He can’t use political funding because this isn’t a case that’s arisen from his political activities.
    If he does have to sell property then it’ll hurt because “The all-property index—a measure of pricing for institutional-quality commercial real estate—is 21% below its March ’22 peak.”
    His appeal could take years and he’s also got various other expensive legal irons in the fire
    Full Member

    Trumps total is now up to $442m

    I think there’s some backdated interest on the latest fine as well. Something in the region of 90 million on top.

    I really don’t think he has liquid funds to cover all of that, whatever Forbes thinks. He hasn’t even stumped up the 80 to 90 million he’d need to appeal the E Jean Carroll verdict.

    On top of that, he can’t borrow from NY banks (don’t know if that is just banks based in the state, or those with an address there (ie, pretty much all the major ones).) He is already borrowing from non-mainstream lenders because many banks don’t want to touch him.

    Luckily he’s currently staging a takeover of the Republican National Committee, so no doubt will be trying to dip into their fundraising pot to cover his debts.

    Full Member

    Bigly $$$$$$$$

    Chickens roosting you weapons grade ****!

    Full Member

    He has set up a go fund me

    Full Member

    He has set up a go fund me

    He’ll be F5ing it all day :lol:

    For anyone who wants a laugh. Target goal $355,000,000 Currently at $38,887

    Full Member

    but that gofundme seems to  have been started by some random.  Who knows if that isn’t just another grift.  The world is crazy

    Full Member

    The gofundme has been set up by some woman in Florida who refers to herself in her bio as ‘…an ardent supporter of American justice’.

    Irony meter just exploded.

    This particular appeal is best described as a digital begging bowl.

    Now at c$43k; most common amount seems to be $5.

    Full Member

    A long but interesting read:

    Gives some interesting back story to the Trump ‘success story’, reads like the narration of Goodfellas!

    Full Member

    Ahh, so superpac money can’t be used for his legal fees.

    Full Member

    Could he do the equivalent of a gofundme to pay it off? His supporters with barely two beans to rub together would no doubt empty their bank accounts to help the (supposed) billionaire Donny get back to the financial state he deserves.

    Full Member

    Could he do the equivalent of a gofundme to pay it off?

    Full Member

    Useful summary. Basically, he’s going to have to come up with a shedload of cash, put up assets as collateral, or sell assets.

    Can Trump pay? What if he doesn’t? Here’s what to know about Trump’s massive civil judgments.

    Full Member

    …and I understand he has to put up the cash in advance if we wants to appeal – either from his own pocket or via a bond agency which will need 10% or so up-front, which will be in addition to the costs if his appeal fails.

    Full Member

    The Politico article covers it all off.

    I re-iterate one of my posts immediately after the judgement was handed down – this is the beginning of the end for trump, likely to be protracted, but inevitable.

    Full Member

    The problem will be that if he survives this he stands a non-zero chance of being president.  This makes him a ripe target for someone who actually has the money to buy leverage.  It’s not a great situation for America

    Full Member

    This makes him a ripe target for someone who actually has the money to buy leverage

    good job we’ve never elected anyone in a position like that



















    Free Member

    Oof, it seems that the law of diminishing returns also applies to American plutocrats who backed the Republican party.

    I was in the pub the other evening, having a drink with a friend whom I consider to possess a keen intellect.  “The reason why I liked Trump is because he was strong and would tell Putin where to go” they said.

    Me: “Pee tapes?”

    Them: “Well, you never know what Trump is going to do next.  He’d have Vlad on the ropes”

    Me: “…..”

    Full Member

    Yeah had that with a friend in Florida. Apparently Trump might have some issues with how he does business and may be a little in it for himself, but he delivered on 90% of the promises he made before he took office.

    Full Member

    gofundme update…$133k.

    0.0375% of $355 million; 0.0292% of $455 million.

    Full Member

    he delivered on 90% of the promises he made before he took office.

    Infrastructure week?
    Health care reform?
    Lock em up?
    Winning so much that everybody got sick of winning?
    Build the wall?
    New trade pact to replace NAFTA?
    Ending North Korean and Iranian nuclear proliferation?
    Hire the best people?

    Full Member

    Don’t worry he is selling pumps now the ones that go on your feet. He got rounds of boos for the privilege too.

    Full Member

    Yeah, lots of complaints on sneakercon’s social media but…there he was, looking like he just stepped out of a creosote-filled bath.

    Punting sneakers at upto $400/pr.

    Have they been designed to accommodate bone spurs?

    Full Member
    Full Member

    My perception of the Trump-supporting demographic is the not-young, rural, F150-driving/karen/evangelist/alpha male type. Surely the opposite of the type who would buy some gold hightop pumps?

    It would be funny if there were a way for them to be embraced by more a more woke/hipster/LGBGT demographic in a way that didn’t financially benefit Trump.

    Full Member

    I think the Trump Pumps would look great with a little bit of accessorising

    Full Member

    Struck me that Trump actually dodged a bit of a bullet in the New York case. He winged all along that he was being tried without a jury even that that was exactly what he and his lawyers requested. However in the E Jean Carrol case there was a jury and it was the jury that set the damages….. at 3 times the amount that Carrol’s lawyers were requesting. Makes you wonder what sort of bill Trump would be faced with just now if he’d got the jury he claims he was denied.

    Free Member

    Here’s one I prepared earlier

    and in the interest of balance

    Full Member

    They do look classy though.

    Only if I take my glasses off and squint real hard!

    Full Member

    Here’s one I prepared earlier

    Trump’s weird up-do seems to slowly be getting more and more square.

    Two things occur to me about Trump’s re-fried Liberace hair and makeup. One is – he does it himself. Despite being the winningest ever business man and best president ever – he takes the time out of every day to do that, before he attends to any matters of business, politics or loading leaf blowers full of milllions of dollars of cash and blasting them around a courtroom. Before he does all that he crafts that weird head and face.

    Steve Jobs  reputedly used to wear the same jeans and polo neck all the time becuase he was so busy and had so much to think about he didnt want to waste any of that head space of thinking about his clothes. But Trump seems always  to manage to find that little bit of me-time.

    The other thing is – no matter how fanatical his fan base – buying his Trump Steaks and his NFTs and his scraps of his suits – nobody buys into the hair. Elvis fans had Elvis haircuts, Beatles fans had Beatles Haircuts. Nobody thinks – ‘Trumps a cool guy, I wanna look like him’

    Full Member

    That’s only because nobody knows how to craft that hair. It defies all logic and rules of barbering. He’s probably so shit at business and being president because it takes him nine hours and two coats of Cuprinol just to look borderline human.

    Full Member

    he takes the time out of every day to do that

    Maybe not every day. The reports of foul body odour may be because he doesn’t shower regularly because his hair and makeup take so long.

    He’s an extremely vain, narcissistic man. He probably does it himself because he doesn’t want anyone else to see how he really looks.

    Full Member

    He probably does it himself because he doesn’t want anyone else to see how he really looks.

    It reminds me a little of this guy

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