Sacked in the morning
I think it's all part Melania's big plans,if tiny hands doesn't make it she can go full Ice Queen on the Trump family fortune . 🙂
She will never look as good as Tilda though.
Mark Meadows has now gone on record for the 'concerning vitals, next 48 hours are critical' comment. Dr. Conley has tried to wind back the comments he made today about the timeline, with Trump being diagnosed on Weds, rather than late Thurs. Another source has now said Trump IS on oxygen, Conley says he isn't. WTF is going on?
They haven't read the briefing.
better hope none those 18 donors at the round table caught it from him and die.
I saw somewhere that death rates in spain for that age range has fallen from about 15% at the start to around 6% now.
So, probably he'll be fine. Which is actually a good thing.
Free Member
I saw somewhere that death rates in spain for that age range has fallen from about 15% at the start to around 6% now.So, probably he’ll be fine. Which is actually a good thing.
He is pretty overweight as well mind.
He is pretty overweight as well mind.
Plus low-income.
He is pretty overweight as well mind.
He has the best weight.
I Though hancock was good at dodging questions this is something else. Listen to the Dr dodge the did he get oxygen question.
I saw somewhere that death rates in spain for that age range has fallen from about 15% at the start to around 6% now.
So only a 1 in 19 chance the "leader of the free world"* is gonna die**? Seems pretty crazy to me that there's even a remote chance of him dying in the next week or so. Notwithstanding the far greater number who have a prolonged hospital stay, complications, incomplete recovery etc etc. This has the potential to have a seismic effect on the presidential race.
I think politically the worst thing would be if he died and was 'martyred' by his moronic cult. Hopefully he'll survive but weakened and with his whole Covid strategy revealed to everyone as negligent.
**not lol
Sounds daft but it reminds me of the death of Arch Duke Ferdinand.
I know what you're getting at but Ferdinand was shot by foreign terrorists from a non-allied country. And the US has a protocol for death of a President - that's what VPs are for.
I think politically the worst thing would be if he died and was ‘martyred’ by his moronic cult.
The cultists are a very small minority. Most of his supporters are just gullible fools. The alt-right groups are totally fragmented so they'll just dissipate, unless there's another president prepared to court them.
Well as of three hours ago he was still able to tweet..........or one of his lackeys was able to do it for him
Yeah you don't know if that's actually him tweeting. And it happened very soon after the lack of tweets was brought up publicly.....
Whitehouse responsible for >50% of all new cases in Washington DC in last 24hrs
Several republicans he's met been snapped going home on planes with no masks
This could play badly for trump, I do hope he recovers as much as I despise the man
The voters need to make him a loser
Like Johnson & the rest of parliament they genuinely seen to think rules don't apply to them
Whitehouse certainly crusading in its attempt to get herd immunity in the USA off to a good start this autumn...
He hates masks, they are for losers.
The strongest, fittest, best looking President ever, strong like mountain lion, wily like coyote.
I can't find when exactly Biden's team were told but if it wasn't about 5 minutes after they got the result, that's a definite thing.
Free MemberI saw somewhere that death rates in spain for that age range has fallen from about 15% at the start to around 6% now.
Is that not largely because the most at-risk people in teh age group are already dead?
Is that not largely because the most at-risk people in teh age group are already dead?
I think it was from showing symptoms, so no. Better treatment.
Matt Hancock's complete inability to organize the mass production of usable ventilators likely saved countless lives.
All will be well. He’s a young vibrant man full of Hydroxychloroquine
Just one of umpteen vids I’ve just watched on Twitter with trump supporters getting violent with mask wearers.
A lot of rumours circulating, not helped by his oddball personal physician getting his time of diagnosis mixed up
Currently watching a brietbart live stream of the trump supporters outside Walter Reid hospital, no masks, no social distancing, lots of shouting, singing and close contact with each other. Hope they’ve all got good healthcare insurance as some of them are going to need it over the coming weeks. Nuke them from orbit now as they are completely lost and if trump dies/suffers long COVID/loses election then I can’t see a way to put the genie back in the bottle and return to a sense of American normality.
Plastic teas candles. Classy stuff.
Wow that's a window into a crazy world
Gotta love a humorous Tweet from god to cheer us up
He seems to turned paler while also feeling much better.
Has he?
No... Moves on to another thrrad..
Not about trump directly but one of his surrogates, Lindsay Graham, getting destroyed by his challenger Jaime Harrison in a televised debate.
Graham was under pressure before this debate; now amplified.
It's always difficult to rebut facts.
The bleach seems to be working, he looks much paler.
Loving the way #ProudBoys is now being used on twitter. Social Media isn’t all bad.
Whatever happens when Trump says "therapeutics" here is a strange moment in the video he posted this evening
It's a poorly compressed copy of the original video. The last thing I want to do is be defending Trump, but if you look at the source video from DT's twitter (around the 1:03 mark) you can see no such judder:
There are all sorts of theories about the video being stop/start and edited together to hide his coughing but a cursory viewing of the source video shows nothing of the sort. It's this kind of misguided, baseless conspiratorial stuff that muddies the waters and that the Trumpers will point back to when he's next caught out properly.
What annoys me most is these ****s flying around the country infecting each other at fundraisers will get the healthcare they need. At the same time as they work towards removing healthcare for the people that can't afford basic healthcare, never mind the silver spoon treatment.
Just ****s the lot of them.
It’s a poorly compressed copy of the original video. The last thing I want to do is be defending Trump, but if you look at the source video from DT’s twitter (around the 1:03 mark) you can see no such judder:
It's still there at 1:03 in Trump's version. The video has been edited, most likely to remove coughing. It's nonsense like this that causes people to reflexively disbelieve anything that the White House says.
That was recorded before he left the whitehouse.
It’s still there at 1:03 in Trump’s version
Seriously? That's a shrug of his shoulders, an intake of breath, whatever. It's not a result of video manipulation/editing. I dislike Trump as much as anybody but obsessing over shite like this doesn't help the drive to get him voted out.
That’s a shrug of his shoulders, an intake of breath, whatever.
Whatever it is, it's there in Trump's version, it's not something that was introduced in the trimmed version, so not an artifact of video compression.
The bloke is ill, he's in hospital, he tweeted.
That's all.
I see another GOP senator, ron johnson, has now tested +ve.
it’s not something that was introduced in the trimmed version, so not an artifact of video compression.
It's not that something was introduced in the trimmed version, it that something was lost. There's a few millisecond break - that I am assuming is caused by compression or something, rather than actual bad-faith tampering - that makes the shrug look unnatural. This shouldn't really need explaining:
Original video = shrug
Trimmed video = unnatural clipped motion giving the impression of edited video
Plastic teas candles. Classy stuff.
Awful people. I'm pretty certain they don't stir their 'risotto' either.
Jamie Harrison is an impressive politician, one of the few these days who can still reach across the political divide. If you watch more of his debate with Lindsay Graham you'll see that it's conducted without personal animosity. The two of them actually get on very well.
Graham knows he's got nothing but a s*** sandwich to sell but won't descend into personal insults against Harrison so the South Carolinian public actually got to see a proper debate.
There’s a few millisecond break – that I am assuming is caused by compression or something, rather than actual bad-faith tampering – that makes the shrug look unnatural.
The fundamental problem is that serious journalists no longer trust the White House enough to believe that things like this aren't bad-faith tampering. It's quite believable that Trump coughed and they edited it out because they want to pretend that he's not seriously ill.
^He must be ill. He’a reading something. He never reads things.
dressed in white he has something quite Liberace about him don’t you think?
^ He's reading the nuclear codes in that pic.