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  • Donald! Trump!
  • Poopscoop
    Full Member

    Have I missed something?

    I don’t think being called a “leftie” is even an insult?

    I sure as hell prefer to be a bleeding heart “leftie” than an alt right supporter any day.

    Leftie and proud. 🙂

    Full Member

    Some of you need to have a word with yourself for engaging with him though

    I know, It’s like he’s given up really…

    Free Member

    I think it does just highlight how hard it is to defend the orange idiot these days.

    Free Member

    ninfan – Member

    Required multiple attempts, at huge cost, resulting in a partial but incomplete tactical success from which the damage was repaired in a few weeks and ultimately made no significant strategic difference to the outcome of the war?

    It’s a metaphor, not a history lesson, you halfwit.

    Free Member

    I wonder if The Creepy Loudmouth would find this interesting…

    Bit warm lately.

    Free Member

    Made i larf:

    Free Member

    Bush’s immediate reaction to being told about 9/11 has been used as a good example of taking a couple of minutes to sit and consider what to do in an extraordinary situation rather than leap up and run about in a panic.

    Full Member

    The blank expression denotes all available resources being deployed to prevent swears in front of the kids.

    Full Member

    Nah, he’s just trying to remember what “Operation FauxFlagTowers” was.

    Free Member

    ninfan – Member
    Made i larf:

    Thanks nincompoopfan, I’m sure someone will alert the media Breitfart of your shattering experience.

    Full Member

    I see Sarah Sanders’ irony bypass operation was a complete success:


    Full Member

    So trump’s approval rating of 35% is 14% lower than the next lowest figure at this point in a presidency. Guess he must be doing something right…. 😯

    Free Member

    Nice to see a professional woman still doing her own ironing. ..

    Free Member

    More ‘Bad People doing Bad Things’ from the world of Trump.

    I think an apt response from a country voting against Trump would be:

    “We are a sovereign country just the same as you and history will judge who was right in this matter – hint, it wont be you”.

    Dreadful stuff from an administration that thinks applying Gold Rush era capitalism to the entire modern world is a workable and desirable model.

    Free Member

    So trump’s approval rating of 35% is 14% lower than the next lowest figure at this point in a presidency. Guess he must be doing something right…

    I see what you did there.

    Full Member

    It’s a truism of American political journalism that no president can stay in the job long if he/she polls less than 30% approval. I don’t doubt for a second in the brave new world they’re in at the moment that Trump will plough on, but it will be interesting if nothing else.

    Full Member

    Nice to see a professional woman still doing her own ironing. ..

    Not sure in what sense ‘professional’ applies here. Being more professional than the Mooch is not an automatic qualifier.

    I miss the Mooch.

    Free Member

    It’s a truism of American political journalism that no president can stay in the job long if he/she polls less than 30% approval.

    Because all the other eternal truisms of US politics have been so incredibly effective at predicting Trump’s ascent to the presidency…

    Full Member

    You’re at least predicable ninny, eh?

    Full Member

    Because all the other eternal truisms of US politics have been so incredibly effective at predicting Trump’s ascent to the presidency…

    Some of them seem to be prescient, TBH.

    The problem with political jokes is they get elected. ~ Henry Cate.

    We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office. ~ Aesop
    Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even where there is no river. ~ Nikita Khrushchev
    When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President; I’m beginning to believe it. ~ Clarence Darrow
    Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich, by promising to protect each from the other. ~ Oscar Ameringer

    Then there’s the one about not overestimating the intelligence of the electorate.

    Full Member

    Seems Trump is still saying this tax reform is going to cost him money, but we can’t check that because his tax returns are still being audited. A lie to cover a lie.

    Free Member

    More ‘Bad People doing Bad Things’ from the world of Trump.

    I think an apt response from a country voting against Trump would be:

    “We are a sovereign country just the same as you and history will judge who was right in this matter – hint, it wont be you”.

    Dreadful stuff from an administration that thinks applying Gold Rush era capitalism to the entire modern world is a workable and desirable model.

    Looks like his answer is to be a even bigger pr*k than he already is.
    Donald Trump threatens to cut aid to countries over UN Jerusalem vote

    Full Member

    Looks like his answer is to be a even bigger pr*k than he already is.
    Donald Trump threatens to cut aid to countries over UN Jerusalem vote

    Covers two issues. Strengthens US isolationism, which Trump appears to be in favour of, and reduces spending to offset the reduced income from lower taxation. He’s a moron.

    Free Member

    It’s fundamentally blackmail isn’t it? His hands must be incredibly dense given how small they are. Plays to the peanut gallery I guess.

    Free Member

    So The Human Slimebag seeks to muscle other countries into his schemes by blackmailing them.

    If he carries out his promise, sit back and watch China take advantage and step into the gap, leveraging more global influence for itself.

    What a complete pillock.

    Full Member

    He clearly has absolutely no understanding of global politics or diplomacy. He’s out of his depth.

    Full Member

    Plays to the peanut gallery I guess.

    Yeah my thoughts exactly. Goes over very well with the “‘Mer-i-cah **** yeah” crowd who believe that “diplomacy” is just snowflake liberal political correctness.

    He’s out of his depth.

    I think he just doesn’t GAS.

    He revels in that disruption. Saying and doing things that shouldn’t really be said or done has got him a long way.

    Free Member

    Well the US has been bribing countries with aid for decades, so no change there!

    Full Member

    I think he just doesn’t GAS.

    Yup,a vile human at the end of his years, spoiled and damaged in equal measure from a young age, he only cares about himself. A knobclanger of spectacular proportions that has bullied and conned his way through life and now he is taking the greedy and desperate people of America for ride.
    Gord Bless save America

    Full Member

    He clearly has absolutely no understanding of global politics or diplomacy. He’s out of his depth.

    I think you have to think in terms of the audience that his decisions are aimed at. The Jerusalem one in particular was largely about Trumps attempts to make sure the evangelical right came out to support Roy Moore, it was timed for that election, and it was aimed at a right wing conservative audience who hold that this is as a biblical prophesy.

    How it plays internationally is secondary to both Trump and to the Evangelical right.

    This next pronouncement is the same, it plays well with an audience who are (rightly or wrongly) fed up with seeing their tax dollars go to fund 3rd world countries who then produce terrorists who want to kill Americans (as they see it). This will be broadly popular amongst those folk.

    Full Member

    he is taking the greedy and desperate people of America for ride.

    Actually they took themselves for a ride

    …..that’s the art of the con, letting people’s greed or desperation do the work for you.

    Probably going down in history as greatest con man ever, he stole a nation.

    Free Member

    Part of the problem with “draining the swamp” is that the Trump administration doesn’t really have any experienced diplomatic negotiators. This has resulted in other nations knowing how to play them and get what they rather than the USA want. His “America first” policy may well up being “America last”.

    Diplomacy is the art of persuading other people to get what you want.

    It wouldn’t surprise me if the “Jerusalem is the Israeli capital” idea came from meetings between Israeli diplomats looking to manipulate US foreign policy (at the right time) and lower ranked officials in the Trump administration and it percolated upwards. Trump announces the new policy, Israel feigns a look of pleasant surprise.

    Free Member

    His “America first” policy may well up being “America last”.

    More likely 2nd last. There’s one country with an incompetent leader so desperately looking for a replacement trade deal that it’ll accept any old sh*t to look like it’s making a success of baling out of it’s existing trade deal

    Full Member

    At least he’s got a legislative win!

    Tho amusingly this one isn’t popular with his base, as it’s blatantly a tax bonanza for the rich, including himself, who’s set to be ~$15m better off !

    Free Member

    including himself, who’s set to be ~$15m better off !

    Probably just enough to make him solvent 😆

    Full Member

    it plays well with an audience who are (rightly or wrongly) fed up with seeing their tax dollars go to fund 3rd world countries who then produce terrorists who want to kill Americans

    And yet they are still doing stupid things like saying “we will de-nuclearise (is that even a word?) North Korea even if they don’t want us too”

    Pretty sure just that is going to result in thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands of American deaths (and maybe millions of Koreans on both sides of the border…..)

    Consider this: in 2001, some well funded but effectively “private” terrorists knocked down the WTC and hit the pentagon. Today, how hard would it be for a NK state backed team of suicide fighters to repeat that exercise?

    Total war has no rules, and i don’t expect Kimmy to feel the need to conform to the Geneva Convention, especially when the USA made the first aggressive play eh……

    Full Member

    Well Flashy is going to do all right out of this new Tax bill, apparently Staples salesmen are going to be doing just fine….

    [url=]Staples![/url] by Ben Freeman, on Flickr

    Free Member

    by blackmailing them.

    Doesn’t blackmail usually involve the other person giving you money in return for something, rather than them expecting you to keep on giving them money in return for nothing ?

    Full Member


    force (someone) to do something by using threats or manipulating their feelings

    Free Member

    No more blackmail than being told that if you don’t go to work next week, you’ll get sacked

    It’s hardly coercion

    Nobody is being forced to do anything, But the US also does not have to keep supporting them with foreign aid.

    It’s really very simple.

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