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  • Donald! Trump!
  • dannyh
    Free Member

    Everything can be made to seem woolly or uncertain by reductio ad absurdum.

    It’s a classic debating tactic that is typically deployed in upper infant and lower secondary school debating and seems clever at first. 🙄

    Really it’s just the equivalent of a child asking ‘why’ over and over again until the inevitable ‘why’ is applied to the life the universe and everything. The child then usually triumphantly exclaims “so, you don’t have an answer for THAT!”

    Free Member

    Ninfan. your argument that because a word has been used incorrectly in the past means that it can no longer be used is utter bollocks.
    Ironic has been misapplied countless times, but that doesn’t mean that things are no longer ironic.
    If it looks like shit, smells like shit and tastes like shit – the chances are it’s shit.
    Similarly if you support authoritarian nationalism (check), forcible suppression of opposition (check),and oppose liberalism (check) – You’re a Fascist.
    Now I know you’re going to try and come out and say, you don’t support these things, and Trump doesn’t want to do these things, and it’s the MSM corrupting his noble plan, yadda yadda yadda, but this is how it starts – small power grabs, slow erosion of democracy, undermining confidence in the system, until tiny step by tiny step, you find yourself in a full blown authoritarian fascist dictatorship.

    I can forgive the uneducated for their mistakes – they don’t know any better and mostly lack the foresight to see the big picture. You however, are clearly clever, and use your intelligence to enable and normalize this stuff, well aware of what the end will be. what I cannot for the life of me figure out is what YOU get from this.
    How do YOU benefit from increased conflict & racial division ?

    Free Member

    this is how it starts – small power grabs, slow erosion of democracy, undermining confidence in the system, until tiny step by tiny step, you find yourself in a full blown authoritarian fascist dictatorship.

    your claims are undermined by my consistent support for direct democracy, which is utterly alien to, and a guard against, both totalitarian and fascist regimes
    In fact, I’ve said repeatedly on here that we ought to be more like Switzerland, with a mechanism for the people to demand referenda on both legislation and constitutional issues

    Full Member

    “All within the state…blah blah blah deflect deflect

    Interesting that you choose a quote by Mussolini, is that by way of again misrepresenting history in your blinkered view. I can’t be a “fascist” as I’m not an Italian right winger in the mould of Ambris and Marinetti?”

    well, you carry on, must be hard for you, I understand.

    Full Member

    I refer you to George Orwell

    I refer you to this poster, once available in the gift shop at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum:

    See how many you can tick.

    Free Member

    What a nonsense list – all but three of them would have applied to the Soviet Union.

    Try exerting a little more critical thinking instead of just parroting posters.

    Open you mind, maybe read a little

    Roger Griffin: there won’t be any fascist revival

    Full Member

    Text at the bottom is hard to read, it says:

    Laurence W. Britt wrote about the common signs of fascism in April 2003, after researching seven fascists regimes. Those were Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany, Benito Mussolini’s Italy, Francisco Franco’s Spain, Antontio de Oliveira Salazar’s Portual, George Papadopoulos’s Greece, August Pinochet’s Chile, Mohamed Suharto’s Indonesia. These signs resonate with the political and economic direction of the United states under Bush/Cheney. Get involved in reversing this anti-democratic direction while you still can!

    Man if he thought Bush and Cheney were bad I wonder what he makes of Trump?!

    Full Member

    You know I think I’d have voted for Doug Jones, the not being racist, sexist and accused of abuse of minors swings it for me. Anyone else like to say who they’d have voted for? We could do a fun poll.

    Full Member

    Try exerting a little more critical thinking instead of just parroting

    Says the man parroting Orwell out of context? 😆

    Free Member

    Try exerting a little more critical thinking instead of just parroting

    Brilliant. Deserves a second 😆

    Full Member

    What a nonsense list – all but three of them would have applied to the Soviet Union.

    yeah, because soviet Russia is an ideal, obvs 🙄

    Christ on a bendy bus you really are brainwashed aren’t you? When you react quickly to posts, you reveal more about how your mind works than I think you understand.

    Free Member

    ‘I can’t be a Fascist as I only support 13 of the 14 components…’

    Free Member

    I’ve not supported any side. or professed allegiance to one or the other. Because it’s not binary.
    I’ve called you out on your inhumanity, without taking a position myself. I will, and have condemn people for bad actions, regardless of what colour t shirt they wear.

    Because I’m not an idiot.

    Like you ninfan.

    You have a punch in the slats waiting for you any time I meet you in person you hatemonger

    Free Member

    Try exerting a little more critical thinking instead of just parroting

    Ha ha ha ha ha, hee hee hee.

    As GrahamS points out so concisely the irony in that comment is absolutely lip-smacking.

    Free Member

    You have a punch in the slats waiting for you any time I meet you in person you hatemonger

    Ah, the tolerant and respectful liberal intelligentsia reveal their true colours once again.

    Just imagine what the mods would do if me, chewy or Jamba had said that.

    Anyway, why bother trying to punch me? Why not just randomly fire a couple of rockets in the direction of Surrey in hope of hitting me instead,

    Full Member

    Just imagine what the mods would do if me, chewy or Jamba said that.

    feel free to report it.

    Free Member

    We all have the right to report something that doesn’t adhere to forum guidelines, specifically a personal attack or statement.

    On that subject, I’m not at all happy that this thread, much like the Referendum thread has become a slanging match and as such it’s probably long overdue being closed. But that’s my own opinion.

    Free Member

    Yep, report away.

    Doesn’t make you look any better, though, kiddo.

    Free Member

    You know I think I’d have voted for Doug Jones, the not being racist, sexist and accused of abuse of minors swings it for me. Anyone else like to say who they’d have voted for? We could do a fun poll.

    Or endorsed by the ‘president of color’…. that would definitely help swing it for me, you know, should I be finding the choice real difficult 😀

    +1 Jones.

    Free Member

    I don’t have a rocket launcher.
    I’ve also never professed to being liberal or intelligentsia.
    I am smart enough to know that your sophistry leads to the deaths of people’s nephews and uncles.

    Take a long, hard look at yourself

    Free Member

    He’s not a nazi, he’s just a very naughty boy..

    Full Member

    Roy Moore on not giving up:


    Some great quotes there:

    After the election of Donald Trump, a little over a year ago I saw a window of hope..

    ..[because] Today, we no longer recognize the universal truth that God is the author of our life and liberty.

    Abortion, sodomy, and materialism have taken the place of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

    We have stopped prayer in our schools.

    We have killed over 60 million of our unborn children.

    We have redefined marriage and destroyed the basis of family, which is the building block of our Country.
    We have even begun to recognize the right of a man to claim to be a woman, and vice versa.
    Immorality sweeps over our land.”

    Yeah he seems nice. 😯

    Free Member

    he is a **** loon and full of hate

    And god is apparently love

    Free Member

    Ninfan just to place your condemnation of the Palestinian rocket attacks in context how many Israelis have been killed by this atrocity ?

    Full Member

    Remember, antisemitism is fine if you’re a right winger, it’s only when a leftie says the word israel that it’s an unforgivable sin

    Free Member

    Anyone else like to say who they’d have voted for?

    Anyway back OT, I’d have voted for Sassy.


    Full Member

    Northwind – Member
    Remember, antisemitism is fine if you’re a right winger, it’s only when a leftie says the word israel that it’s an unforgivable sin

    Yeah, messed up old world eh?

    Free Member

    GrahamS – Member
    Yeah, apart from that alleged child molestation he seems really nice!

    My question is this. Has he been found guilty in the court of law? The key word is ‘alleged‘.

    The media can allege anyone they like. The person being alleged can either stand his/her ground or give up or give in, push or jump.

    Question is if the person is not being found guilty in the court of law, why jump to the conclusion? If the person is found guilty in the court of law then the person would resign anyway. Therefore, the question of support or not really has nothing to do with choosing the candidate. You can base your decision on allegation or you choose who you like. Simple really.

    So the question is not about whether I support or not, but whether the candidate will still be there for me/people to choose.

    dannyh – Member
    On that particular note:

    – looking a tad isolated after your post on the previous page…..

    Is isolation something negative? 😀
    Do you have to be accepted all the time? 😛

    ninfan – Member
    Just imagine what the mods would do if me, chewy or Jamba had said that.

    Slight distraction. (thinking to myself)
    Sometimes I wonder which is better day or night, hot or cold climate, black or white colour (or any of the contrasting colour), wet or dry environment … can one be present without the other? Can darkness be defined without light? Can there be North pole without South pole? hmmm … 😆

    Free Member

    A hail the kill file

    Free Member

    All hail the killfile.

    Full Member

    My question is this. Has he been found guilty in the court of law?

    No, the allegations are beyond the statute of limitations so they will not be prosecuted or go to court.

    Here is a good friend of his defending him on CNN by saying it was a long time ago and child molestation is just a misdemeanour offence in Alabama. 😯


    So the question is not about whether I support or not, but whether the candidate will still be there for me/people to choose.

    No you said: “I would vote Republican simply to kick Democrats out”

    So my question was simply, ignoring the alleged child molestation, do you actually support his views?

    Because personally I find them pretty repugnant.

    Free Member

    All heil the killfile 😉

    Free Member

    grahams is flat earth feeding on STW tonight 😉

    Free Member

    Has he conceded yet? It was just a bit creepy with the electorate telling him “No” that he wasn’t really getting it. Kind of typical behaviour for the likes of him.

    Free Member

    GrahamS – Member
    No, the allegations are beyond the statute of limitations so they will not be prosecuted or go to court.

    Here is a good friend of his defending him on CNN by saying it was a long time ago and child molestation is just a misdemeanour offence in Alabama.
    The question you need to ask is why now? Surely if he had done something bad he would need to be out of politics long time ago. The question is how did he survive his political career for so long?

    As for his good friend I don’t know who this person is even when he says who he is. Is he a politician too?

    No you said: “I would vote Republican simply to kick Democrats out”

    Yes, because that’s what the opponents do to each other. i.e. Democrats supporters (die hard ones) will Never vote for Republican.

    So my question was simply, ignoring the alleged child molestation, do you actually support his views?

    If you ignore the allegation then he is clean. Remember, the word is allegation.

    Do you base your judgement on allegation or speculation or hearsay? Or do you wait for some sort of evidence?

    Because personally I find them pretty repugnant.

    Everyone finds criminals repugnant. Not exception. i.e. proven guilty.

    Free Member

    But. Chewy, haven’t you seen the documentary evidence?

    Signed with one of those bic multi-colour pens I think

    Free Member

    ninfan – Member
    But. Chewy, haven’t you seen the documentary evidence?

    Crikey, that is absolute proof that is, it is true … 😮

    Signed with one of those bic multi-colour pens I think

    Guilty! The pen is the evidence. 😛

    Free Member

    Apart from the numerous accusations from a wide variety of sources….

    After the election of Donald Trump, a little over a year ago I saw a window of hope..
    ..[because] Today, we no longer recognize the universal truth that God is the author of our life and liberty.

    Abortion, sodomy, and materialism have taken the place of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

    We have stopped prayer in our schools.

    We have killed over 60 million of our unborn children.

    We have redefined marriage and destroyed the basis of family, which is the building block of our Country.
    We have even begun to recognize the right of a man to claim to be a woman, and vice versa.
    Immorality sweeps over our land.”
    These are the other reasons dinosaurs like Roy Moore are finished. When Alabama isn’t consumed by biblical plagues after a Democrat is in charge maybe more will move along.

    The only rights these guys want to defend is their own. If your not white, rich and already in power then screw you.

    Meanwhile they still have passed no meaningful bills, have not delivered any of their key promises and seem to be shedding staff quicker than a week old christmas tree drops needles.
    #FailingGovernment #SADFakes

    Full Member

    Is he a politician too?

    I believe he is a journalist, as is explained in the interview.

    If you ignore the allegation then he is clean.

    That wasn’t what I asked. I asked, ignoring the allegations, do you support his views??

    Everyone finds criminals repugnant. Not exception. i.e. proven guilty.

    Are you having convenient difficulty with English again tonight chewkw? 🙄

    I said I found his VIEWS repugnant. Views that he openly made as part of his campaign and the aftermath.

    You know the stuff about Islam being a fake religion that shouldn’t get protection by the constitution, about homosexuality being an unspeakable sin on a par with beastiality, and the bits about wanting to eliminate all amendments after the tenth (such as end of slavery and votes for women).

    Full Member

    deadlydarcy – Member

    Has he conceded yet?

    He can’t concede, he’s already lost.

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