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  • Donald! Trump!
  • PJM1974
    Free Member

    He’s always controversial when something big is about to go down that he won’t like.

    My guess is that Mueller is about to pull someone in.

    Full Member

    PJM1974 – Member
    He’s always controversial when something big is about to go down that he won’t like.

    My guess is that Mueller is about to pull someone in.

    Im not sure if hes intenionally doing it or hes just losing the plot as his house of cards comes down

    Full Member

    Jonathan Pie on fine form.

    (WARNING: Many swearings!)


    Full Member

    Yep, I like that.

    Full Member

    Pie has been a bit off form lately but that’s first class ranting 😆
    How on earth can lil Kim and Putin now be seen as normal well Thanks to to trump and his tweets, invading Northern Europe on the sly and firing icbms every weekend is now almost not news worthy.
    If they let him come to the wedding every copper in the uk will be on overtime.
    He knows exactly what he tweets I’m sure and the impact, he still is a nasty toad a white hooded one at that.

    Full Member

    Yep, superb rant!

    Free Member

    Jonathan Pie is an idiot. Trump hasn’t done or said anything remotely racist and using the term Nazi when it doesn’t apply simply weakens the argument.

    Free Member

    Trump hasn’t done or said anything remotely racist

    Hah…. oh wait…. you were being serious…. let me laugh even harder….


    Full Member

    So you wouldn’t say that retweeting deliberately misleading videos from the Britain First deputy leader (who is currently facing charges in court), that are clearly intended to stir up hatred towards muslims, qualifies as just a little bit racist?

    (and please don’t play the “Islam is not a race” card. It is very tired).

    Full Member

    enfht – Member
    Jonathan Pie is an idiot. Trump hasn’t done or said anything remotely racist and using the term Nazi when it doesn’t apply simply weakens the argument.

    I politely disagree.

    Even excluding these retweets Trump plays the race hate card whenever he’s out of his depth. Or simply sat on the bog I would imagine and bored.

    Sort out the NK crisis? Nah, bloody difficult. Stir up some hated as a smoke screen. Dead easy.

    He’s utterly vile, indefensible.

    Full Member

    Retweeting material from a racist group to me would imply some inherent racism in the retweeter. If you don’t agree with the initial tweets sentiments, in this case racism, then why retweet it. In summation Trump is a racist bawbag.

    Free Member

    Everything, absolutely everything about Trump beggars belief, but just as unfathomable are the people that crawl out to defend him. He is shown every day to be utter liar. How unhinged are the defenders of him?

    Full Member

    Ive never protested about anything in my life – im quiet happy just bobbing along, but i’ll do whatever it takes to go protest if Trump ever dares show his mug on a state visit.

    Full Member

    Ive never protested about anything in my life – im quiet happy just bobbing along, but i’ll do whatever it takes to go protest if Trump ever dares show his mug on a state visit.


    I’ve no idea how the “powers that be” have tolerated this fool for so long. An obvious idiot, de stabilising a lot of good work in world relations and US domestic issues.

    Full Member

    Lets be honest, Trump has supporters for the following reasons:

    1_ They receive a financial benefit from associating themselves with him (check out some of the sums of money people close to Trump are “paid” for pretty non existent services and functions). Which is why most of them are as financially dodgy as he is

    2_ They receive a political or social boost from associating themselves with him (Most of his “friends”, and i use that word advisedly, are simply using him to further their fame or political standing. Which is why most of them are as immoral, self centered and racist as him.

    3_ They are a moron. If you don’t fit in to 1_ or 2_ then only reason you would support such a man of poor morals is because you yourself are too stupid to understand what he stands for

    Free Member

    to be fair to enfht he finds the views trump supported a bit liberal and lefty snowflake hence his post.

    Everyone who is not a hate fuelled racist knows how odious they were.

    Full Member

    Can Michelle please stand up and get the opposition to this idiot organised and effective?

    Free Member

    This is the position Brexit puts this Country in: We can’t go and condemn the President of one of the main countries we are seeking to do a trade deal with. We have to cosy up to the worst leaders in the World.

    Jonathan Pie , up there, has got it spot on, except to say I don’t think May’s polling would go through the roof, but it certainly wouldn’t do her any harm. It would at least show she has some backbone.

    Trump is a walking, talking virus.

    Free Member

    Talking of the Moron. Adversary, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson appears to be the latest (ok, next) to be shown the door …

    ‘White House plans to replace secretary of state’

    I have no words.

    Free Member

    I’ve never protested about anything in my life – im quiet happy just bobbing along, but i’ll do whatever it takes to go protest if Trump ever dares show his mug on a state visit.

    As a content middle age bloke from Suffolk(who isnt that keen on Islam or any other religion) I am already practicing my heckling for when this orange **** turns up.

    Free Member

    Britain reluctantly defends May against insane fascist

    Britain reluctantly defends May against insane fascist

    Free Member

    the trouble with protesting Trumps state visit is, to paraphrase Carly Simon, He’s so vain he’ll probably think we’re there to welcome him.

    Free Member

    If these videos are fake or the content is so unacceptable how come they are still on Twitter ? Answer they are mild in comparison to much of the sh.t there and Twitter does sweet FA about the vast majority of if.

    Anyway Trump is playing to his base which supports him Tweeting this sort of stuff. The fact others react helps him create the “them against us” he is looking for at home.

    Rex Tillerson is allegedly toast.

    Kryton he won the election, there is no “toleraence” here as such just a respect for the process. As much as everyone is reacting to what he’s doing he was the best of two deadful candidates.

    Full Member

    No, he wasn’t. He got the most votes from the right wing and redneck bunch.

    Performance to date shows he’s far from a desirable or best leader for the US, there surely is a process for removing such a person before more damage is done.

    Free Member

    If these videos are fake or the content is so unacceptable how come they are still on Twitter

    Because trump generates so much money and air time from twitter they wont touch him ; Twitter care more about publicity[ money and clicks] than right or wrong- hardly an unusual stance for a business. See also Facebook or the DM

    You can say shit but swear filter avoidance is the actual offence on here HTH

    Kryton he won the election, there is no “toleraence” here as such just a respect for the process. As much as everyone is reacting to what he’s doing he was the best of two deadful candidates

    Do you really want to claim is that the man who was chanting lock her up would be respecting the process if hilary had won with the least votes and the help of the russians?

    I also wonder how these redknecks and their supporters [on] here would be reacting if a Muslim president was tweeting links to a group where a senator or MP has been killed by a Muslim extremist chanting their name. I think we would have very different explanations of the events then. Its wrong and they would be appalled if it was that way round

    Decent people are appalled by both.

    Full Member

    the trouble with protesting Trumps state visit is, to paraphrase Carly Simon, He’s so vain he’ll probably think we’re there to welcome him.

    It will certainly boost the demand for free range eggs and out-of-date fruit.

    Free Member

    Christ, is Trump still president? I thought he was supposed to have been arrested/resigned/overthrown/imploded by now?

    Retweeting material from a racist group to me would imply some inherent racism in the retweeter. If you don’t agree with the initial tweets sentiments, in this case racism, then why retweet it.

    Do you know what, I think you’re right there, at least so much as how being mates with Hezbollah makes you a terrorist and an anti-semite. You know, If you don’t agree with their sentiments or policies, then why call them your friends?

    Free Member

    Trump hasn’t done or said anything remotely racist

    Piss-poor trolling from a piss-poor troll.

    I think we’ve scraped the bottom clean out of the barrel now, haven’t we?

    Full Member

    No, he wasn’t. He got the most votes from the right wing and redneck bunch.

    Performance to date shows he’s far from a desirable or best leader for the US, there surely is a process for removing such a person before more damage is done.
    Now you put it like that it’s not much different to the UK is it?

    Full Member

    “It’s weird because until he hit back, we all agreed her weak attempt at a reprimand was as pathetic as everything else she does. But the second Trump had a go, I felt unfamilar patriotism swelling.

    “Only we’re allowed to slag her off, you citrus prick. She’s shit, but she’s nowhere near as shit as you.”


    It really does highlight how spineless Theresa may is

    She’s just a political punchbag these days, countless calamities and Brexit has left her the but of every bad joke, of course Trump has no qualms about slapping her down

    And jambs raises a good point about how Twitter happily allows far right hate peddlers to spread their shit.

    Trump’s violated the Twitter terms more than once, it’s a shame they don’t have balls to ban him

    Full Member

    Christ, is Trump still president? I thought he was supposed to have been arrested/resigned/overthrown/imploded by now?

    I think he’s in the same novel position that our own ‘leader’ is.

    That being the pool of talent is shallow, and those that might pick up the batton
    are too sensible to want to walk into that mess.

    In the meantime it’s all going to pot.

    Full Member

    May has a long record of public service; you may think her performance has been poor but that’s not the point.
    By contrast Trump is an odious bigot; as dishonest as his tie is long; self-serving; lying; disreputable ‘business man’; a sexual predator; a windbag; draft dodger; thick; ignorant; a bully.
    Then there’s his bad side.

    Free Member

    Don’t really follow all of his blatherings on Twitter but I’m guessing it was more anti Islam sentiment.

    As much as people want to criticise this I wish they’d get the terminology correct.

    Islam is not a race, being anti Islam doesn’t infer racism …i can convert to Islam tomorrow, does my race change to?

    If people want to get all shouty and offended because he retweeted anti Islam videos fair enough but let’s stop desperately trying to equate a religion to a race in order to make it all seem so much more outrageous.

    Free Member

    I grew up in the “Swinging Sixties” when protesting was practically compulsory and I couldn’t be arsed over any of the issues of the day, Vietnam being the biggest. However I fully intend to travel the 200 miles to that London to shout myself hoarse in protest at the Orange Abomination and the Maybot, if she’s still got her nose up his arse.

    Free Member

    Do you know what, I think you’re right there, at least so much as how being mates with Hezbollah makes you a terrorist and an anti-semite. You know, If you don’t agree with their sentiments or policies, then why call them your friends?

    Oh some nice deflection there. Aren’t Hezbollah a major political party? Kinda different then isn’t it. Other differences: Corbyn apologised for the language he used & he was trying to encourage talks about the peace process. But I’m sure you know that.

    Full Member

    I don’t think it’s so much aniti Islam in the case of trump, I’m no psychologist but he strikes me as the kinda person you could play like a violin if you wanted to.

    May could simply publicy say she likes his stance on [insert inane thing] and he’d melt like butter.

    He’s not an intelligent person.

    Cross him though, he’s quite wealthy (by accident), and your gonna have a bad day.

    Typical bully, really.

    Free Member

    deviant if you wish to argue Britain first are not racist then please put forward your argument for detailed analysis

    Free Member

    Although definitely not right wing by any means, I often disagree with muxh of the sentiment on stw.

    When it comes to trump however I struggle to see how anyone can defend him in any way whatsoever. He has achieved nothing during his presidency, and has continually acted like a child throughout.

    The man is utterly pathetic and only a fool can’t see that.

    Free Member

    I think that is the best view to have as its not even about politics. He is just a petulant man child with odious morals, dubious ethics ;there is nothing to defend or like in this pussy grabbing pseudo racist gobshite.

    Its like me trying to defend George Galloway just because he is left wing

    Full Member
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