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  • Donald! Trump!
  • MSP
    Full Member

    Just being exposed as a horrible racist cock isn’t enough, there has to be evidence of illegal activity to remove him, especially as the GOP are so desperate to hang onto power and push through as many tax breaks for the rich as possible before they are consigned to the dustbin of history.

    Full Member

    hes on the birther stuff again


    I really wonder if theres some big meuller news on the way

    Full Member

    especially as the GOP are so desperate to hang onto power and push through as many tax breaks for the rich as possible before they are consigned to the dustbin of history.

    I think the more important thing for them is to stack the courts full of judges who will push the right agenda. With their blocking of pretty much everyone Obama put forward means lots of places available.

    Full Member

    Strong words from TM on Trumps far right propaganda tweets.

    Only kidding, true to form she has bottled it again.

    Free Member

    Strong words from TM on Trumps far right propaganda tweets.

    Only kidding, true to form she has bottled it again.

    Our PM is about as much use as Pope Frank’s knob.

    Free Member

    He’s bored, to scared to go outside just in case the fat korean boy beats him up again. OAPs are scared of youths!

    Full Member

    been away, just seen this on the news, but did hear Sarah Sanders defending the tweets and fake news with ‘”Whether it’s a real video, the threat is real,” Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters. “His goal is to promote strong border security and strong national security.” ‘


    We know Trump’s a nutter but how can these people turn up to work every day and defend this shit and still be able to look in a mirror afterwards?

    Malvern Rider
    Free Member

    We know Trump’s a nutter but how can these people turn up to work every day and defend this shit and still be able to look in a mirror afterwards?

    The bar is getting lower. In general. Internet dun maek us all dummer and meaner and less rigerus

    Free Member


    So much for them trade agreements. 😀

    Free Member

    Possibly it is the height of professionalism. If you can spin his crap well, you can go on to get a job for Nestle, Colombian drug dealers or Croatian genocidal maniacs. Shows remarkable mental flexibility!

    Full Member

    So much for them trade agreements.

    Jeez. Still, at least we can cancel the state visit / wedding invite now. Although I’d quite like him to come so we can all go and tell him directly what we think.

    Full Member

    Indeed, disappointed he won’t be coming now as it would’ve been amusing to see just how big the protests got.

    As for him criticising May, are there any humiliations left for the poor woman?

    Full Member

    I still haven’t seen any indication his state visit will be cancelled, I expect TM is hiding in the broom closet hoping it all goes away.

    Free Member

    Nope visit still on despite being a petulant child, he just needs to survive that long, maybe did I see Flynn was chatting more to Muller?

    Full Member

    The best response would be to release three videos of a Trump impersonator grabbing a staff member by the p****y, juggling with the nuclear launch button, and overseeing the building of gas chambers; with the message “it doesn’t matter if they are real, the threat is real”

    Full Member

    Wow, just heard Ann Coulter defending Trump on R4.

    I feel like I need a shower, but what shower gel to remove the stench of far right lunacy?

    Free Member

    I am not a fan of ad hominem attacks, but Ann Coulter’s voice makes me want to pour cement in my ears.

    Full Member

    Yep, saw her on C4 News last night. It is hard to find words to describe the vile qualities on display. Krishnan Gurumurthy was a bit wrongfooted by the sheer audacity of her relationship with facts.

    Full Member

    As for him criticising May…

    As an aside, he apparently initially tweeted to the wrong Theresa May!

    Free Member

    As an aside, he apparently initially tweeted to the wrong Theresa May!

    Did he get a better response than from the ‘real one ?

    Free Member

    Could the other Theresa May take over the county for a bit?

    Full Member

    Apparently the other Theresa May only has 6 followers. Which is still 3 more than the PM can count on from the physical ranks of ‘her’ party currently.

    Ann Coulter……amazing. I thought Justin was just about managing to stay professional, but the temptation to go full troll mode must have been so high!

    Free Member

    Ann Coulter knows that she’s being a dick, she’s made a career out of being a dick and will continue to be a dick for as long as she’s given airtime. Ten years ago, we all laughed at the like of Coulter, now the swap seems to be teeming with shrill, white activists with a tenuous grasp on reality.

    I expect her to be hired by the Daily Heil any day now.

    Full Member

    I’m sure the journalists think that giving her so much air time exposes her and her views… but it doesn’t, it normalises them, and helps her achieve her aims.

    Malvern Rider
    Free Member

    I’m sure the journalists think that giving her so much air time exposes her and her views… but it doesn’t, it normalises them, and helps her achieve her aims.


    I remember when her ilk were viewed as extreme and ‘over there’.

    Depressing as f.

    Full Member

    I feel a bit sorry for Theresa May. I thought the tweet that was put out yesterday was a good response, and from a “normal” diplomatic standpoint, it was pretty blunt. but she’s (they? I presume many folk have access to her twitter, and responses are probably a group effort) up against some-one who’s revealed himself to be a racist, but he’s also the Pres…where d’you go with that? Everybody understands we’ve got to have good relations with the USA, but I don’t think 140 characters is probably a good way of conducting Atlantic diplomacy with some-one as un-hinged as Trump. Loose if you try to respond, look bad if you don’t…

    Free Member


    That’s exactly the point. We’re forced into debating the merits of censorship in order to counter the tripe that Coulter et al spout, which plays right into the hands of their wider agenda. They actually want to be censored and silenced, it legitimises their attack on liberal values however well meaning.

    Honestly, the best thing we can all do is to collectively passively resist when these people speak. If we all ignored them, they’d go away. Equally, if we satirise them and make them figures of ridicule while indulging their freedom of expression then it’s equally effective.

    Equally, the very best thing that happened to Hatey Plopkins was her and her employer getting repeatedly sued for defamation of character and slander. If ever I bump into Jack Monroe in London, I will be sure to contribute handsomely to their bar tab.

    Full Member

    holding his tiny racist hand was alway going to come back and haunt May

    urgent Q in the commons, will May have the courage to rebuke Trump or even teh US ambassador

    that rumoured visit in 2018 looking ever less likely, Obama at Royal wedding & not trump could just tip him over the edge!

    Full Member

    Obama not Trump would be amazing…. make it happen, Harry!

    Free Member

    I liked this one …

    Former Conservative minister Tim Loughton said if Twitter was “genuine in its commitment to fight hate crime online” it would delete the US President’s account.

    And this tweet from Brendan Cox.

    Full Member

    Yeeeshk some of the responses to those tweets. Yik!
    And the disinformation/lies/BS that some people seem to have completely swallowed, like this guy:

    You have to be joking too, UK is a terrorist hideout. You had more bombings and all kind of jazz in a month than the entire world. What a joke.

    Really??!? WTF

    Full Member

    What has to happen to get this man out of power?
    what would happen if this man were to lose power? a re-election?
    Can we have Obama back please? 🙁

    Full Member

    This tory government is a **** embarrassment, it is acting like a battered wife defending an abusive husband “but the relationship is special”. Grow a pair and tell him exactly the kind of scum he is and that he is not welcome.

    Free Member

    I don’t do Twitter so can someone explain how Trump found these videos in the first place?

    Is it a case of ‘I see you like KKK, how about a bit of BF’? Did he search for this stuff or does it just drop into his feed?

    Full Member

    I doubt trump personally searches for such vile comments to retweet as he has an entire coterie of acolytes only too aware of how to further their own agenda – these are the people who should be called out for leading the USA down the road of 1930’s Germany.

    Free Member

    I don’t do Twitter so can someone explain how Trump found these videos in the first place?

    Maybe he follows that Britain First scumbag. 10s of thousands of people do.
    As quick as Trump was to retweet such crap, he could’ve got an aide to find out whether they were real. I mean, I check stuff is real before posting to a few people on STW, but the President, no such bother. It really is incredible.
    (Btw: https://www.snopes.com/video-beating-dutch-boy-crutches/)

    Free Member

    You’d think he had a country to f*** up lead.

    Full Member

    he only follows 45 people

    one of them is professional right wing troll & shit-stirrer ann coulter, she posted the tweets first and he just followed her.

    the rumours are that hes becoming more unhinged and focusing on ever crazier conspiracy theories, including the classics Obama birther thing, his vote number & crowd was bigger than hillary/obama respectively & now saying that his pussy grabbing recording was faked



    Free Member

    It’s weird, I was only thinking earlier this week, how Trump related news had gone a bit quiet… now all this.

    Full Member

    its all gone a bit black mirror tbh

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