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  • Donald! Trump!
  • chewkw
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    GrahamS – Member
    Apologies for FB video but this expresses it well:

    Actually the opposite is true for people in other part of the world.
    President Trump is correct in his manner for a formal occasion while ex-President Obama has blurred the line between formal and informal occasion.

    Full Member

    Nothing to do with formal or informal more to do with basic respect, same thing in the video where they get out the car and he just walks off and ignores her.

    Full Member

    Actually the opposite is true for people in other part of the world.

    They are not in “other part of the world” though are they?
    They are in good ol’ USofA where, like the UK, Obama is being a gentleman and Trump is barely acknowledging his wife.

    But yeah I’m sure they are fine…

    😯 #freemelania

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    Full Member

    His executive order to go ahead with the pipeline in the indian reserve might not go down very well either .especially as he has shares into one of the business dealing with it .

    Free Member

    lets hope the intelligence industry are so pissed off with him that someone hacks his tax returns and leaks them! That would be awesome!

    Free Member

    akira – Member
    Nothing to do with formal or informal more to do with basic respect, same thing in the video where they get out the car and he just walks off and ignores her.

    You need to kiss hand to show respect to your wife in a formal occasion?

    GrahamS – Member
    They are not in “other part of the world” though are they?
    They are in good ol’ USofA where, like the UK, Obama is being a gentleman and Trump is barely acknowledging his wife.

    But yeah I’m sure they are fine…

    Yes, they are in Merica so why make it as a big deal that President Trump did not kiss his wife hand? Why make the comparison? That’s not the way to score points you know.

    Barely acknowledging his wife? Are you seriously trying to tell people how they should behave as husband and wife? 😆

    Free Member

    Spicer having more fun with “twist and shout” today

    Full Member

    I don’t need to tell trump how to act, he’s been a misogynist for years so I imagine he can do it without prompting.

    Full Member

    His executive order to go ahead with the pipeline in the indian reserve might not go down very well either .especially as he has shares into one of the business dealing with it .

    May not go down very well with the miners put out of work by cheap gas.

    Free Member

    Barely acknowledging his wife? Are you seriously trying to tell people how they should behave as husband and wife?

    Your allegiance to this total and utter piece of crap is commendable. I know you’re just saying the opposite of the rest for some kind of effect, but still.
    EDIT: It reminds me of a sign I saw many years ago that read, ‘Can you afford to vote Conservative?’ Change Conservative for Trump chewkw and see what the result is, dear boy, and I bet the answer is no, you can’t. 🙁

    Full Member

    I see ninfan has quit bragging about how mighty fine Meliana is and I’m sure that she endures every flabby, high energy, Viagra powered thrust with great enthusiasm, but love needs respect and trust

    Its all the more apparent following on from the Obamas and all those brilliant (media friendly photogenic) un-selfconscious displays of affection,

    Its obvious that Donald J Trump loves Donald J Trump, anyone else I couldnt say

    The largest global protest about anything ever? was by women objecting to period hating Donald J Trump, they were right to protest, hes a scumbag.

    maybe he’ll be a great president, but hes still a scumbag

    Free Member

    That Trumpet image is brilliant, they guy is a total prick.

    Free Member

    Well this is really bad news (again) He’s gone full dictator on environmental protection already..

    The Trump administration has instituted a media blackout at the Environmental Protection Agency and barred staff from awarding any new contracts or grants.

    Emails sent to EPA staff since President Trump’s inauguration on Friday and reviewed by the Associated Press detailed the specific prohibitions banning news releases, blog updates or posts to the agency’s social media accounts.

    The Trump administration has also ordered a “temporary suspension” of all new business activities at the department, including issuing task orders or work assignments to EPA contractors. The orders are expected to have a significant and immediate impact on EPA activities nationwide.

    Similar orders barring external communications have been issued by the Trump administration at other federal agencies in recent days, including the Agriculture and Interior departments.

    Staffers in EPA’s public affairs office are instructed to forward all inquiries from reporters to the Office of Administration and Resources Management.

    “Incoming media requests will be carefully screened,” one directive said. “Only send out critical messages, as messages can be shared broadly and end up in the press.”

    A review of EPA websites and social media accounts, which typically include numerous new posts each day, showed no new activity since Friday.

    White House spokesman Sean Spicer said Tuesday he had no information on the blackout. He said aides were looking into the circumstances.

    Free Member

    captainsasquatch – Member
    Your allegiance to this total and utter piece of crap is commendable. I know you’re just saying the opposite of the rest for some kind of effect, but still.

    Actually it is a non-issue but the oppositions suddenly see it as something that is worth mentioning for whatever reason. I am merely pointing to the fact that it is not wrong for not kissing your wife in a formal occasion. The people don’t need to know a person can be affectionate or not. That is their private matter. In other far east culture that is seen as disrespectful to your host. Try to do that at a formal state in the far east occasions. Once or twice you might be fine … too often … hmmmm …

    EDIT: It reminds me of a sign I saw many years ago that read, ‘Can you afford to vote Conservative?’ Change Conservative for Trump chewkw and see what the result is, dear boy, and I bet the answer is no, you can’t.

    I think that is a non-issue too if the name is changed to whatever because it is the people who decide. The question is wouldn’t the opposition be jumping for joy if that is the case so why the concern? 😆

    Free Member

    Actually it is a non-issue but the oppositions suddenly see it as something that is worth mentioning for whatever reason. I am merely pointing to the fact that it is not wrong for not kissing your wife in a formal occasion. The people don’t need to know a person can be affectionate or not. That is their private matter. In other culture that is seen as disrespectful. Try to do that at state occasions.

    You seem oblivious to the fact that non verbal communication is an involuntary act. But it is not another culture either, so I would expect Trumpet to follow the norms of other West Midland folk. The fact you are from a different culture is irrelevant.

    Free Member

    kimbers – Member
    Its all the more apparent following on from the Obamas and all those brilliant (media friendly photogenic) un-selfconscious displays of affection,

    If ex-President Obama is affectionate towards his wife and they are loving couples yes that is fine. They don’t make a big deal out of their relationship why should you or the media?

    Its obvious that Donald J Trump loves Donald J Trump, anyone else I couldnt say

    He does love himself but is that a crime?

    The largest global protest about anything ever? was by women objecting to period hating Donald J Trump, they were right to protest, hes a scumbag.

    They are entitled to protest but what they are protesting I haven’t a clue.

    maybe he’ll be a great president, but hes still a scumbag

    Maybe? 🙂

    Free Member

    captainsasquatch – Member
    You seem oblivious to the fact that non verbal communication is an involuntary act. But it is not another culture either, so I would expect Trumpet to follow the norms of other West Midland folk. The fact you are from a different culture is irrelevant.

    You are stating the obvious as people can see that very clearly to make up their minds. There is No need for the media or anyone else to remind us they are affectionate couples.

    Yes, it is another culture I agree as I respect that. But then when the media use it to discredit or credit a family over another they cross the line regardless of culture.

    Free Member

    You are stating the obvious as people can see that very clearly to make up our mind. There is No need for the media or anyone else to remind us they are affectionate couples.

    Yes, it is another culture I agree as I respect that. But then when the media use it to discredit or credit a family over they cross the line regardless of culture.
    Come again? 😐

    Free Member

    captainsasquatch – Member
    Come again?

    The ex-President is affectionate towards his wife.

    The media should not make a big deal out of it. 😛

    Full Member

    They are entitled to protest but what they are protesting I haven’t a clue.

    Never a truer word spoken.

    Full Member

    meh I dont think either of them are having much fun 😉

    1st dinner as president surely you’d be a bit cheerier!

    Free Member

    The ex-President is affectionate towards his wife.

    As I said, you clearly know nothing of non verbal communication if you have come to that conclusion. And trust me, culture has **** all to do with it. Look closely into the eyes of a Burka wearer and tell me you can’t see what’s going on.
    She doesn’t seem too affectionate towards him though, but I imagine her opinion isn’t important. She’s still quite fit though.

    Free Member

    In the Trump gif I think he had just seen a cat he wanted to play with and was checking is Melania was watching….

    Full Member

    I think he was eyeing up the blond behind his wife.

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    captainsasquatch – Member

    The ex-President is affectionate towards his wife.

    As I said, you clearly know nothing of non verbal communication if you have come to that conclusion. And trust me, culture has **** all to do with it.[/quote]
    Okay, I see his affection towards his wife.

    Now you explain to me what you see so I know what you are talking about otherwise I assume what I see.

    Trust me culture has plenty to do with it.

    Look closely into the eyes of a Burka wearer and tell me you can’t see what’s going on.

    Please note that this example does not make sense and may get you into plenty of troubles. Don’t do it.

    Free Member

    He does love himself but is that a crime?

    Narcissism is hardly a desirable personal quality…

    In fact, it can be deeply destructive & disassociating – qualities that might make someone unfit to hold a position with considerable power & responsibility….ohhhhh like being POTUS perhaps?

    Free Member

    mrlebowski – Member
    Narcissism is hardly a desirable personal quality…

    President Trump, The President of United State?

    In fact, it can be deeply destructive & disassociating – qualities that might make someone unfit to hold a position with considerable power & responsibility….ohhhhh like being POTUS perhaps?

    How do you know? 😆

    Free Member

    For the love of… even you can’t believe the crap you spout chewkw. 🙄

    Full Member

    To be fair to chewkw he’s trying to defend the indefensible, you can’t do that without flights of fancy and alternative facts.

    Free Member

    Hmm, strange it’s now “loving arrectionate Obama”

    Not long back it was “Obama marriage on the rocks” and “Obamas to divorce”

    OR maybe the press get things wrong?

    Free Member
    I think Trump is about to set his own record for being so incredibly wrong so hugly many times.
    Based on studies
    What studies
    Which ones
    Studies OK
    Step Left, Step Right, duck jump and repeat….

    Full Member


    a lot of trumpers have been trying to say the melania smackdown gif is fake news and infact reversed, even though its shown from multiple angles

    Full Member

    Trump voter fraud seems to be based on information from infowars which I’m sure we can all agree is about the most biased alternative fact spouting nonsense out there. To be honest I quite like the snowman but Alex Jones really has a lot to answer for.

    Full Member

    Donald Trump just can’t let it go. Even with a comfortable electoral college victory over Hillary Clinton last November, his three-million-vote deficit to his Democratic presidential opponent clearly is eating at him. It’s an open wound on his psyche that leaves him looking for someone to blame.

    true dat!

    Free Member

    again youse have ventured into tabloidism. You can paint any picture you like with a few stills or gifs. rise above it ffs.

    Full Member

    LOL at ninfan quoting “Washington Star News – News From The Right”

    OR maybe the press get things wrong?

    Surely it’s only the lefty liberal MSM that get things wrong?
    Those look like some pretty well chosen stills. #fakenews much?

    a lot of trumpers have been trying to say the melania smackdown gif is fake news and infact reversed, even though its shown from multiple angles

    Here’s a link to the exact moment in the inauguration video when it happens.

    Oh and that video happens to be RT America channel – not exactly leftie cucks 😀

    I reckon he was asking her if she’d packed the rubber sheets and had plenty to drink 😆

    Full Member

    his ego will bring him down a lot quicker than his opponents or allies .

    Free Member

    Oh dear, it’s all falling apart for the lefties now 😀


    Free Member

    His huge ego is what helped him win the US presidency.

    It’s strange how some people still insist on dismissing Trump as a complete loser.

    If only it were true.

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