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  • Donald! Trump!
  • mikey74
    Free Member

    Surely it is the democratic responsibility of those in opposition to question those in office and bring to task when they step out of line. That goes for all voters, not just those who are in office.

    When the opposition gets into power is the time when protests should start: There’s no point in protesting against someone who isn’t in office.

    I don’t recall anyone saying these protests were against the election result. My understanding was that they were all about Trump’s behaviour and his sexist, homophobic, and racist rhetoric.

    Free Member

    You have to question why anti-Trump protesters are taking the credit for destroying it then

    Fake news. Just whipping up more sympathy form his idiot supporters. Christ they’re stupid.

    Free Member

    Ah, ‘peaceful protest’ you mean?

    what like brexit “without a shot being fired” ?

    Free Member

    You always know when Herr ninfan is trumped when he resorts to putting pictures up

    Free Member

    I think all you lefties are the ones who’ve been Trumped

    instead of engaging in meaningful discussion

    Where is the meaningful discussion? you individually, and the left collectively, have thrown every insult and criticism possible at Trump throughout the election campaign, and he still won – yet you’ve managed to learn so little from that that your only response it’s to continue throwing insult and criticism at him in the hope that it will somehow have a different result. No wonder us supporters are all basking in the warmth of his victory, which was made even sweeter by the fact that he was helped on his way by Farage 8)

    Free Member

    So, I just read, Rudy Guilliani as cyber security adviser? 😆 Is it april 1st? 😆

    Full Member

    I assume he’s laughing at some wheel chair user that’s had an unfortunate accident.

    Free Member

    I wonder who’ll be the first foreign dignitary to have a translation brainfade and call him President Fart.

    Free Member

    Anyone want to start a sweepstake to when Republicans get tired of him and do a Ceaser on him (figuratively) talking to a friend in Colorado she thinks that it could easily happen.

    Full Member

    Oh look – another funny picture from ninfan.

    Free Member

    have thrown every insult and criticism possible

    Oh the ironing, Dumpkopf

    Free Member

    This appeared on Facebook the other day.

    This sums up what the majority of ‘Mericans I have worked with this year feel. However, they are nearly all from Florida, Louisiana and Texas, so think if you drive a car with less than 8 cylinders you are a communist.


    It happened because you banned super-size sodas. And smoking in parks. And offensive ideas on campus. Because you branded people who oppose gay marriage ‘homophobic’, and people unsure about immigration ‘racist’. Because you treated owning a gun and never having eaten quinoa as signifiers of fascism. Because you thought correcting people’s attitudes was more important than finding them jobs. Because you turned ‘white man’ from a description into an insult. Because you used slurs like ‘denier’ and ‘dangerous’ against anyone who doesn’t share your eco-pieties. Because you treated dissent as hate speech and criticism of Obama as extremism. Because you talked more about gender-neutral toilets than about home repossessions. Because you beatified Caitlyn Jenner. Because you policed people’s language, rubbished their parenting skills, took the piss out of their beliefs. Because you cried when someone mocked the Koran but laughed when they mocked the Bible. Because you said criticising Islam is Islamophobia. Because you kept telling people, “You can’t think that, you can’t say that, you can’t do that”. Because you turned politics from something done by and for people to something done to them, for their own good. Because you treated people like shit. And people don’t like being treated like shit. Trump happened because of you.

    Free Member

    The sentiment behind that isn’t actually far off, the left have dissappeared up their own arse, no doubt about that! 😆 Not that I agree with the right either, politics on all sides these days is rotten.

    Free Member

    I don’t think anything illustrates that disappearance up the nether regions as much as this loonball! 😆

    Free Member

    gobuchul – Member
    This appeared on Facebook the other day.
    “Trump happened because of you.”

    That’s so funny. 😆

    True, true, I agree totally.

    Full Member

    No wonder us supporters are all basking in the warmth of his victory, which was made even sweeter by the fact that he was helped on his way by Farage

    Nice try, but watching him whine at the CIA yesterday is a gift all us lefties have been waiting for,

    He is indeed the President,yet he’s still a vulnerable insecure biggot, with the lowest ever approval ratings, teeny hands and no self control, and no idea how to unite the country, he will have plenty more bad days, perhaps none so bitter sweet as making it to president but still not being respected by his intellectual and cultural betters, before the final sad impeachment

    Free Member

    Although I agree that Trump is just a petulant narcissistic attention seeking giant baby oompah-lumpah (with a WIG), attacking him personally doesn’t seem to stop him.

    Fight his actions. They are verifiable, although the chutzpah of the man would have him arguing black is white, and still not get run over on a zebra crossing.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Pigface – Member

    He is an angry bloke isn’t he 😆

    Okay some constructive criticisims for him … I think he could improve on his arguments by arguing for something new rather than those that have been played to death. He needs new materials. If he wants ideas I can give him some but he needs to pay me first.

    Who has written all the “angry” lines for him coz that person should be fired for recycling everything out there. This is the sort of so called “media” that is not entertaining trying to entertain. His materials are so repetitive he is not even the first one to do this act. Most comedians have already covered his style of presentation so I think he could do better by changing his style.

    Waving around with his hands and doing all his shouty shouty are old hat my son. You need to do better. Fire that bloke who asks you to do that because that person has run out of ideas.

    Who is he (youtbue bloke) anyway? Honestly, coz I have never heard of him before. 😆

    Is he trying to be political commentator or is he trying to be entertaining? Because he is not here nor there as he is playing safe by adopting the in between style.

    Full Member

    Where is the meaningful discussion, you individually, and the left collectively,, have thrown every insult and criticism possible at Trump throughout the election campaign, and he still won

    The problem is trump and his supporters thinking that he has ‘Won’, and hence thinking that they can justify shouting down any discussion before it’s even become “meaningful” or otherwise…

    He’s thrown as much shite as he’s taken, nobody came out of the campaigns looking particularly good. And this is only the beginning, certainly not the end…

    He has won an election with rhetoric, hyperbole and wild promises pitched primarily at white working and middleclass Americans, befuddled by globalisation and social changes…

    His inauguration speech was more of the same, which simply reinforced the doubt many have over there being any real substance behind his bluster…

    He’s a Republican President with a majority which you might think would give him the power and influence to push through almost anything he wants, but he is far from universally loved by Republican party members.

    He’s going to need to compromise and do the deals he claims to be an expert at to achieve anything like the things he has promised, while maintaining that right-wing, support founded on a suspicion of establishment Washington power, so every compromise and dirty deal he does will help erode that anti-establishment support, it’s a balancing act and I don’t believe he really has the skill or guile to carry it off…

    A ‘Win’ would be better approval ratings a year from now, fewer people feeling the need to protest against him, and retaining enough of those voters for a second term…

    Free Member

    The problem is trump and his supporters thinking that he has ‘Won’

    Wake up call, you all, literally, laughed at the suggestion he could ever become president


    That alone is a Huuuge win, bigly!

    Full Member

    From some random place on the web

    If you are puzzled by the bizarre “press conference” put on by the White House press secretary this evening (angrily claiming that Trump’s inauguration had the largest audience in history, accusing them of faking photos and lying about attendance), let me help explain it. This spectacle served three purposes:

    1. Establishing a norm with the press: they will be told things that are obviously wrong and they will have no opportunity to ask questions. That way, they will be grateful if they get anything more at any press conference. This is the PR equivalent of “negging,” the odious pick-up practice of a particular kind of horrible person (e.g., Donald Trump).

    2. Increasing the separation between Trump’s base (1/3 of the population) from everybody else (the remaining 2/3). By being told something that is obviously wrong—that there is no evidence for and all evidence against, that anybody with eyes can see is wrong—they are forced to pick whether they are going to believe Trump or their lying eyes. The gamble here—likely to pay off—is that they will believe Trump. This means that they will regard media outlets that report the truth as “fake news” (because otherwise they’d be forced to confront their cognitive dissonance.)

    3. Creating a sense of uncertainty about whether facts are knowable, among a certain chunk of the population (which is a taking a page from the Kremlin, for whom this is their preferred disinformation tactic). A third of the population will say “clearly the White House is lying,” a third will say “if Trump says it, it must be true,” and the remaining third will say “gosh, I guess this is unknowable.” The idea isn’t to convince these people of untrue things, it’s to fatigue them, so that they will stay out of the political process entirely, regarding the truth as just too difficult to determine.

    This is laying important groundwork for the months ahead. If Trump’s White House is willing to lie about something as obviously, unquestionably fake as this, just imagine what else they’ll lie about. In particular, things that the public cannot possibly verify the truth of. It’s gonna get real bad.

    Full Member

    Wake up call, you all, literally, laughed at the suggestion he could ever become president

    And we’re still laughing at him desperately trying to prove he is the legitimate president

    Even though we know he is, that sad truth is undeniable… Or is it? I mean if he can imagine up an extra 1 million people at his inauguration, maybe we can all imagine he’s not president at all 😉

    He had no need to rail against the ‘ fake news’ yesterday, the pictures were numerous enough to convince everyone that less turned out than for Obama, or yesterday’s protests, but still he did.

    Post-truth, sore winners are the new world order it seems

    Free Member

    Not bad for 31 million live TV audience … not bad.

    Told you people cannot afford to travel just for the day because money can be put to good use BBQ-ing to celebrate the inauguration with TV on.

    News souce here … whatever.

    Nearly 31 million viewers watched live U.S. television coverage of Donald Trump’s presidential inauguration, far fewer than tuned in to Barack Obama’s first swearing-in, but otherwise the biggest such audience since Ronald Reagan entered office, ratings firm Nielsen reported on Saturday.

    Trump’s total was greater than both swearing-ins of Democrat Bill Clinton – 29.7 million and 21.6 million – and the second inauguration of Obama, who drew an average audience of over 20.5 million in 2013, Nielsen said.

    Free Member

    Wake up call, you all, literally, laughed at the suggestion he could ever become president

    & all you can do is mock….

    Do you have anything constructive to say??

    Full Member

    In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality, was tacitly denied by their philosophy.

    The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.


    Free Member

    So President Nincompoop has started his reign by directly attacking the fourth estate for the crime of printing the facts.

    His advisor describes his description of the inauguration crowd size as “alternative facts”.

    Perhaps what the Orange Buffoon and his pals need is their own newspaper.

    They could call it “Volkischer Beobachter” perhaps…

    Free Member

    Wake up call, you all, literally, laughed at the suggestion he could ever become president

    So let him get on with it and prove that he’s a president, a leader, getting voted in is probably the easiest part. Throw the voters a few promises that you’ll never keep in order to get elected. He’ll be slaughtered when he’s faced with real presidential day-to-day stuff.
    All he has at the moment is a rather good name plate n the door to his office, nothing else.
    Fingers crossed, eh?

    Free Member

    @ Jambalaya – Sons of Jacob – re Atwood’s ‘A Handmaid’s Tale’.

    Free Member

    chewkw – Member
    Pigface – Member

    He is an angry bloke isn’t he
    Okay some constructive criticisims for him … I think he could improve on his arguments by arguing for something new rather than those that have been played to death. He needs new materials. If he wants ideas I can give him some but he needs to pay me first.

    Who has written all the “angry” lines for him coz that person should be fired for recycling everything out there. This is the sort of so called “media” that is not entertaining trying to entertain. His materials are so repetitive he is not even the first one to do this act. Most comedians have already covered his style of presentation so I think he could do better by changing his style.

    Waving around with his hands and doing all his shouty shouty are old hat my son. You need to do better. Fire that bloke who asks you to do that because that person has run out of ideas.

    Who is he (youtbue bloke) anyway? Honestly, coz I have never heard of him before.

    Is he trying to be political commentator or is he trying to be entertaining? Because he is not here nor there as he is playing safe by adopting the in between style.

    If only you could apply that same critical thinking to Trump

    Free Member


    😆 😆 😆

    see you in court Mr Pie 🙂

    sorry Pigface I didn’t see you had already posted it 🙂 must keep up !

    Free Member

    😆 no worries

    They are now calling the lies about the numbers at the inauguration “alternative facts” 😯

    Sounds like a Jambafact 😆

    Free Member

    alternative facts

    like the nbc chaps response

    Alternative facts are not facts they are falsehoods


    Full Member

    Waving around with his hands and doing all his shouty shouty are old hat my son. You need to do better. Fire that bloke who asks you to do that because that person has run out of ideas.

    Could just as easily be Trump

    Free Member

    Alternative facts are not facts they are falsehoods

    or just lies, call it what it is!

    Free Member

    GrahamS – Member
    In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality, was tacitly denied by their philosophy.

    The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.


    Criticisms that can be levvied at all sides(orwells intention imo). Trump ain’t doing anything new here, expanding on things perhaps(I’m in the wait and see camp), but bullshit is nothing unique, to him, the repulican party nor the right.

    It’s half the problem with the left, an inability to be self critical and see in themselves what they see in others.

    An example of that is the glee at which the antifa mob seem to be sharing around that vid of the alt right guy getting sucker punched. My thoughts there are aye nice, but really are fascist tactics acceptable as long as you do them?

    Free Member

    nice article on us health care and the probems it poses

    The Affordable Care Act addresses that question by requiring everyone to get coverage or face a tax penalty. That mandate is meant to increase the number of healthy people who have insurance, distributing the costs of caring for those who are sick across a wider population. The thinking is that if enough healthy people sign up, the costs of sick people will be offset for insurers.

    The trouble for septics is this will never wash with them, in the US healthy wealthy people hate paying for poor ill people.

    Full Member

    Criticisms that can be levvied at most political parties tbh

    Agreed seosamh77.

    But what’s happening now is a much more literal interpretation than that. Trump and his spokesperson are literally telling us not to believe our eyes and that 2 plus 2 is actually a record breaking crowd.

    Full Member

    If only you could apply that same critical thinking to Trump


    Full Member

    Klunk – Member

    The trouble for septics is this will never wash with them, in the US healthy wealthy people hate paying for poor ill people.

    Interesting fact- when polled, 46% of Americans were opposed to Obamacare. Only 37% were opposed to the same thing if you call it the Affordable Care Act…

    seosamh77 – Member

    Criticisms that can be levvied at all sides(orwells intention imo). Trump ain’t doing anything new here, expanding on things perhaps(I’m in the wait and see camp), but bullshit is nothing unique, to him, the repulican party nor the right.

    Bullshit isn’t unique of course but

    Media reports facts
    White House lambasts them for reporting facts
    White House tells them to report “alternative facts”.
    Media protests, White House responds “”If we’re going to keep referring to the press secretary in those types of terms I think we’re going to have to rethink our relationship here”.

    There’s a difference between bullshit, and threatening the press for not reporting your bullshit.

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