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  • Donald! Trump!
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    Full Member

    well, given Roe vs Wade, their record thus far isn’t sparkly. I think you’re right, I think they’ll kick it as far past November as they can in the hope that Trump will get so roundly defeated that the whole thing becomes moot, or like you say; he dies while they dither.

    Full Member

    Looks like Trump has been handed down a contempt of court judgement for violating the terms of the gag order in the hush money trial. Unfortunately it’s only a $9000 dollar fine but he has been threatened with jail time if he “wilfully” breaches it again.

    Full Member

    But more importantly, charged with an offence that means he’s now breached the terms for bail on all the other cases he’s charged with.

    Free Member

    I expect that none of the other judges will act on it. They don’t have the balls to do it. Any normal citizen would already be in jail already. 🤷‍♂️

    Full Member

    Evidence in court is not looking good for ol’ Trumpy tho his lawyers seem to be doing a decent job of attacking witnesses.

    Full Member

    Given how far Biden has shoved his head up Netanyahu’s arse with his handling of the war/protests I think trump has a good chance of becoming president this year, its bidens presidency to lose….and he’s doing a good job of it.

    Full Member

    Oh Lando, I’m conflicted…


    Full Member

    Oh Lando, I’m conflicted…

    Maybe Lando was just saying “you’d look great in an orange race/jumpsuit” 🤷🏼‍♂️

    Full Member

    Trump claims ‘thousands of people’ were stopped from protesting his trial

    In truth they were – thousands of his supporters were prevented from gathering outside the courthouse by them simply failing to give enough of a **** or simply just having anything else to do. Theres going to be a trump court case happening somewhere most days, most weeks, all year. Why turn up to support or protest today instead of yesterday or tomorrow or next week or next month?

    Full Member

    Lando fulfilling one of the less pleasant contractual requirements. Hope he has access to a decent shower after getting pawed by VonShitzhispantz.

    Full Member

    Judge losing patience and Secret Service getting prepared….

    BBC News – Trump trial live: Judge warns the former president risks jail over gag order violations – BBC News

    Full Member

    Ten instances of contempt of court…and counting…

    No normal person would be allowed to get away with that, and not get at least a few days in jail for their insolence.

    Reading between the lines I think the Judge(s) are making a huge point of being very lenient with him to ensure there’s no political comeback from this…there’s absolutley no way he can say he’s been treated unfairly…it stinks but I understand the rationale.

    Full Member

    If Trump is thrown in jail for contempt, will that delay this trial or will it carry on in his absence?

    Or will he just be jailed overnight/outside court appearance time?

    Full Member

    If Trump is thrown in jail for contempt, will that delay this trial or will it carry on in his absence?

    Or will he just be jailed overnight/outside court appearance time?

    You can still go to court in the US if your are in just means you’ll be in shackles and an orange jump-suit for your hearing. Same as anyone else who can’t pay bond for unpaid speeding fines or whatever.

    It’s impossible for him to argue he’s being treated unfairly, if anything, he’s being treated a million times better than the average man.

    Free Member

    No normal person would be allowed to get away with that, and not get at least a few days in jail for their insolence.

    Anyone who can be a leader of a country is not a normal person.

    Reading between the lines I think the Judge(s) are making a huge point of being very lenient with him to ensure there’s no political comeback from this…

    If the judge(s) thinks he should not have a political comeback then the judge(s) can resign, and should not consider themselves as judge(s). i.e. if they cannot be impartial or politically motivated then the judge(s) are just as flaw the person being judged.

    there’s absolutley no way he can say he’s been treated unfairly…it stinks but I understand the rationale.

    The jury will have to decide and the lawyers will be very rich; and it’s all political.

    It’s impossible for him to argue he’s being treated unfairly, if anything, he’s being treated a million times better than the average man.

    If he is treated a million times better than the average man, the system is corrupted and the judge(s) are unfit.

    Full Member

    Trump actually wants it, I think. Playing the martyr card and promising vengeance is pretty much his entire campaign.

    Full Member

    I pity the prison officer who’s tasked with asking trump to bend over and spread his cheeks

    Free Member

    I pity the prison officer who’s tasked with asking trump to bend over and spread his cheeks

    I would like to see them jail a former President.

    Full Member

    Wouldn’t we all….

    Full Member

    I would like to see them jail a former President.

    I thought you were a fan. What has he done to upset you? :-)

    Free Member

    I thought you were a fan. What has he done to upset you? 🙂

    You need to read it in a slightly different way as a challenge. i.e. a dare.

    Anyone is better than an evil Biden who is trying to start a WWIII before he gets 6 feet under.

    Trump might like to grab the “cat” but he ain’t trying to dominate the world by force in the name of peace.

    Full Member

    Anyone is better than an evil Biden who is trying to start a WWIII before he get 6 feet under.

    Are you being satirical as I genuinely don’t know?

    Full Member


    Free Member

    Anyone is better than an evil Biden

    MTG called, she has some new material for you

    Free Member

    Can I just thank everyone that is ruining MTG as a game?


    Full Member

    What, Hasbro?

    Full Member

    Forecast for NYC today:  Stormy…

    Full Member

    He’s already flipped out about Daniels being called & his lawyers not getting enough notice she’d be appearing (he rapidly deleted his Truth Social post but the internet never forgets)  even though she had always been on the list a s a potential witness.

    And yes I think he’s more worried about more humiliating revelations about wee Donnie,  than losing this case, because he loves to play the victim

    Full Member

    Is that enough to get him locked up? ^^^

    Full Member

    I hope he brought a toothbrush to court.

    Full Member

    It probably is, but despite what chewk says trump will get away with it because the jusdges are letting him get away with stuff that would see anyone else locked up

    I also think having Daniels on the stand is going to increase the likelihood of him doing more silly stuff

    Free Member

    Stormy has been on the whiteness list for a year or so, so no surprises there, Donnie 🤷‍♂️

    Also it’s the prosecutions prerogative as to if they inform the defence about the witness order etc, considering Trumps proclivity to witness tampering, it’s no surprise that the prosecution has declined – hoist by your own petard you idiot 🤦🏻‍♂️

    Full Member

    trump will get away with it because the jusdges are letting him get away with stuff that would see anyone else locked up

    Of course they are. There’s very few other defendants for whom the threat of  slinging them in jail might cause rioting, violence and injury, perhaps even death(s).  Judge’s  got to take that into account. As much as it’d be amusing to watch, his supporters would likely pile onto the streets all over the US.

    Free Member

    Reminded him of his daughter


    Full Member

    well the orange shitgibbon well not like this…

    I just think I blacked out – I was not drunk I was not drugged … I just don’t remember.
    She says at some point, she ended up on the bed having sex with Trump.

    The next thing I know is I was on the bed, somehow on the opposite side of the bed from where we had been standing, I had my clothes and my shoes off … we were in missionary position.
    She said she “was staring up at the ceiling and didn’t know how I got there”.

    “Was he wearing a condom?” the prosecution asked. Daniels said: “No.”

    “Was that concerning to you?” Daniels replied: “Yes.”

    Did you say anything about it? Daniels said: “I didn’t say anything at all.”

    And was it brief? “Yes.”

    Full Member

    Is that not a description of rape? or is there more to the testimony where he gets consent?

    Full Member

    Yep sounds very non-consential

    Full Member

    Aparently Daniels has always said it was consential

    Free Member

    Of course they are. There’s very few other defendants for whom the threat of  slinging them in jail might cause rioting, violence and injury, perhaps even death(s).  Judge’s  got to take that into account. As much as it’d be amusing to watch, his supporters would likely pile onto the streets all over the US.

    That has zero bearing on whether someone should be jailed or not. He’s so far past the line and has been for months. Stick him in for as long as the judge wants, it is past time.

    You can’t decide someone’s punishment for a crime depending if there’ll be some upset people,  it just doesn’t work that way

    Anyone having a little riot as a result will be held to account – unlike Trump.

    Full Member

    Anyone who can be a leader of a country is not a normal person.

    Seem to be narcissists, sociopaths or psychopaths in a lot of cases. A normal person would be a refreshing **** change of pace!

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