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  • Donald! Trump!
  • MrWoppit
    Free Member

    “Cheap Trick” anybody?

    Free Member

    What happened to the Blazing Saddles pic? Somebody might have been appreciating it.

    Full Member

    Good on the Democrats. Seem to have already got more of a handle on being in opposition than any of our parties (sadly)…


    Free Member

    Regarding my previous point about people desperately defending soon-to-be President Snowflake despite the fact that he’s an execrable arsehole, it’s an interesting illustration that inconvenient facts seem to get forgotten in the verbiage.

    For instance that one ^ from jambalaya pointing out what he thinks of as Hilary Clinton’s corrupt “charity” whilst conveniently forgetting his hero’s own totally corrupt use of a charity as cover for his personal financial dealings….

    Free Member

    colournoise – Member
    Good on the Democrats. Seem to have already got more of a handle on being in opposition than any of our parties (sadly)…


    Paging binners, come in binners… 😆

    Full Member

    What happened to the Blazing Saddles pic?

    Thanks BBSB, I thought I was going mad for a moment, glad I didn’t send the same image around the office earlier if it’s deemed that offensive!

    Free Member
    Free Member

    For instance that one ^ from jambalaya pointing out what he thinks of as Hilary Clinton’s corrupt “charity” whilst conveniently forgetting his hero’s own totally corrupt use of a charity as cover for his personal financial dealings….

    ..or the claims from Team Trump that Elton John would be playing the Ugly Bug Ball, only for Elton John’s people to deny it. And Charlotte Church made a pretty pointed refusal. Still, there’s always someone who didn’t winthe X-factor – ehhh, nope forget that. Not even fake bands want to play at unrelated events containing the word “inauguration”. Not even non-celebrities want to turn up so they’re reduced to direct marketing on facebook. And none of this is humiliating or embarrassing according to #jambafacts.
    Ah look, one celebrity will be turning up after all.
    ”We’re fortunate in that we have the greatest celebrity in the world, which is the president-elect,” Tom Barrack, inaugural committee chairman, told reporters at Trump Tower in New York last week

    They’re touting Trump as THE celebrity who will be at his own inauguaration, desperate doesn’t even come close.

    Free Member

    For instance that one ^ from jambalaya pointing out what he thinks of as Hilary Clinton’s corrupt “charity” whilst conveniently forgetting his hero’s own totally corrupt use of a charity as cover for his personal financial dealings….

    At the start of this thread jambalaya was supporting Clinton.

    jambalaya – Member

    Its hard for us to see it here but Trump is the anti-establishment candidate.

    I was wrong about him not winning the nomination and I’d vote for Hillary but the US want’s a change.

    It seems that as the ugly truth about Trump became more apparent jambalaya decided that he was the best person to be US president.

    To be fair between 1999 and 2012 Trump changed parties 7 times, and when Hillary Clinton was running to be US senator Trump donated to her election campaign, he was also once a strong supporter of Bill Clinton, so chancing political stance is at least one thing that jambalaya has in common with Trump.

    Full Member

    Sadly I think Pruitt is part of Trump’s whole “anti-establishment” appointments:

    Pruitt, Climate Change Denier in charge of the Environmental Protection.
    Bannon, former chairman of Breitbart and former Goldman Sachs, as White House Chief Strategist
    Kushner, his own son-in-law as Senior Advisor to the President (possibly illegally?)
    Pompeo, who supports the use of waterboarding and other torture, Director of the CIA
    Flynn, borderline Islamophobe as National Security Adviser
    Sessions, KKK-sympathiser, reported racist, anti-ACLU as Attorney General
    Kennedy Jr, Anti-Vax Conspiracy Theorist in charge of Vaccine Safety Committee

    etc etc

    Bigly Sad!

    Hey at least someone is happy though right?

    David Duke, founder of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan

    Full Member


    Free Member

    I just watched some Fox News 😯 scary stuff, why are they calling anyone who opposes Trump a snowflake?

    Full Member

    It’s an alt-right wheeze that has made it’s way to the mainstream right.
    In the backlash against liberalism you can now make any derogatory, homophobic, sexist, xenophobic or generally moronic comment that you like and if anyone calls you on it you can dismiss them as “special snowflake”, too delicate for this world.

    See also the uses of SJW, Triggered! or “Virtue Signalling” in the same way.

    The irony is of course that the new Commander in Chief seems to stomp from one petulant rage to another with all the gusto of a three year old that hasn’t slept for two days – but that’s different for some reason.

    Free Member

    The irony is of course that the new Commander in Chief seems to stomp from one petulant rage to another with all the gusto of a three year old that hasn’t slept for two days – but that’s different for some reason.

    That’s because mocking someone with small hands is completely different to mocking someone with a congenital joint condition.

    Free Member

    [url=https://flic.kr/p/QNDiK5]C2jub1AWIAAP22E[/url] by jamesanderson2010, on Flickr

    Free Member

    “Think not what I can do for you, but what you can do for me.”

    Free Member

    I hope the sound system is loud enough to get over the jeers at the ceremony. Whats the odds on a meltdown and asking the secret service to start shooting the crowd? Or him actually doing his inauguration via twitter in case the MSM misrepresent what he said…
    anyway the party will be like no other, rather than any old hanger on it will be filled with selected special guests who are all the greatest bestest fans of Trump, there will be party games like pin the hand on the cat and an impressions game where you get to play guess the disability.
    Several of the worlds leading racists will be invited and the diversity in the room will be appalling.

    Full Member

    Love the Alien poster!

    Free Member

    @Pigface when Megan Kelly left (for a $25m a year job presenting a daytime news show 😯 ) Fox put a very pro-Trump guy into the main news slot. Maybe that’s who you where watching ? US news is quite different to our own, can be quite partisan. If you are Republican you watch different channel’s news than if you are Democrat.

    Trump has previously given a lot of money to the Democrats as has Steve Mnuchin who is now Trump’s Treasury Secretary (Chancellor). Trump invited the Clinton’s to his wedding.

    So Obama did not pardon Snowdon of Clinton (no need argument ?)

    Free Member

    So Obama did not pardon Snowdon of Clinton (no need argument ?)

    Didn’t they need to prosecute to be pardoned? Probably safe in the knowledge for Clinton that there are no grounds for prosecution and that if trump decides to go for it he scores a huge own goal of using power to take on his opponents – illegal.

    But anyway did you get your invite to the party Jamby?

    Free Member

    “so changing political stance is at least one thing that jambalaya has in common with Trump.”

    Isn’t that a good thing? Policy has to change with circumstance. Basing your politics on party is mental IMHO. Changing your mind is just a sign you’re becoming aware of new facts.

    Free Member

    Changing your mind is just a sign you’re becoming aware of new facts.

    Find me a fact from the Trump campaign, I’ll fly back and buy you a pint when you do.

    Free Member

    So Obama did not pardon Snowdon of Clinton (no need argument ?)

    Neither has been prosecuted, and as all people are innocent until proven guilty you can’t pardon an innocent person.

    Free Member

    “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States….

    …so God help us all”

    Free Member

    But THM that’s more than 140 characters, how’s he going to remember all that.

    Free Member

    One group not giving in to the bullies:


    Full Member

    One group not giving in to the bullies:

    Isnt trump the ultimate bully?
    I thought that was how he won his deals

    Free Member

    @jamba 🙄 thanks for patronising me, it was Hannity who is to the right of Goebells. I was watching CNN today as a counter and as you say is seemingly more centre ground. The scary thing about Fox is the aggression and open bias to the far right. I was in the States in June and Fox seems to have got worse.

    Free Member

    “Isnt trump the ultimate bully?
    I thought that was how he won his deals”

    That doesn’t make it right.

    Full Member

    I was in the States in June and Fox seems to have got

    they are in a race to the bottom with breitbart 😯

    Full Member

    I’ve been in denial that this was actually a thing but it’s happening however surreal it feels.

    I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t mind Trump. That does not sound right; I dislike him as a person intensely and pretty much everything he stands for. If I was looking for my diametric opposite it would be him. I was in the same room as him in the 90’s and he appears to be the same throbber I came across then but he is what he is – anyone who voted for him knew what sort of man he is. No, I’ve come to the conclusion it’s the American public who managed to vote for a man so appallingly unsuitable for high office and with such objectionable beliefs I dislike the most. I know they are the minority but are in sufficient numbers as to taint the whole nation in my eyes.

    So it’s no travel to the states and as far as possible the avoidance of american goods for the next 4 years for me. I was due to visit friends there in the summer but instead will be looking to Scandinavia. I’d be an advocate for inviting the good guys over here for the duration but I think our own immigration nazis would have an issue with that and besides they should probably stay back and sort the mess out. The quicker they get that wall up the better.

    Kiss my arse America.

    Free Member

    More CNN #Fakenews:

    Free Member

    Where have the crowds gone?

    Free Member

    He doesn’t look very happy!

    Full Member

    More CNN #Fakenews

    Any proof that it is #Fakenews?

    CNN say she has deleted the tweet. She says she didn’t tweet it in the first place.

    Full Member

    I can’t bring myself to watch.

    Is it beautiful?

    Full Member

    I think he’s had his hair done.

    Full Member

    One small thumbs up from a man, one giant thumbs down from mankind.

    Free Member

    I tuned in to watch the inauguration but seem to have stumbled across some sort of religious ceremony.

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