Home Forums Chat Forum Do you wear your security pass when not on work premises or at work ?

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  • Do you wear your security pass when not on work premises or at work ?
  • unfitgeezer
    Free Member

    The amount of bell ends I see with their passes on when not at work is quite staggering…why would you want to have your pass on when not at work ?

    Are you one of these bell ends that partakes in this 3rd world problem ?

    For the record I don’t have a pass and have avoided having one for the last 10 years at work and no one ever asks !

    Full Member

    Our passes contain a chip that lets you through doors so there is no option but to carry it. Many wear theirs, mine stays in my wallet where I won’t forget it. Doesn’t really bother me that other people wear theirs as we are supposed to have them visible at all times.

    Free Member

    I often have my ID round my neck but hide it in a pocket to stop it swinging around.

    It also stops someone recognising where I work and trying to steal it to gain access etc etc

    Full Member

    We just have un-marked RFID cards which let you in doors, no IDs.

    Free Member

    We have to have ours on a lanyard round our neck. Part of the dress code, has to be the company lanyard too. ID card with name, job, photo, ID number and an RFID chip and barcode for different systems. Can’t open any doors, or get into the offices otherwise.

    Never occurred to me that someone outside the office would get wound up by it?

    Full Member

    We are not allowed to have ours on view outside the site.

    Cos everyone wants to break in to HMRC….

    Free Member

    We need passes to get in and out of the office and have to have it on display (so security can see where you should be based on colour coded lanyards), if I go out at lunchtime etc I don’t take it off as I forget its there and don’t want to lose it. I’m not sure how that makes me a bell end? 🙄

    Free Member

    pass for our office lives in my wallet – just touch my wallet on the sensor to get in the door.
    I also have a pass for a Navy base – which is on a Jagermeister lanyard.
    We’re not supposed to wear them off-site.

    I went to my daughters parents eve the other night – amazing how many other parents turned up still wearing various work ID lanyards…

    Free Member

    I’ve always thought it very odd that people don’t take their lanyards/passes off when they leave work – surely they flap around in the wind and get very annoying?

    Full Member

    I have to wear ID which is also a pass. I wear it outside of work as I go home sometimes.

    Full Member

    3rd world problem

    Think its quite low on the list of third world problems.

    Ranks quite highly amongst Second World problems though 🙂

    Full Member

    Shouldn’t really have it dangling about when you’re off-site. Security risk.

    There’s a couple of companies with HQs near us that do naughty things and occasionally get protestors outside. Pretty sure their employees hide their passes.

    Full Member

    Half the time I forget to wear mine when in work.

    I was issued with a lanyard but for the work I do it’s in the way and a borderline health hazard (see also, ties). I swapped it for a clip, much better than some daft dangly thing flapping in the breeze.

    Free Member

    surely they flap around in the wind and get very annoying?

    Mine’s nice and heavy and stops my tie flapping.

    If I took it off, where would I put it?

    In the car, then it inevitably get’s forgotten if I walk/cycle to work the next day.

    In a jacket pocket, inevitably wear a different/no suit the next day.

    Trouser pocket, on top of keys, wallet, phone, I’d need a stronger belt to hold them up.

    Goes in the pot in the study with keys and wallet ready for the next day.

    OTOH, I suppose to a lot of people, their work is part of their identity, so wearing a works pass to parents evening is no more weird than people who wear 5.10 trainers and Singletrack T-shirts off the bike.

    Free Member

    I used to work for what should have been a very security conscious arm of government, but the number of people who would wear their passes in public was staggering. Even worse was the number of photos that were published showing people with their passes on full show! It can’t have been beyond the wit of anyone who so desired to knock up passable copy.

    Free Member

    We are required to have our passes on display at all time when on site. They don’t work if they are in your wallet and you have to use them to move around the buildings.
    Mine is clipped to a belt loop on my trousers so I tuck it into my pocket when I leave work. Almost everyone who works in an office in the area has a pass so you see a lot of people in the shops on the way home with them hanging out.
    Wearing your pass has become so normal for most it is a bit like wearing shoes. You can get by without them but your day is pretty rubbish…

    I did once work on a secure site which had a permanent group of protesters out the front and they said we should not identify ourselves as employees, then gave us project polo shirts which identified the company and the project.. 😯

    Free Member

    Only wear mine to-from and in work, once home it’s off and in the draw. Hangs on an extending recoil lanyard from my belt. Have to wear in work, secure entrance/floors and additional security in the foyers, has a photo and chip in it and also has a chip for loading money on for restaurants and coffee/cafe’s in the building.
    You see a lot of folk wandering around during the day throughout Canary Wharf wearing these things, most places here are set up similarly for security.
    Also, we get checked from time to time entering CW, security gates on all entrances and often we’re asked to provide passes as confirmation that we’re here to do something called work

    Most certainly not a badge of honor..

    Free Member

    We are asked not to have the passes on display when off the premises.

    Free Member

    When I used to need one off at the gate. I know what it was worth so not worth pissing about with

    Free Member

    From this thread I would guess the OP is quite an angry man and also sees himself as a bit of a rebel. Probably plays Guns n Roses in his Audi on his way home from work.

    Free Member

    I have a pass/ID card. I need it to get into the building and clock in and out again (I work flexi time).

    Sometimes I need access to restricted (plantrooms) areas, pass let’s me in some of these.

    If I go out to certain sites (which might have children and/or vulnerable adults) I usually need to show my pass to get/speed up entry.

    If I forget it at the main office they make use a temporary pass before they let me in (despite them saying hello to me most mornings).

    However, as soon as I leave work, the pass goes in my jacket pocket.

    Free Member

    For the record I don’t have a pass and have avoided having one for the last 10 years at work and no one ever asks !

    That’s cos you’ve worked there for ten years and everyone knows you’re a…….long standing employee.

    Free Member

    People really will talk about anything

    Free Member

    TooTall – Member
    From this thread I would guess the OP is quite an angry man and also sees himself as a bit of a rebel. Probably plays Guns n Roses in his Audi on his way home from work.

    Free Member

    Sometimes I go out to lunch or home and forget I have it on. Now i know that is so offensive I might pay more attention in future, or less attention since anyone this angry deserves to be riled at any possible opportunity.

    Free Member

    I wear a pass for work. It’s presence hasn’t previously impinged on my thought processes in any way but now I realise it makes me a stooge for the Man.

    Free Member

    We have passes which give us access to numerous areas on-site depending on our level of authorisation, when off-site we are to keep our passes hidden and secure so wearing it seems the logical thing to do.

    On lanyards being a hazard, do you not get issued with the break away type?

    Free Member

    I do find it a bit weird when people wear them away from work. Mines always gone in a pocket and I’ve forgotten it a handful of times in the last 10 years.

    Free Member

    Some really cool stories in this thread

    Full Member

    Yep have a pass for work. Need it to gain access and for internal doors. In theory you’re supposed to wear it all the time and it be visible but mine lives in my wallet otherwise I forget it or the kids steal it at home. Fortunately it’s a medium organisation and I’ve been here too long so my face is recognised.

    Free Member

    Im dead important and wear my pass as an outward indicator of my importance

    Free Member

    I wear mine clipped to my belt, need it to get in and out the building. When I leave for the day I don’t always remember to detach it from my belt and put it away because I’m such a bellend.

    Free Member

    I wear mine clipped to my belt, need it to get in and out the building. When I leave for the day I don’t always remember to detach it from my belt and put it away because I’m such a bellend.

    Im also a bellend………an important bellend

    Full Member

    No and I turn my work phone off too.

    Unless I’m just nipping over the road to Greggs or Waitrose.

    Free Member

    Greggs or Waitrose

    C’mon, which is it? It can’t be both. You’re either with us or against us.

    Free Member

    thisisnotaspoon – Member

    Never occurred to me that someone outside the office would get wound up by it? You’re doing it wrong, what you should have done is add a snipining insult at the end there.
    e.g. Never occurred to me that someone outside the office would get wound up by it, are they all stupid freaktards?
    It not only shows that I think that they are different from me, but that I am somehow superior even though I don’t fully understand. 😛

    Full Member

    nobody is allowed to know what I do for a living, so I keep my badge in the pocket of my ninja suit

    Full Member

    no, wait – ah, bollocks !

    Free Member

    Like many others, I need mine for access to the office, and internal doors, plus it enables access to stuff like follow-me printers. It’s required to be on view at all times, so I and everyone else wears it on a lanyard. Different colours on the id indicate if you’re a permie, contractor, client, etc, so you know how to engage with unknown people.

    I’d also get disciplined if it was on view at any time outside the office, as it’s a security risk. Beats me why people have them visible outside of offices, just advertising where you work and for someone to half-inch it.

    Full Member

    Like many others, I need mine for access to the office, and internal doors, plus it enables access to stuff like follow-me printers. It’s required to be on view at all times, so I and everyone else wears it on a lanyard.

    Likewise. I could wear it on a clip on my belt but then people checking my name would see if my fly was open, or I had a stiffy, or I’d wet myself. I don’t wear it out of work because I don’t want Joe Public to know my name, not because I think it makes me look like a bell end.

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