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  • Dan! Wootton!
  • mattcartlidge
    Full Member

    In laws have it on every time we go round now, one of the 1st questions she asked me last time we visited was if I’d been working from home much, I knew what was coming so lied and said I was in the office most days before she went on a rant about civil servants just sat at home skiving and they have evidence of them working on the beach. When I asked how they knew they were on the beach she was very vague and changed the subject. She’s also referred to Farage as ‘our Nige’ before, they were quite reasonable previously but seem to have been sucked in by GB news and the grifters on there. Scary.

    Free Member

    That’s really worrying as two weeks ago my dad said EXACTLY the same thing right down to the beach bit…

    I replied that as they had been on the beach 24/7 since they retired at 55 on a full pension and the average Gen  Z  would be working till 70 it probably evened out!

    Full Member

    they were quite reasonable previously but seem to have been sucked in by GB news and the grifters on there

    “boredom seeps into the boring mind” – and I think there’s truth in that. So what’s the equivalent for people who seem to be willingly pulled into this stuff? Not a Q to get at some flaw in them, more about what the antidote may be, and it will be something in them rather than waiting for anything in the world to change to suit them. Because 100% sure that the changes the GB news funders have in mind won’t benefit them at all, or any of us.

    I saw that clip of Wooton and whassisname ex-actor on the news the other night, genuinely jaw-dropping tbh. Haven’t watched GB news and wasn’t expecting intelligent comment but still, suprised to hear that sort of BS on there.

    Full Member

    The Mail Online have just terminated his contract…

    That’s the trouble with The Mail and GBN. Notoriously woke.😉

    It effectively leaves GBN no alternative but to rid themselves of him now. Ditto Fox.

    Full Member

    Typical right wing cancel culture.

    Full Member

    Imagine being sacked from the Daily Mail!

    Full Member

    Still can’t see a single mention of any of this on GBN’s website. Hilarious.😁

    I’ve come off twitter entirely as it was genuinely getting me down but i suspect they are getting a real slapping on there. Oh dear.

    Seldom have a seen a karma boomerang travel so slowly yet relentlessly towards its target.

    I’m sure it says bad things about me but i can’t find a single grain of sympathy for this guy and it’s nothing to do with his political leanings. Just not a nice bloke. At all.

    Full Member

    Ofcom investigates GB News after 7,300 complaint

    BBC News must be relishing today.

    Ofcom are still investigating 11 other potential breaches by GBN too…

    Full Member

    You can hear the presenters smile when the BBC report problems at GB News…

    Full Member

    they have evidence of them working on the beach

    Evidence of them working… so proving that there’s not a problem then? Bonkers

    Full Member

    Oh dear, how sad, never mind

    BBC News – Dan Wootton no longer employed by GB News after Ofcom ruling

    Free Member
    Full Member

    GBNews is not doing well either

    Full Member

    **** break even. The backers aren’t in it to make money. This shit needs nuking from orbit.

    Full Member

    GBNews is not doing well either

    It depends on whether you see it as a business or a propaganda outfit/handy way of paying tory mps.

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