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  • Dan! Wootton!
  • 1
    Full Member

    It’s really difficult to think of a more deserving candidate TBH.

    And this will still only get a fraction of the attention that Huw or Scofe did.

    On the other – I don’t want to descend to that level.

    What level?

    Reporting on potentially criminal behaviour? Or the internet pile-on?

    If the latter, where does that start? Us commenting on a MTB forum? Or people directing abuse at him on Twitter?

    Full Member

    While I do think twitter etc has led to many like ones that have been horrendous and clearly directed and vindictive, I do feel like karma is in play here.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    What level?

    Reporting on potentially criminal behaviour? Or the internet pile-on?

    If the latter, where does that start? Us commenting on a MTB forum? Or people directing abuse at him on Twitter?

    Factual reporting has to be OK, although as we saw last week ‘facts’ are not always above query, how they are presented can lead to further extrapolation that is absolutely deliberate. I hate the ‘ah, but I didn’t *actually* say that’ defence (eg; has sent them £35K in return for sexual images since they were 17)  DW is being investigated by police and employers, AFAIK. That’s what should be reported.

    The internet pile-on is the bit that troubles me. Commenting on here – depends; reporting that he has been accused or is being investigated is factual; while I understand absolutely the karma angle – and it would be wrong for me to say I don’t have a bit of that righteous anger in me too -that’s where we start to cross the line.

    Of course it hasn’t escaped me that those many of those that were saying that HE should be left alone to sort himself out are now demanding DW is sacked and prosecuted, whereas those that were all over HE last week are now demanding time and space. It’s double standards on both sides, driven by politics but when the right wing and tories are actually on the moral high ground this time – the LW / woke should be congratulating them for realising their error and reminding them of it whenever they slip back down.

    An eye for an eye makes us all blind.

    Full Member

    I’ve resisted the urge to give him grief on social media precisely because of the above, but I dunno if it makes me a bad person for thinking it.

    Free Member

    I’m calling him out not for being a sex beast (unproven thus far), but for being a horrible, hypocritical, evil little ghoul who’s actioned have resulted in untold misery for hundreds of people, and whose direct actions have resulted in one young lady killing herself

    I genuinely hope he ends up in prison

    Full Member

    It’s double standards on both sides, driven by politics but when the right wing and tories are actually on the moral high ground this time

    They arent. The moral highground would be living up to their own alleged standards.
    As for reminding them when they slip.
    You only need to look the tories lecturing the bbc on investigating potential sex offenders in the same week the standards commission reported on Pincher and Essex police announced further investigation into one of their former mps.
    Plus of course there is the one who still has the whip but is under investigation for rape amongst other things.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    News International, GB News & the Daily Mail in hiring a copper-bottomed ****hole shocker.

    There’s been allegations about Wootton’s behaviour for years.  However, we’ve seen some high profile politicians tweet (and occasionally delete) their support for him, in spite of this being an early stage of investigations.

    Susan Hall, the morbidly flatulent Tory candidate for Mayor of London has been at it too.

    Full Member

    morbidly flatulent


    Full Member

    Frankly, anyone in the ‘media’ who’s been reduced to the point that the only place they can find employment is on GBNews deserves everything they’ve got coming, because they’ve been dishing it out to people like Lily Allen, Megan Markle, etc, while being vile, repulsive and reprehensible scumbags themselves. I’m looking at you, Piers Morgan, asswipe that you are.
    The Sun, The Mail, GBNews and everything that Murdoch’s grubby fingers have touched need to be razed to the ground and the remains treated as toxic waste for the next century. Fox News, too. 😖

    Oh, and I don’t have any idea who Dan Wootton is. Or Harry Hawk, or Uncle Tom Cobley for that matter.

    Full Member

    The Mail has gone woke.😂 The karma boomerang is incoming.👍

    Full Member

    Cancelly Woke **** 🤪

    Karma Boomerang hopefully rapidly followed by Dildo of Consequence

    Full Member

    Dildo of Consequence

     Lol, I’m nicking that!

    Full Member

    Hopefully Darth Putin’s interpretation will apply to the Dildo of Consequence and it doesn’t arrive lubed.

    Full Member

    Dildo of Consequence

    Hi, can you send picks to

    Free Member

    Dildo of Consequence

    Rarely arrives lubed.

    Full Member

    He’s with Fox on the naughty step.

    I bet the “free speech” GBeebies viewers are in a right froth.😂

    Frankly, this should have been the last of GBN’s concerns as far as suspending him but here we are…

    Full Member

    Time for a moment of ‘quiet reflection’, a la Dan.

    Full Member

    Like two particularly puerile and obnoxious teenage boys giggling in their bedroom

    I know GeeBeebies has an audience of about 23 people, but still.,.. to think that was an acceptable standard of broadcasting?

    Full Member

    The funny thing is that the producer notes, published by Fox in a fit of pique at getting suspended, show that the discussion is basically pre-scripted, even down to the jibe about not wanting to have a relationship with an ‘extreme feminist’.

    So even their free speech is basically just following a set of pre-written talking points.

    OFCOM are toothless and will do nowt, but this is clear evidence that it wasn’t just a rogue guest, or a rogue presenter, but apparently the channel agenda.

    Full Member

    By all accounts, Fox has been binned by the channel as well as being Wootton suspended. This, together with his [alleged] use of alternate identities to try and solicit nudes from co-workers should get him sacked.

    Hopefully OFCOM will grow a pair.

    Full Member

    GB News have apologised, neither of the culprits have.

    How many of these kind of problems does GB News have to deal with before Ofcom decide they don’t deserve a license?

    Full Member

    Wootton tried to apologise on Twitter. Part of the reason for Fox’s little meltdown, and the release of a message exchange where they giggled about the whole thing.

    Full Member

    For the first time ever, I’ve just looked at the GBN website. What a mess.. But more interestingly,i can’t find a single mention of the two suspensions. It’s like it hasn’t happened.

    Full Member

    The cynic in me wonders if this was planned by Fox so he could claim he was cancelled. This way he can move to the lucrative online grift of bashing the main stream media, peddling conspiracy theories and selling a few supplements.


    Full Member

    Isn’t he already on the grift-express? I guess that whilst being cancelled isn’t a requirement it is helpful. And you have to be a proper headbanger to be cancelled by some headbangers.

    **** bell end.

    And Dan Wootton is also a **** bell end.

    Full Member

    He’s started that already.

    Full Member

    Part of the reason for Fox’s little meltdown, and the release of a message exchange where they giggled about the whole thing.

    thats the funniest part: how quickly theyve turned on each other, quite a few of fox’s other right wing grifter chums been quick to condemn them both too, it must he a genuinely nasty place to work with all those thunderc*nts

    Full Member

    The journalist in question has raised a couple of very good points regarding this.

    Number one she is getting threats which should never happen and secondly she’s mentioned how many Tories actually work for GBeebies. Given that this appears to be approved editorial content.

    Full Member

    It was worth listening to the pubcast today, just to get Ava’s take on the whole thing.

    The question I have though is would GBeebies even be going through the motions of disciplining their bought and paid for gobshites if Paul Marshall wasn’t trying to buy the Telegraph?

    I think their trying (cackhandedly) to apply a veneer of responsibility and governance to sneak their next propaganda acquisition past the likes if Offcom and the media culture and sport select committee. But then that starts to sound like the sort of conspiracy toss that GBeebies viewers would lap up, if you changed the protagonists…

    Free Member

    Calling it GBeebies is a massive insult to CBeebies.🙂

    Full Member

    Yeah, but they have very similar programming – ‘In The Far Right Garden’ , ‘BalaTory’, ‘Bigot-ton’ and of course, ‘Achtung, Feind hört mit!- nauts.’

    Full Member

    Isn’t he already on the grift-express? I guess that whilst being cancelled isn’t a requirement it is helpful.

    Of course he is, he no longer has an acting career, so what else is going to earn him a living? Sad, really, he was a great character in ‘Lewis’.

    Full Member

    Calling it GBeebies is a massive insult to CBeebies.🙂

    Yeah but you know how Racist Iggle Piggle was, and it was rumoured that Dipsy was very anti-trans…

    Full Member

    CBeebies is doing more for progressive thought every day than GBeebies could ever hope to counteract in a year.

    That’s why they hate it so much.

    Full Member

    The FT called GB News an “outrage factory”. That’s their modus operandi, every now and again, it’ll go a bit off course, so they’ll just re-set for a bit, and then carry on as before. Might not be with Fox or Wootton, but there are dozens just like them that’ll take their places.

    Full Member

    I don’t think they are an outrage factory in the sense that the FT suggested, I am sure the financial backers wouldn’t be displeased if they can also turn a profit from it, however I think their MO is to feed a right wing populist narrative into the mainstream media. The billionaire backers make much much more from the political changes this type of media “seeding machine” creates downstream rather than the direct monetisation.

    Full Member

    Yeah no way that shit-show could be profitable at source.

    Free Member

    Don’t understimate how easily ‘normal’ people are sucked in by this hogwash either and how fast. My father was always a tory but basically centre right – probably pretty much where Keir Starmer is now ironically. Over the last year or so he has flipped to a fully paid up card carrying racist pensioner. Its honestly really testing our relationship. The only change has been he has started watching GBN ‘for some balance’ and because ‘John Cleese and Nigel Farage aren’t allowed to speak properly on the BBC’    FFS, this channel is an absolutely roaring success if it never makes a penny profit

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