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  • Dan! Wootton!
  • Harry_the_Spider
    Full Member

    Why aren’t the tabloids going bananas over this after the Huw Edwards incident last week?

    Nasty man

    Full Member

    He doesn’t work for the BBC…

    Full Member

    Former Sun showbiz editor so they won’t be keen on covering it.

    Current Mail contributor so same there.

    Universally despised by colleagues though, apparently.

    Full Member

    Explains why he deleted most of his anti Edwards stuff.
    I am sure GB news will be dedicating some time to him to prove how balanced they are.

    Full Member

    He became famous for being named as the guy that bullied Craoline Flack into suicide

    I suspect precisely no one in his industry is surprised at these revelations

    The Huw Edwards thing probably had a lot of media types twitchy about their own indiscretions

    Free Member

    He’s a shill, that’s all anyone needs to know.

    Free Member

    the “acceptable” face of neo-fascism.

    Full Member

    Our right wing media is a grim mix of hypocrisy and criminality. As a country we seemed to be hooked on its output and its **** us over

    Full Member

    Is this one of those where we need to keep googling Dan Wootton catfishing scandal or something like that so it make it more prominent?

    Full Member

    Dan’s OK. Martin Branning on the other hand sounds like a wrong’un.

    Full Member

    I refer to him as Dan Wankton.

    Full Member

    As a country we seemed to be hooked on its output

    I know you are talking more broadly about the Mail etc. and I totally agree, but nobody’s watching Dan Wootton’s output on GB News. Compared to Huw Edwards or anyone else on mainstream TV.

    Full Member

    nobody’s watching Dan Wootton’s output on GB News.

    According to the latest figures, their audience share is only slightly less than Sky News, and more than half of the BBC News Channel. No, it’s not many folk compared to BBC1, but it’s not entirely insignificant.

    Full Member

    But individuals like Wooton were created in NOTW and given credibility by columns in the mail

    Full Member

    Easily a far greater scandal than Huw Edwards. Though I do not expect the same feeding frenzy from the tabloids who attacked Mr Edwards with such fervour.

    In fact I doubt they’ll run it and if they do it will be a tiny piece buried deep in the paper.

    Full Member

    He’s really not the same calibre of celebrity as Huw at all though, so do temper your expectations in that regard.

    I am very much looking forward to this week’s Popbitch anyway :D

    Full Member

    Why aren’t the tabloids going bananas

    He’s one of their own, isn’t he? They only apply their prurient rules on people outside their own circles.

    Full Member

    100% odds on he knows who’s been diddling the books or lady’s/men of the night and has it in book.

    Full Member

    I am very much looking forward to this week’s Popbitch anyway

    I think they’ve had Dan Wootton’s number for a long time…

    Full Member

    I think they’ve had Dan Wootton’s number for a long time…

    But now they’ll spill more of the beans. They always do after a story breaks.

    Full Member

    100% odds on he knows who’s been diddling the books or lady’s/men of the night and has it in book.

    100% this. He will have dirt aplenty on half the newsrooms who you might expect to cover his fall from grace.

    Free Member


    Full Member

    He doesn’t work for the BBC…

    Bingo. There’s a longstanding and ongoing effort from the right wing media (which is already over represented in this country) to take down the BBC by any means necessary, as its balanced output presents a threat to their swivel eyed demagoguery

    Free Member

    100% odds on he knows who’s been diddling the books or lady’s/men of the night and has it in book.

    Apparently it’s mostly on a hard drive…

    Full Member

    Disappointed that the BBC haven’t given it the full Hugh treatment

    Full Member

    I am very much looking forward to this week’s Popbitch anyway


    Full Member

    Guardian are now reporting the general story.
    Must be a fault on the heils site that they havent yet.

    Free Member

    The arseholes arsehole.

    Full Member

    I wish we could go back to the days of actual news rather than all this idiocy.

    Why can we not keep all the BS to Hello magazine, the masses have had enough of the opium.

    Free Member

    This place is becoming a more like or Mumsnet, each week.

    Full Member

    Apparently Mr Wootton had deleted all his tweets and is claiming that he said not a jot about Huw Edwards, which is a bit of an odd statement on the biggest story from over the last couple of weeks, but there you go.

    Twitter cached isnt producing much, but im not a member so i guess my search capability is not as good.

    What is interesting though is the entire past two weeks have mysteriously disappeared from the daily mail archive for July 2023.

    Im sure there must be some way of accessing this deleted tweets/stories etc.

    Free Member

    Is that true? That’s so hilarious!

    Free Member

    I wish we could go back to the days of actual news rather than all this idiocy.

    Extortion is a serious crime.

    Full Member

    BBC News – Dan Wootton: GB News host admits ‘errors of judgement’

    Oh dear oh dear

    Free Member

    Plenty of popcorn being consumed at chez Schofield  right now, I’d wager.

    Free Member

    Looks like the chickens are finally coming home to roost for the GB news beast

    i genuinely don’t usually like to see anyone kicked when they are down but for this sickening little weasel I’ll make an exception

    Free Member

    Free Member

    He’s got nothing to be smug about.

    Full Member

    Mixed feelings on this. Sure, he’s a horrible person by all accounts and one who has shown no compassion to others in ‘the same’ sort of situation; in that respect – live by the sword, die by the sword.

    On the other – I don’t want to descend to that level. If we honestly want media to behave better, surely we have to live those values ourselves first. Or else no-one has any moral authority. Let the police / employers investigate and act.

    I know, even as i write that I want to add ‘and monkeys might fly out of my butt’ to it…..

    Full Member

    Mixed feelings on this. Sure, he’s a horrible person by all accounts and one who has shown no compassion to others in ‘the same’ sort of situation; in that respect – live by the sword, die by the sword.

    On the other – I don’t want to descend to that level. If we honestly want media to behave better, surely we have to live those values ourselves first. Or else no-one has any moral authority. Let the police / employers investigate and act.

    I agree with the sentiment of this, but until the media scum get a really strong taste of their own medecine, nothing will change, and if he has to be the sacrificial lamb, oh dear, how sad, never mind.

    Full Member

    The biggest crime that has been committed here is that the OP’s use of exclamation marks tricked me into thinking Wooton had announced an intention to run for office

    Reported to the mods for exclamation abuse

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