After seeing a few posts in the last week about climbing, maybe some of you guys can give me some advice (famous last words and fully expect the usual torrent of abuse) 😉
I’ve been a cyclist for 22+ years and still ride most days. As such my legs are pretty strong, big thighs, slim waist… I know this from buying jeans and struggling to get the fit right. Anyway… about a year and a half ago I started bouldering, only about once or twice a week until about 6 months ago when I managed to get more time and now boulder 2 or 3 times a week if i can. What I’ve found is that like any new climber I’m slowly building up finger / arm strength and improving my moves but the one weakness I have is flexibility. So much so that I’ve now been to a couple of pilates classes and even the teacher there says I’m like a coiled knot. lol.
So I was wondering if any other cyclists have had the same problem when climbing and what they did to get over it?
My figuring is pilates or yoga classes and much more stretching below the hips before I start.
Do I need to go further and stretch even when not climbing to ‘loosen’ up the knot? thoughts? what have you done?