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  • Christmas Airfix!
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    I also have a Humbrol colour 123 which is extra dark sea grey.

    Aah, the nightmare that is EDSG…Just don’t go anywhere near the modelling forums if you want to retain your sanity. 

    Full Member

    XF-91 comes out like this.

    I added a bit of blue to do some mottling.


    Full Member

    nickc Full MemberAah, the nightmare that is EDSG…Just don’t go anywhere near the modelling forums if you want to retain your sanity. 

    How does it compare to the great debates about Sky?

    Full Member

    Equally severe.

    In fact most of the colours of WW2 fighters – especially Luftwaffe RLM colours seem to attract the most fastidious of modellers TBH, they can (and frequently do) argue about whether EDSG contains any violet, whether 8th AF P47 were either solid green or a splinter dark brown/Green, and if they were; which brown. Whether early BoB 109s were ever painted RLM02 as an exterior camo colour. Why; after 1944 when the two tone grey day fighter scheme was replaced by a brown/green scheme did Luftwaffe Arado jets continue to be painted the two tone grey scheme….You name it, they will argue about it.

    It’s not helped by early colour photography of course. The colours these P51 were painted was the subject of much discussion over the years…Blue* or Not?

    Botttisham Blue

    *Turns out they were either Olive Drab or RAF Dark Green…

    Full Member

    Fortunately I’m blessed by:

    a)       Being ever so slightly colour blind.


    b)      Not giving a shit.

    I got some pedant frothing last week by suggesting that a RN Sea King rescue helicopter was Extra Dark Sea Grey when it is actually Medium Sea Grey.

    I quickly admitted my error, and may have even mentioned point “b” above, but it still had someone spit out his pipe and get ash on his slippers.

    Full Member

    Passion Wagon

    Because there’s nowt on’t telly, I’m getting through the Xmas stash. WIP P51 with added nekkid ladeeze. [insert Vic Reeves thigh rubbing GIF here]

    Full Member

    That paint job looks very tidy!

    Meanwhile, I’ve fallen down a 1/35 Tamiya Tank rabbit hole.

    Older kits, but fit is meant to be ok. Can be found for about £20.

    Got a Chieftain and there is a Flakpanzer in the post. I’m disproportionately excited about the latter.

    Full Member

    Thanks @Harry,

    I never really got into armour, although they look fun [tracks excluded] and no fiddly cockpit…

    Full Member

    Thought I’d give it a go after painting dozens of lightly weathered grey jets.

    Was going to build another Sea King straight after finishing this one, but the final stage is dragging a bit and I wouldn’t get much fun out of it.

    I fancy a bit of mud and rust. The Chieftain was going to be a “Test Pig” before I made the STRV 103C that I got for Christmas, but it looks like it should come out well so I’m taking it a bit more seriously.

    Then I found out how cheap they are!

    1/35 Tamiya? £20ish? Get in!

    If I could be arsed checking I bet that the Flakpanzer was kit-bashed by ILM to make Boba Fett’s ship and part of the Imperial AT-AT / AT-STs in Star Wars. It is a mad looking thing.

    Full Member

    Finished the P51

    Finished P51

    Full Member

    Also, on the theme of colour variations of WWII aircraft, look at this nonsense…

    RLM 81 colour variations

    Different researchers have come up with these variations for a single paint colour. Some are based on old colour phots, some are paint chips, some are just pure guess-work. Reading in one reference book, how the Smithsonian FW190 started life as a A-7, was converted to perhaps a “sort of” of A/F-8 late in 1944 and had a least 3 different schemes painted on it in its life…

    No wonder I’m confused?!?

    Full Member

    Was near a Hobbycraft on Saturday, so remembered to go in & get a pot of XF-91. 👌
    Comparing to the box, it looks like a close enough match for my uncritical eye.

    Quite impressed – they had a massive range of colours, as well as thinners, glue, masking tape, fillers etc.

    I even perused a Tamiya Chieftain tank for £20, but figured I should probably complete the never-ending Harrier before I get another one.

    Mustang looks good, nickc.
    In my head, future models to try are BF109, Mustang and some kind of tank. Not necessarily in that order.

    Full Member

    Tank update. Started on the Flakpanzer yesterday because it was raining and I was up by 7:00am. The kit is a bit crude by modern standards but, considering that the moulds are from 1977, it is snapping together like Lego. Only the tiniest smear of filler so far.

    I’ve had notification that a package has arrived. Hopefully it is a helipad from Coastal Kits, so I can get some pictures of my Sea King.

    Alternatively it may be a set of 4 serving bowls. In which case the photos will have to wait.

    Full Member

    It was bowl. Shit.

    Full Member

    It was bowl. Shit.

    Better than bowel **** I guess?  

    Is that P51 squint scale (1:72) or have I misjudged it against the mat scale? That’s a lovely paint job. 

    Full Member

    Yes, 1/72. It’s a nice kit which helps massively 

    Full Member

    Airfix Sea King SC.4 Commando.


    Full Member

    Been feeling a bit rough so I bashed this out in lieu of doing absolutely anything else.

    Tamiya 1/35 Falkpanzer Gepard.

    Wanted to have a mess about with some weathering techniques and fancies a change from doing jets.


    Full Member

    Looks good👍 will you build more vehicles dyou think? 

    Full Member

    Yeah. I got a 1/35 STRV 103C (Swedish S Tank) for Christmas and I’ll be doing that in “Splinter” camo, so I wanted a cheap tank in the same scale to have a play with and ended up buying a Tamiya Chieftain for about £20, with the intention of just doing it in green. Then decided to do that in “Berlin Brigade” brown/grey/white so I had to buy another cheap paint mule. Which brings me to the Flakpanzer, which was also about £20 including delivery.

    Anyway, I’m quite pleased with it and had it finished in less than 7 days!

    WhatsApp Image 2024-01-28 at 16.35.46_2983d440

    Full Member

    They’re cheap for what they are, but some of those Tamiya tanks must be what? 20-30 years old now?

    Full Member

    This one is from 1977!

    Full Member

    FW190 2

    Airfix Fw190A-8 (maybe, more on that later). Come with me into the nightmare world that is late war Luftwaffe colour schemes. The top colours are right (maybe) RLM 81/82, I think it maybe had a ‘sky’ underside – a colour not a million miles away from the RAF version, or may have been RLM 65 – litchblau. (B&W photos obvs) It’s supposed to be an Eastern Front plane that left the factory as an A-4, crashed landed, and had an upgrade in field with some A/F parts to make it a sort of hybrid, so has some left over Eduard parts to get a bubble canopy and the broad chord prop. Obvious missing decal is obvious (on purpose)…

    I can stop any time I want…


    Full Member

    Nice. I tried a Ta.152 in that scheme years ago, but the greens were indistinguishable.

    I had a sheet of the obviously missing decals delivered a while back. Occurred to me that it was the weirdest thing that I’ve ever ordered or had sent to me in the post. Was quite pleased in a way that one flipped over whilst it was in the water and I didn’t notice because I’m not an expert on the obvious missing item in question.

    Full Member

    There’s a 190 at Cosford which, when you get close to it, looks as rough as hell. I guess quality control was on the way out towards the end.

    Full Member

    Yeah, they really were shabbily built by the end. The panel gaps wouldn’t pass QC at a car plant fo’shure!

    Can’t bring myself to use the obviously missing decal, even on grounds of accuracy, just feel wrong (to me) I understand why folk put them on, and I don’t have an issue with it at all, just gives me the willies is all. The camo schemes are fascinating though, the more you look, the bigger the rabbit hole you can dive down…Its definitely something to come back to.

    Full Member

    The kit was tremendously warped though. If you put the fuselage together at the tail, the front port side stuck out at about a 30deg angle! There’s much use of superglue on the top nose parts to keep it al together. QC on Airfix kits about the same as Focke- Wulf by the end of the war. 

    Full Member

    I’ve got one in the stash. Going to do it with the winter camo stripes painted over the top of the original scheme.

    Full Member

    Want to do something daft now though. Super detailed just for the sake of it. Just go mad with all the aftermarket cockpit decals, PE, and resin  I can find, and bung it on a kit that won’t look any different from OOB 🤣

    Was thinking a FAA Corsair, or Far East P40…

    Full Member

    So, it turned out that its the FAA Corsair. It’s going to be a bit of project, I’m spamming the thread with these pictures because when the fuselage halves are closed up, most of this won’t be visible. I also bought some aftermarket drooped flaps and spent a good while mildly panicking as I sawed through perfectly good plastic….

    flaps 2


    Full Member

    Woah. Great detail in that cockpit.
    My attempt at detailed brush-work looks like amateur splodges at the moment 😁

    My sea harrier is finally coming along, although no pics so far. Pilot & engine are in.
    Inner faces of engine intakes are painted – I went for metallic silver, rather than the proper fuselage colours which probably would have been more authentic.

    The jet nozzles are glued & roughly tidied – I am debating whether to try some of the model filler I bought to tidy the gaps up – they really are pretty bad.
    Finally I’ve stuck a few embellishments on the fuselage – I’ve got a few more to put on, such as the centreline gun pods & then the wings can go on, before I start initial painting. I’ll need to paint & apply decals in bits & pieces which I’ve never done before, so am really trying to think about what to do, when, and in which order. Hopefully this will make it easier down the line, but I am probably just over-thinking it.
    I’ll take some pics once I get a bit more done.

    Full Member

    Nice cockpit!

    I’m enjoying not having to faff about with that sort of thing at the moment and plugging away at the Tamiya Chieftain. The kit is 50 years old, but fit is OK with only minimal filling.

    It’s shaping up to be a big old thing!


    Full Member

    All the weathering and painting experiments you can do on military vehicles looks super fun though.

    Full Member

    There’s a thread on Britmodeller about how tanks don’t rust.

    All these WW2 models that you see rotting under layers of corrosion are inaccurate apparently, even if they are beautifully painted. Primarily because they didn’t survive long enough to rot! Also, the metallurgy of the tracks is such that they wouldn’t rust anyway because of whatever alloy it is that they are made out of. If you see the Mr Hewes stuff in YouTube you’ll see them rescuing stuff that has been abandoned to the elements for 30 years with virtually no exterior corrosion other than the tin work around the exhausts and the stowage boxes.

    A former tanker also popped up and said that modern tanks don’t rust because they wouldn’t be allowed too even if they could.

    I’m just doing mine dusty with a bit of filth on the wheels and lower hull. The Chieftain is going to be green and black and it will look mean. Was originally going to do it in Berlin Brigade scheme (brown, white and grey blocks), but mine is a MK2 and B.B. were MK10 with quite different turrets and engine decks, and it would bother me a bit too much.

    Also, I may have accidentally won a M48 Patton in eBay for £15. That one will be covered in Vietnamese themed dust, which is apparently more red than European.

    Full Member

    There’s a thread on Britmodeller about how tanks don’t rust.

    I’m entirely unsurprised by that. The two (sort of) opposing forces in modelling; realism/accuracy vs artistry/creativity rarely see eye to eye.

    Full Member

    I’m on the realism side. The overweathered ones are superbly done, but look a bit “Warhammer”.

    Here’s a thought… The oldest Sherman at the end of WW2 was half the age of this thread.

    Full Member

    I’m on the realism side.

    Sometimes…I’m looking at loads of pictures of FAA Corsairs (natch) and some of them just looked knackered though…Matt paint, left on deck in all weather and not well looked after…Trying to replicate that at scale, and it’ll look daft…you have to to wind it in a bit.

    Look at these two, in 1/72, accurately…they’d look overdone


    Free Member

    I always thought a tank wouldn’t last long enough to rust in WWII.

    Full Member

    Same with Luftwaffe airplanes, early in the war, quite weathered, as they’d often seen action in Poland and France and BoB, later on, barely as they just didn’t last that long off the production line. They were often box fresh, but shot to pieces.

    Full Member

    One of the Lancasters lost on the Dams raid was about 12 hours old. It had been delivered that afternoon.

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