Not all of them. The customs jobs include such things as all the vets required to validate/sign off on such trivial items as a product containing ham.
Maybe all the retired vets can come and help…
That was never a Customs role for vets when I worked for them. It’s up to the importer to make the correct declaration using a commodity code – (it’s all coming flooding back, I’ll probably end up in a freight channel at Dover now with this level of knowledge 🙁 ) if there’s a concern about mis-declaration a sample would be sent off, no vets involved. I imagine any increased customs role will be in entry processing and to a lesser degree frontier control. Fortunately there’s little infrastructure in place for all that – not sure there’s much full stop in the ports dealing with traffic from RoI, the benefits of being in a single market.
I fear the country will get really rinsed by organised crime moving into the export markets and claiming rebates of taxes and duties for exports. Outside the eu we will have no way of verifying exports and it will be like the early days of carousel fraud and excise fraud in the mid-90s again.
On the plus side – blue passports