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  • Brexit 2020+
  • dudeofdoom
    Full Member

    (Reuters) – Britain is preparing to reject EU demands to guarantee that the country will continue to be bound by European human rights laws once the UK becomes fully independent, the Sunday Telegraph reported.

    We don’t want no stinking rights.

    Full Member

    trouble is you can’t tell whether this is real or a teaser to see if they can get away with it.

    Full Member

    European human rights law is not a part of the EU. Its a completely separate entity although its a prerequisite for joining the EU. #We actually wrote most of the declaration of human rights post war. We would have to withdraw from it which would be problematic as its incorporated into the Scotland act which set up Holyrood and cannot be altered without the consent of Holyrood. England could withdraw but the only way Westminster could take Scotland out would be to abolish Holyrood and of course having Scotland in and England out ( dunno the welsh situation) would be utterly ridiculous and unworkable

    Full Member

    customs jobs

    My betting is that they will be all zero hour G4S contracts.

    Free Member

    Not all of them. The customs jobs include such things as all the vets required to validate/sign off on such trivial items as a product containing ham.

    Maybe all the retired vets can come and help…

    Full Member

    My betting is that they will be all zero hour G4S contracts.

    Cool, new Brexit opportunities in smuggling await, I wondered what the upside was going to be 🙂

    Full Member

    Not all of them. The customs jobs include such things as all the vets required to validate/sign off on such trivial items as a product containing ham.

    Maybe all the retired vets can come and help…

    That was never a Customs role for vets when I worked for them. It’s up to the importer to make the correct declaration using a commodity code – (it’s all coming flooding back, I’ll probably end up in a freight channel at Dover now with this level of knowledge 🙁 ) if there’s a concern about mis-declaration a sample would be sent off, no vets involved. I imagine any increased customs role will be in entry processing and to a lesser degree frontier control. Fortunately there’s little infrastructure in place for all that – not sure there’s much full stop in the ports dealing with traffic from RoI, the benefits of being in a single market.

    I fear the country will get really rinsed by organised crime moving into the export markets and claiming rebates of taxes and duties for exports. Outside the eu we will have no way of verifying exports and it will be like the early days of carousel fraud and excise fraud in the mid-90s again.

    On the plus side – blue passports

    Free Member

    The new euphemism is “non negotiated outcome” I understand.

    I’ve got a new euphemism too.

    “One who knows their own genitals very closely”.

    Mind you, ‘Brexity’ is also a handy euphemism for ‘racist halfwit’ so…..

    Free Member

    Remember how once we were “shackled to the dying EU”? Well we are now almost certainly shackled to Brexit. A place where any rational decisions or even compassion are sacrificed in pursuit of ideology.

    I don’t care how you voted. Can anyone justify this?

    Free Member

    That was never a Customs role for vets when I worked for them.

    Fair enough. Just heard a vet who had that role talking about it on radio the other day.

    Full Member

    We are going to need four times as many vets as regards exporting as currently… and at the moment a huge proportion of the current workforce are EU nationals. That increase isn’t part of the 50,000… that’s just customs officials, isn’t it? One way around the vet shortage is not to have any additional sanitary and phytosanitary checks for EEA exports… by not exporting… and just retiring half our farmers, and nearly all of our seafood industry… which is starting to look like a possibility.

    Anyway… the USA trade talks are being bigged up again, to try and, er, balance up the EU trade talks… except all they really do is make an EU deal harder for little gain…

    Full Member

    This is not chaos, this is not unplanned.

    The people who paid to get this govt elected are making a mint every time the £ fluctuates, or share prices dive.

    Full Member

    Couple of stories I’ve seen in the right wing press over the weekend make me wonder if the penny is finally dropping about what Brexit and the GE result are actually going to mean. Too late now, obviously

    Free Member


    Ha ha ha.

    They’re going to need to really scrub the ceiling to get all the little bits of gammon off after the explosion.

    Full Member

    European human rights law is not a part of the EU. Its a completely separate entity although its a prerequisite for joining the EU. #We actually wrote most of the declaration of human rights post war

    One of the UK contributors to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was Johnson’s grandfather, who later became a member of the European Commission of Human Rights and then its president.

    Free Member


    Yeah, but then the grandson spotted an opportunity for self advancement by hitching his wagon to the Brexity train and the rest, as they say, is history.

    A ramshackle coalition of idiots and xenophobes led by an arch opportunist.

    And everyone else is along for the ride.


    Full Member

    USA! USA! USA!

    Full Member

    yep, its insanity

    Free Member

    Just seen this:

    The US has also specified it wants to be able to veto the UK’s ability to strike deals with “non-market economies” meaning the likes of China

    Taking back control eh?

    Full Member

    Apologies if this has been mentioned previously,


    Full Member

    Taking back control eh?

    And the EU will want a veto on us giving any other country/block preferential access that we haven’t given them.

    The big squeeze is coming.

    Free Member

    The big squeeze is coming.

    In the short term the hedge funds and currency traders clean up.

    In the medium to long term the outsourcing zero hours contract offering spivs clean up.

    Meanwhile Joe Public is shafted and ends up picking up the tab anyway when the under-tendered services fail and the bosses take a bonus anyway.

    That’s the market for you. I love it when people miss out a crucial thing about ‘the market’ being the ultimate arbiter. Namely if you already have a big wad of cash you can (and will) manipulate said ‘market’ to your own advantage, which is often not for the greater good.

    Full Member

    The big squeeze is coming.

    The problem is that Brexit has acquired a Get Out of Jail Free card called Coronavirus.

    All economic downturn, recession etc is just going to be blamed on that. Reasons for not being able to negotiate a deal? Yeah, we couldn’t travel to Brussels and have large meetings.

    Nothing to do with lack of negotiation skills and power, oh no…

    Full Member

    The Sardine Wars are coming…

    (although, if your catch is molluscs or crustaceans, no Navy can save you from having no market)

    Full Member

    At last have a use for an aircraft carrier with no aircraft.

    They can mend nets on the deck.

    Free Member

    A navy in name only thanks to successive govs failing to invest adequately in enhancing capability; we haven’t even maintained capability; successive govs have wilfully and deliberately reduced capability.
    More empty posturing by johnson and his acolytes.

    Full Member

    The UK currently has 4 fishery protection vessels to patrol 300,000 nautical square miles – assuming 2 are at sea at any one time, then that’s 150,000 square miles each day, every day – assuming a speed of 20knots, a patrol ‘reach’ of 10km, it would take approximately 2,500 hours to patrol, or they’d do 3 passes in a year….

    Free Member

    But remember, these are British fishery protection vessels so they will always be up to the task. It is naysayers like you who are ruining all of this.

    Full Member

    Surely the nation can replicate the Spirit of Dunkirk and send a fleet of small boats into the channel to defend the nation?

    I’m picturing Mark Francois at the bow of a cockling boat, wrapped in a union jack and singing Land of Hope and Glory as he impales a Spanish trawler captain on a rolled up Daily Mail

    Free Member

    It is naysayers like you who are ruining all of this.

    I find your lack of faith disturbing.

    Free Member

    I’m picturing Mark Francois at the bow of a cockling boat, wrapped in a union jack and singing Land of Hope and Glory as he impales a Spanish trawler captain on a rolled up Daily Mail

    I hope they’ve put something heavy at the back of the boat to counterbalance that useless fat knacker.

    Full Member

    Plenty of planes available now.

    Free Member

    New Passports aren’t even Blue!

    Free Member

    The Met Office are considering locating their new super-duper-puter somewhere where they can take advantage of green energy and cooling “stuff”.

    Somewhere like Iceland. Linky.

    Taking back control.
    Fishing rights.
    Cod wars.
    Weather forecasts.
    Taking back control.
    Cod wars.
    Weather forecasts.

    Full Member

    Someone needs to do a Carry on Brexit film…..

    Full Member

    Boris has got it pencilled in for when he’s finished his Benny Hill reboot for ITV2

    Free Member

    New Passports aren’t even Blue!

    The Home Office has issued pictures of the post-Brexit passport, describing it as a return to the “iconic blue” used for UK passports before 1988.

    “I’d say it’s black,” says Stephen Westland, professor of colour science and technology at the University of Leeds.

    Pah! Experts…. Who needs experts? We’ve had enough of experts.


    Full Member

    I’ve just renewed my passport and smallest child’s passport also, going to be posted in the next week… shall we run a book on what colour we get? I hope they are both burgundy…

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