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  • Best Movie Trilogy
  • Cougar
    Full Member

    Star Wars specifically implies that it’s set in our universe during the opening credits.

    Is it possible to specifically imply something? Like, I definitely might do the hoovering tomorrow.

    You’re right though. “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…” rather than “in a parallel universe”

    Free Member

    Jackass is probably the most consistent movie trilogy.

    I think Police Academy (any three) wins if it’s consistency you’re after.

    If you want stuff that’s good, Toy Story. Or The Godfather if you want grown-up stuff. LOTR is just too bloody long and the hobbits jumping on the bed at the end was just too silly.

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    Matrix trilogy of course 🙄

    Free Member

    LOTR is just too bloody long and the hobbits jumping on the bed at the end was just too silly.

    Consistent with the internal logic though. You gotta give them that.

    Free Member

    Alien, Aliens, Alien3
    Lethal Weapon 1,2 & 3
    Lord of the rings
    Die Hard 1,2 & 3
    Beverly Hills Cop 1,2 & 3.
    Mad Max 1,2 & 3 (could even watch fury road if you wanted a full house)
    Predator 1 & 2 (not a trilogy, but awesome films)

    And other random films that are excellent:

    The Town
    Cop Land
    Total Recall (original)

    Full Member

    The Naked Gun Trilogy.
    Naked Gun, Naked Gun 2 1/2, Naked Gun 33 1/3

    Bourne (Identity, Supremacy, Ultimatum)

    Mission Impossible if you sort of ignore 1, 2 and 3 which don’t really follow on from each other and just go for 4, 5 and 6.

    Full Member

    Is it possible to specifically imply something? Like, I definitely might do the hoovering tomorrow.

    @Cougar I think it was a punctuation fail more than anything else 😃 “Star Wars, specifically, implies” is what I meant

    Full Member

    Dr No, From Russia with Love, Goldfinger? (or adjust to your preference from the other options)

    I think the most recent 3 from the Mission Impossible series are considered pretty good?

    Full Member

    Wrath of Khan and Search for Spock might be contenders as they follow each other really well, but you can’t add #1 to the start because it is complete and utter bobbins so you’d have to add The Voyage Home onto the end which I never really liked.

    Full Member

    Bourne is a good call.

    Godfather and Aliens are surely the definition of NOT a good trilogy because the third one was shit?

    LOTR might have been good if Peter Jackson could do emotions, but he can’t.

    Cornetto trilogy sadly let down by a half-baked finale. Wanted to love World’s End as it was filmed in my old stamping ground and I love movies like Bodysnatchers and Stepford Wives, but it was a big disappointment.

    Re-watched original Star Wars movies last month with my daughter, they are great actually and Jedi is not bad at all. It’s definitely up there.

    Free Member

    Consistent with the internal logic though. You gotta give them that.

    Full Member

    I like the Star Trek reboots, there’s three of them. 🙂

    I think X Men, X Men: First Class and X Men: Days Of Future Past would make a nice trilogy.

    Full Member

    I think it was a punctuation fail more than anything else 😃 “Star Wars, specifically, implies” is what I meant

    Boo! Hiss!

    Free Member

    I think the most recent 3 from the Mission Impossible series are considered pretty good?

    MI is problematic because you cannot, under any circumstances, include MI II. So I, III and IV?

    Night of the Living Dead
    Dawn of the Dead
    Day of the Dead

    Full Member

    Plenty of great calls and I feel the need to point out that both BTTF 3 and Die Hard 3 were great.

    Am I allowed True Romance, Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction?

    Free Member

    +1 for Three Colours, Dollars and Back to the Future. Don’t care what anyone says the 2nd and 3rd were both great films and i’ll watch them any time they are on TV!

    Not sure if i’d class it as best but my favourite is Before Sunrise / Sunset / Midnight. The first two films are just about perfect and the third very good.

    Full Member

    Am I allowed True Romance, Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction?

    definitely, they’re all awesome movies, and there’s a fragment of character continuity between them (and most, if not all, Tarantino films)

    Full Member

    Toy Story is a great shout

    You can’t really go wrong with:

    Original Star War Trilogy
    Lord Of the Rings
    Bourne (Identity, Supremacy, Ultimatum)
    Chris Nolan’s Batman

    I’ll also stick up for Back to the Future. 2 and 3 are perfectly good films its just that the first one is exceptional

    Wholeheartedly agree with the above. What’s with the BTTF3 hate? It’s got cowboy Biff, ZZ Top and I still panic with the train at the end even though I know that Marty will make it back. If anything I think the second one is slightly weak after the great start.

    Toy Story is pretty much perfect though. Never get bored of watching them with the kids. I was sceptical about the fourth one, but really enjoyed it even though it didn’t really add anything to the overall narrative. The third one is such a great movie.

    Free Member

    Bourne or Hangover

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    Bridget Jones

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    Alien 1 ,2 ,4 .

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    The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.


    The Hunger Games

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    Iron man for sure….

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    John wick

    Not an exact trilogy but Lock Stock & 2 smoking barrels, Snatch, Revolver or RocknRolla

    Or Tom Hanks The Da Vinci Code, Angels & Demons & Inferno

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    Old boy

    Mr vengance

    Sympathy for lady vengance

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    Harold and Kumar

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    Rocky and Rambo.

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    First Blood, First Blood PtII, Rambo III

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    Its a left field choice, but High School Musical. I mean life is all a bit shit right now, but those 3 perked me up no end. I dare you not to try and sing along.

    Full Member

    Loads I’d have picked already mentioned, but how about…

    The First Avenger
    The Winter Soldier
    Civil War

    Pitch Black
    The Chronicles Of Riddick

    The Evil Dead
    The Evil Dead 2
    Army Of Darkness

    Full Member

    Godfather and Aliens

    Goodfellas vs Predator

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    Has to be the first 3 indiana Jones movies.
    I am ignoring the more recent one as it was shit

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    Home Alone

    Home Alone 2


    Full Member

    Evil dead is a very strong contender.

    The newer TV series is also excellent.

    Full Member

    What’s with the BTTF3 hate?

    I feel bound to point out that I flipping love BTTF.

    But IMO whereas the first film is gold, the other two are just sort of good fun in the same vein. They’re not in the same league as first. So I reckon it’s a push to say they form a great trilogy.

    Free Member

    Robert Rodriguez: El Mariachi, Desperado, Once upon a time in Mexico.

    Free Member

    Police Academy isn’t it?

    Back when leather and moustaches were popular.

    Full Member

    Robert Rodriguez: El Mariachi, Desperado, Once upon a time in Mexico.

    Third one was poor no?

    Free Member

    The 1970s Dirty Harry Films

    Dirty Harry
    Magnum Force
    The Enforcer

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