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  • Bad actors stoking hate again (Southport Stabbings)
  • oldfart
    Full Member

    I wonder what response I’ll get from Facebook ? A local free paper the Somerset Leveller posted an article where Tommy Robinson urges people to rise up in Yeovil next Sunday . I reported it to FB as they warned me recently when I quoted the Bob Marley song Small Axe that I was potentially inciting violence?

    Full Member

    Re the muslim protesters being told to hide their weapons. There was a snippet on BBC news recently of a senior police officer who was Asian. He was addressing a group of counter-protesters and actually used the phrase “If you’ve got any weapons, get rid of them now”

    Now it doesn’t take a particular level of genius to realise he was telling them not to carry weapons, but the phrase was, I believe badly thought out.  It was ambiguous enough to be instantly misinterpreted by those who would spread misinformation.  At best it can be generously interpreted as meaning “Do yourselves a favour guys and throw away any weapons” but knowing what we do, the best way to put it is simply “If you are carrying weapons you will be arrested.”

    It seems such a casual mistake, but , like many other things, shows a lack of awareness.

    A google search result shows just how much this has been seized on by the usual suspects.


    Full Member

    they warned me recently when I quoted the Bob Marley song Small Axe

    I got an Instagram warning last week for violence because I said something looked like “a punched lasagne” yet none of the 100s of racist, homophobic or hate filled posts I report ever get taken down usually because the culprits are smart (or stupid) enough to change one letter in the offensive word or post

    Full Member

    Well I for one have finally got fed up of all the bollocks on X and have deactivated my account with the intention of letting be deleted in 30 days.

    Re. The Stand Up To Racism counter protests; while admire their commitment I don’t think now is the time. I can see it may well just add fuel to the fire of the FRW nutters and see the SUTR lot as a target to attack, creating more problems for the policing and making great footage for the fascist media outlet if your choice.

    Full Member

    I got an Instagram warning last week for violence because I said something looked like “a punched lasagne” yet none of the 100s of racist, homophobic or hate filled posts I report ever get taken down usually because the culprits are smart (or stupid) enough to change one letter in the offensive word or post

    So the bad spellen is delibrate?

    Full Member

    Another morally-bankrupt grifter joins the. ‘I’m not racist but have genuine concerns…’ bandwagon.

    We must surely now have reached a critical mass of ****s?

    Full Member

    The Stand Up To Racism counter protests; while admire their commitment I don’t think now is the time. I can see it may well just add fuel to the fire of the FRW nutters and see the SUTR lot as a target to attack

    It absolutely does make a difference. Why do you think that there have been no “protests” in London? Because the far-right know that the counter protests will be huge and they will be totally overwhelmed. A right-wing mob of 300 is considered very large, but it can easily be dwarfed by a counter protest.

    I have heard that the far-right will typically send a scout to film the counter protesters on his phone before going back to the pub to report. If the counter protest is considered too large they simply stay in the pub drinking, otherwise 50 thugs will emerge from the pub looking for what and who they can damage.

    Standing up to fascists and racists in the streets is as valid now as it was in the 1930s

    Free Member

    Says it all about Sir Kneel Starmer – quote from another online source.

    Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer and Home Secretary Yvette Cooper have refused to specifically condemn acts of violence in Birmingham as the row over alleged two-tier policing system continues.

    Full Member

    Says it all about Sir Kneel Starmer – quote from another online source.

    Can you share the full conversation that supposed quote was taken from please?

    Full Member

    The Daily Express apparently


    Couldn’t tell you what it says about Sir Kneel Starmer though

    Full Member

    Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer and Home Secretary Yvette Cooper have refused to specifically condemn acts of violence in Birmingham as the row over alleged two-tier policing system continues.

    Bollocks. They’ve both been on TV condemning all the violence, are you getting your knickers in a twist because they didn’t specifically mention one specific town?

    Full Member


    Opposition to the riots is near-universal across every part of the public, with Reform UK voters being the only group showing any substantive levels of support, at 21%. Even this is a clear minority, with three-quarters of Reform voters (76%) opposed to the riots.

    This is one of the reasons why I believe that Nigel Farage’s responsibility for fueling the unrest should be relentlessly highlighted by politicians of all parties.

    It could seriously damage him politically. Even three quarters of Reform UK are at odds with the unrest ffs, never mind non-Reform voters who might be tempted to vote Reform in the next elections.

    This a fairly unique opportunity and one in which Farage has given his opponents an open goal. It would be tragic to miss it.

    Full Member

    Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer and Home Secretary Yvette Cooper have refused to specifically condemn acts of violence in Birmingham as the row over alleged two-tier policing system continues.

    So this is just a continuation of the election campaign where the right wing press would publish headlines like ‘Starmer refuses to rule out feeding everyone’s cat into a wood chipper and nationalising your nan!’, because he hadn’t actually called a press conference to say ‘I would just like to say that I have no intention of feeding everyone’s cat into a wood chipper or nationalising your nan’

    Just utter bollocks basically, designed to appear to the nations harder-of-thinking

    Full Member

    It absolutely does make a difference.

    Whilst I agree with you Ernie, I do think there is an onus on the counter protesters to be impeccably behaved. It might be “two tier”(thought I’d throw in the phrase of the day) morals and standards but you’d need to turn up knowing you could do it peacefully no matter how much you are provoked. And it’s only takes a tiny minority of the counter protesters to get it wrong before it’s entirely counter productive.

    A well behaved crowd of multiple ethnicities, genders, faiths and ages peacefully providing a barrier between the idiots and their targets could be incredibly impactful. Anything else and you are providing a reason for those 76% of reform voters to become less sure of what’s right and wrong. They can’t put the PM where he needs to condem violence from all sides.

    Me – I think I’d be too inclined to return a thrown stone and hope for a direct hit to the knackers like the viral video to be a reliable counter protesters.

    Full Member

    Today I donated money to Stand Up to Racism – the riots are far away from Cornwall (mostly) – but our local MP posted something about attending an event called ‘Celebration of Culture’ organised by Black Voices Cornwall.

    The comments included such gems as “What about white voices of Cornwall”

    There is so much work to be done.

    Free Member

    Yeah, that’s what I meant. Lots of people seem to think they are hidden, as they are arranging all their meet-ups on Telegram. But anybody can join those groups, nobody checks who you are. Journalists at The Times are members of some of them and are highlighting the plans for this evening, for example.

    Guess the only more difficult bit is linking the online account with a real person.

    In that sense it’s as secure as you make it.

    The aforementioned car groups changed the group membership to be by invitation and you had to send a photo of you and your car at an event acting like a dick.

    Part of me thought I could setup a group under the same name and with the same rules, get loads of footage then bulk upload it to operation snap ?.  I assume if I’ve thought of it then various police forces have probably had the same idea!

    Free Member

    Well Bin Lady Leanne’s FB page is a fascinating and damning indictment of the UK 2024 style.

    Most people are taking the piss out of her, a few defending her. But half of the posts are so poorly spelled and punctuated that they are at best ambiguous and totally unintelligible at worst. A quick view of a few posters’ profiles suggest this is pretty much the norm.

    Education in this country is free. It is also compulsory up to the age of 16. How the **** did these people slip through? I’m not even talking about being able to pass a GCSE. I’m just talking about being in the education system for a minimum of 12 years – surely something has to rub off? Doesn’t it? Even just a bit of pride at knowing something, anything…


    Full Member

    What about white voices of Cornwall

    They look a bit pasty to me.

    Full Member

    Good effort @PrinceJohn . I’ll be doing the same for Stand Up To Racism Scotland. There’s apparently à far right demo in Glasgow on September the 7th  . Stand Up To Racism Scotland are organising the counter demo.

    Full Member

    Convert the far-right/fascists always come out looking far worse when there are confrontations, because of course they are.

    A couple of weeks ago Stephen Lennon/Tommy Robinson organised a national demo in Central London, I attended the counter demonstration march. The nearest the two sides got to each other was about 400 yards between Trafalgar Square and Whitehall.

    Obviously the whole operation was always going to be a tricky one for the Met but the one striking thing I noticed on that day was how incredibly relaxed the old bill were.

    I have been in a lot of dodgy situations where the police have charged into crowds, I have learnt how to gauge how tense the police are just by their whole demeanor as it gives a very good indication of the likelihood of trouble/charging/police violence. It’s a whole range of things including whether they speak to each other, whether they have their back to you, their stances, etc etc

    On that counter demonstration despite the potential for serious trouble between two sides the coppers whole demeanor was utterly relaxed as if they were at a local church fair, it was very noticeable to me. And reason was obvious – they knew that there were no risks of trouble from the counter demonstrators. I can’t imagine for one moment though that their colleagues policing Tommy’s Boys were equally as relaxed.

    TBH I am not sure what has happened to political demonstrations recently. There was a time when whatever the leftie demo in London you could guarantee that some halfwits who thought of themselves as anarchists would cause trouble. However I been on 15 national demos in support of Palestine in the last 10 months and not once have I seen the slightest bit of trouble. Mind you the Palestine demos are quite unique in a multitude of different ways. They are also very organic and constantly evolving in weird and fascinating ways. They would make a very interesting subject for anyone studying human behaviour, I find them quite fascinating.

    Free Member

    God, this is utterly depressing.

    At the university I’m working at, all the international students were asked to go home today. Some of my students were racially abused in Tesco. This, sadly, does not feel out of the ordinary.

    Brexit, the crapulent corruption on show on Johnson’s watch, and now masked **** in Under Armour running amok and down the country, lynching people, burning books, I mean, what the **** is happening here?

    I can understand how the likes of Anderson and Fox enjoy this, but the Sunaks, Bravermans, Bandernochs, your legacy is that my students no longer feel safe. How the **** do they sleep at night?

    Sorry, I’m just ranting here, but our reputation of a law abiding country, a sense of fair play, due process, and all the rest of it, would appear to be flowing down the rivers and into the sea along with all the other shite.

    Full Member

    So two of the protesters charged after the Nottingham protest are from my sleepy little middle class village, which is nice.

    And the address apparently to be targeted on the next Nottingham protest, according to the Police, is the home of an elderly vulnerable man. Let’s hope the idiots see that in time.

    Full Member

    At the university I’m working at, all the international students were asked to go home today.

    which uni is that? The one I work at hasn’t even been asked to make any contingency plans yet, let alone tell students to go home, but that’s probably because most of our students aren’t due in for a few weeks yet.

    Full Member

    Education in this country is free. It is also compulsory up to the age of 16. How the **** did these people slip through?

    There are huge chunks of this  country which get zero attention from government at any level. These places and the people who live in them are neglected and forgotten except at election time. For many people it’s a struggle just to get through the day themselves never mind get kids to school.  There are opportunities for the bigots and racists , and populists like Farage and Yaxley-Lennon there

    Free Member

    There are huge chunks of this country which get zero attention from government at any level. These places and the people who live in them are neglected and forgotten except at election time.

    But the education system still exists there. The majority of kids in those areas still get a perfectly adequate education and some do very well…

    Free Member

    It’s a well-known one in the north east of England.

    Our current students are all international students, so are being made to feel very unsafe because of their ethnicity.

    Post-Johnson Tories have all been twerking for these racist scumbags for years, now look how they’ve all fallen remarkably silent.

    Daily Mail still at it, despite total breakdown in law and order.

    If anyone can countenance it, read the comments section — their readers can’t get enough of this.

    Free Member

    the Sunaks, Bravermans, Bandernochs, your legacy is that my students no longer feel safe. How the **** do they sleep at night?

    They’re Tories and climbers. They are only interested in their own outcomes.

    Full Member

    Education in this country is free. It is also compulsory up to the age of 16. How the **** did these people slip through?

    Last week I nipped to meet a mate in Middleton. There was a big fuss outside the pub with loads of police. A 12 year had just been nicked ragging a stolen Range Rover around the local streets at crazy speeds.

    As they were arresting the little shit, his scrotey parents (or whichever ‘uncle’ Sharon was shacked up with this week) turned up and started sweatily haranguing the police to let him go. Apparently robbing cars and ragging them around at warp factor 8 is now just the kind of thing you get up to in the school holidays, so why were they arresting him?

    What do you reckon his school attendance is like? Think he’ll end up with any qualifications and a bright future in front of him?

    Right there you’ve got the next generation of the pricks who are out ‘protesting ‘ – and there are plenty of them – because Yaxley Lennon and Farage are telling them that their miserable pointless lives are miserable and pointless because of immigrants, and these morons are more than happy to be handed scapegoats instead of looking a bit closer to home

    Free Member

    There are huge chunks of this  country which get zero attention from government at any level. These places and the people who live in them are neglected and forgotten except at election time. 

    This needs to be remembered, but then the press has been so successful in framing this narrative that it’s not the establishment that are responsible, but the migrants. The way it looks to me, the whole modus operandi of outfits like the Mail is to divert attention away from the fact that a very small minority of the population own two thirds of the country and are only to happy to print money for themselves but enforce a regime of austerity on everyone else, which is on-going, even with a supposedly liberal government.

    Free Member

    Right there you’ve got the next generation of the pricks who are out ‘protesting ‘ because Yaxley Lennon and Farage are telling them that their miserable pointless lives are miserable and pointless because of immigrants

    Well if they won’t engage with the norms of society even though the opportunity is there…

    What do you do?

    Fence off certain areas and just leave them to get on with it?

    Free Member

    Counter protests are absolutely essential. In the three years leading up to COVID the EDL attempted to march in Liverpool and each protest turned into a mini riot with police horses and lots of fighting. The marches stopped and EDL escorted out of town to the Benny Hill theme tune. Look what happened this weekend when it failed. The alternative is having fascists march through your town intimidating who they feel like. Far rights groups have always taken and gained power from the street up. Being willing to give a good kicking to fascists  may not be a nice way to spend your day but it certainly stops them and in 30 years of going on counter demos it’s the only option that has worked.

    Free Member

    I read the posh boy hate and judgement (based on complete ignorance) and can only see the situation getting worse.I sense, few of you have the slightest idea who these people are and what it’s like to survive in the collapsed societies they exist in.Very sad.

    Free Member

    It might be time to remind Mr Musk that although X has the reach and ability to interfere in politics, it doesn’t possess a military capability nor a special forces capability that can make people disappear.

    Free Member

    Half an hour of analysis on LCI. The fake news started with the Russians on Channel 3 apparently then got diffused by Russian bots and media. That needs bringing home to the far-right flag wavers. There were also reminders of previous Russian succeses, Brexit and Trump.  And the Boris factor where I’m not quite sure what they we’re getting at or accusing him of.

    Free Member

    Education in this country is free. It is also compulsory up to the age of 16. How the **** did these people slip through? I’m not even talking about being able to pass a GCSE. I’m just talking about being in the education system for a minimum of 12 years – surely something has to rub off? Doesn’t it? Even just a bit of pride at knowing something, anything…

    “Oh, we’ve had enough of experts”

    “I’m rubbish at maths”

    ”I don’t read books”

    ”I hate swots”

    ”Teacher’s pet”

    Being ignorant and uneducated is a badge of honour for far too many people.

    No idea how you change it though. I suspect it will always be thus, but social media now provides a platform and shines a light on it.

    Free Member

    If you think they were all fascists your hopelessly deluded.If you think all Brexit voters were thick and educated your also a fool.

    Free Member

    few of you have the slightest idea who these people are and what it’s like to survive in the collapsed societies they exist in

    But schools exist in those areas and every parent should want the best for their children?

    Free Member

    posh boy

    And you know me how, exactly?

    based on complete ignorance

    Ah, I see now.

    Free Member

    why do some people have such difficulty understanding this: It’s not “just typing something on the internet”, it’s publishing something, possibly for all time, to potentially millions of people. There needs to be accountability, responsibility, and consequences.

    As if by magic, the following headline has just pinged up on my phone “Man, 28, becomes first person to be charged with stirring racial hatred online in relation to current violent disorder in UK”. How is that not a good thing??

    As an aside, why do people think that “freedom of speech” i.e. I can say what I like, to who I like, is a thing in the UK, or ever has been? Too many US cop shows I guess?

    Riots and public disorder, plus racist attacks and xenophobia, were a thing long before social media existed. See 1930s Germany. As for ‘accountability’; see many politicians since WW2, who have used race as a means to win support. From Enoch Powell to Farage, Braverman, Boris Johnson and Lee Anderson. Labour haven’t been exempt from more recent dog-whistling either; see Margaret Hodge in Barking, Andy Burnham in Manchester and the lack of any action to combat Islamophobia in the Labour party. Much of this has been done entirely independently of any social media. ‘Freedom of speech’ is more a turn of phrase than a reality, of course, but everyone has their own interpretation of what this means, and who should be allowed the privilege. Personally, I don’t want any politicians I didn’t vote for, deciding on my freedoms. Democracy relies on equivocacy  for all. Even if you don’t like what’s being said; you do of course equally have the right to speak out against it though.

    Have you actually been watching the news for the past week?

    Yes. I just don’t believe knee-jerk reactionism and the curtailment of democratic freedoms is the way forward.

    there is a massive difference between a forum and algorithm driven sites like Twitter/Meta. If you don’t understand the difference you really aren’t in a position to comment.

    Is there? Internet forums are still run and controlled largely by private organisations and individuals. I’m sure if I expressed views which conflicted with those of this forum’s owners, I’d be quickly removed. I have experienced forums, some very popular ones even, where there is a distinct bias towards particular beliefs and ideologies and where dissent isn’t tolerated.  If anything, I’d say Twitter etc are in fact more open in terms of a spectrum of opinions and views.

    [MOD] No, you wouldn’t. Only if you break the forum rules.

    Free Member

    Many of the schools round here are holding operations specialising in crowd control.As I have pointed out before,40% of children in Middlesbrough grow up in poverty.The figure is 60% in my adjacent council ward.That is the real violence not a one of riot.

    The average male round here dies at 55.I,m living on borrowed time.

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