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  • Bad actors stoking hate again (Southport Stabbings)
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    Free Member

    Because places like Middleborough had their local police forces decimated (figuratively and literally) by the Tories. They’re recruiting again…

    31st March 2023 147, 430 full-time equivalent Police Officers in E&W, higher than the 144k in 2009 and the highest in 20 years. Granted numbers dropped off a cliff during the first half of the Conservative Government, but recruitment went wild to the 2023 target date

    …time served cops (read expensive) being ‘offered’ early pensions in forces…

    I’ve known two pension schemes, 1987 and 2006, they’re now on the 2015 scheme; what is this early pension of which you speak? The only worthwhile early pension is through ill-health and you really don’t want that :)

    Anything else is either a deferral (at low ££) or on reaching either 55 or 60, again with the prospect of low ££ depending on time-served

    Most of the few cops they have will have never seen anything like this before.

    The last widespread spontaneous riots that I can think of were in 2011. There have been a stack of organised protests since then.

    Point of interest, the UK police will never officially refer to a “riot”, that’s a word that your home insurance doesn’t cover and will claim from the PCC/Mayor

    Free Member

    What’s funny about it? You think it’s beyond the capabilities of the UK government to redeploy police resources between cities and regions?

    It’s perfectly possible, but it’s a massive job and not one that can be organised at the drop of a hat. The 2011 EDL protest in Leicester cost more than £850k, what would that be in 2024? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leicestershire-12747081.amp

    Scapegoat has given you some ideas of police needed, then you need to get them to wherever (vehicle fleet), repair damaged vehicles (garage staff) feed and water everyone (catering and delivery staff) provide safe marshalling areas, etc.

    Free Member

    Does this just mean future leave for officers or those already away somewhere have to come back to work?

    I’ve heard of people being recalled from holidays, but not for public disorder (which isn’t to say that it doesn’t happen)

    Usually it’s in the future, although a planned future operation generally leads to a partial/full block on future applications rather than cancellation

    Free Member

    …is it true that under riot law, attendance is illegal?

    I don’t know about current law, but you’ve probably heard the phrase “reading the Riot Act”. That’s literally what used to be done

    Free Member

    Yes we all know the tories cut the number of police…

    Until Boris appeared with his 31/3/2023 target to increase numbers by 20k

    Full Member

    My lads currently doing his mandatory 1 year (or longer) training in the station building case files etc. I’m sure there a man’s for this but I find know it. This week he’s at college all week with a load of others to get the mandatory degree that’s now been dropped I believe?

    I think he’s said that the college time takes absolute precedence over and police duties, so even if they would like to use the ones at college, day, this week, they can’t.

    This is all second hand info mind you!

    I think they dropped the mandatory degree thing a short while after his cohort passed out due to hiring and retention problems(?)… which my lad and a fair few if his noob colleagues aren’t too happy about as they still have to compete it. Lol

    Hell, I didn’t even know if he’s had any crowd control training but I’m assuming he has?

    Free Member

    As a leftist and even someone who finds anarchist ideas very appealing, I realise this is a rather dangerous reaction to this situation, but…

    Every video I see of this I can’t help feeling the police look rather underarmed (so to speak) to deal with the situation.

    I mean, there are cops regularly getting assulted, knocked to the ground, or hurt, and they don’t seem capable of doing much but holding up a shield. Not to mention the crowds literally burning down buildings of people who they don’t want here. It feels like a water cannon, some tear gas, tasers, perhaps even rubber bullets, would be reasonable in this case.

    One of the few things I have some pride in about the UK is the fact our cops don’t need guns, unless specifically called for. But now I’m wishing they had something more.

    I guess I’m also resonding to the fear I have for my inlaws, who are of Carribean and South Asian heritage. This scares the cr*p out of me — and I don’t even live in the UK atm.

    Free Member


    Leeds 1842 “About four o’clock the Riot Act was read and two pieces of artillery were paraded into Holbeck. Between thirty and forty prisoners were taken but only so far as we could gather on very trifling charges.”

    Leeds 1844 “Following this riot, officers kept troops under control but the population was still in aggressive mood and further battles between a mob and the police occurred in Briggate which were only quelled by cutlass-wielding constables.”

    Leeds 1893 “The constables were also armed with cutlasses, but did not resort to the use of them.”

    Don’t panic, that’s the year, not the time :)


    But now I’m wishing they had something more

    They did, during Victorian times. Leeds has also had the 17th Lancers and 8th Hussars on standby BITD

    Full Member

    This was posted (more in the thread) by Robinson himself, then deleted.

    Full Member

    The bit cut off at the top is more interesting.

    “when you became non resident”

    Is he showing the typical right wing elite patriots approach to patriotism of, ermmm, not living in the country he loves?

    Full Member

    How does a person like him with a criminal record as long as your arm get approved for residency anywhere? Thinking about it, how does he fly to the States?

    Full Member

    Is he showing the typical right wing elite patriots approach to patriotism of, ermmm, not living in the country he loves?

    English, my arse!


    Full Member
    Full Member

    @legometeorology I know what you mean. I feel like there’s an escalating spectrum of:

    -peaceful march in favour of a reasonable cause (pretty sure there were some anti Brexit things like this. Even as someone with the opposite view, you could express that view perfectly safely in the middle of the crowd, you might just get a tut and an eye roll)

    -unpleasant but peaceful

    -peaceful but genuinely intimidating

    -vandalism (e.g. spray painting a logo or slogan on a building)

    -property damage (e.g. smashed windows)

    -violence aimed at police

    -violence aimed at counter protestors

    -violence aimed at anybody (setting a building on fire when you know there are men, women and kids trapped inside)

    I’ve said before about the problems I have with the laws that restrict peaceful protest in the UK, but by the time you get to the bottom of the list I’m fully into “the police need to start cracking skulls” mode. I worry that the response to this won’t be to stamp down on the far right, but rather a wider introduction of stuff like facial recognition that gets used again JSO, anti war protestors etc.

    Full Member

    On a lighter note… Self delivered into custody. Nice.

    Free Member

    Andrew Tate complaining that far right arseholes are also mostly very racist?

    Is he aware enough that this is, in fact, an amazing bit of trolling?

    I believe the answer is no. He’s even more of a thicko than he appears.

    Free Member

    You’d think a lawyer could produce grammatically correct English, though?

    In any case, I’m so sick of these “alt” right crowd now, aka, Peterson, Musk, et al.

    Peterson had Yaxley-Lennon on his podcast, and while I normally tolerate other view points for the sake of curiosity, I cannot watch it.

    Musk saying a ‘civil’ war is inevitable in the UK as reminds me of the typically embarrassing commentary from yanks talking about something they have absolutely zero understanding of [and, yes, I’m finishing a sentence with a preposition].

    Full Member

    And you only need to end up in A&E briefly to have a moment of enlightenment or at least realisation about immigration

    There was a post in the big Brexit thread we had that has stuck in my head ever since. One poster said their relative voted for Brexit because a Nigerian nurse was rude to her when she was in hospital. Unfortunately there really is no cure for stupidity

    Full Member

    Musk saying a ‘civil’ war is inevitable in the UK as reminds me of the typically embarrassing commentary from yanks talking about something they have absolutely zero understanding of

    It’s from the USA that these “civil war” narratives are coming from through, and from people with real power to shape minds here in the UK.

    I mean, there are cops regularly getting assulted, knocked to the ground, or hurt, and they don’t seem capable of doing much but holding up a shield

    This is why most of us could not be in the police. They are in harms way like this all the time… intervening in repeated domestic violence, or common weekend street fights can escalate to weapons and/or being suddenly outnumbered by people joining in and smelling blood.

    Full Member

    I  believe the answer is no. He’s even more of a thicko than he appears

    To be fair, and as much as it pains me, I’m not aware of Tate being a racist or anti immigrant. Horrific misogyny, 100%,, but I haven’t seen or heard anything Tommy Robinson esque from him, but happy to be proved wrong

    Free Member

    To be fair, and as much as it pains me, I’m not aware of Tate being a racist or anti immigrant. Horrific misogyny, 100%,, but I haven’t seen or heard anything Tommy Robinson esque from him, but happy to be proved wrong

    He’s not. But 90%+ of those he effectively shares a platform with obviously will be. The Venn diagram of misogynists, racists, xenophobes and far right politics looks like a series of partially inflated inner tubes stacked on top of each other. Not exactly the same shape, but at least 90% commonality across all of them.

    For Tate to, apparently, not realise this marks him out as monumentally thick.

    Full Member

    But 90%+ of those he effectively shares a platform with obviously will be

    Very true. See also Joey Barton.

    The terrifying reality is if we let these clowns win, first it’ll be the immigrants, then anyone of colour, then “the gays”, then the women, etc.


    I worry that the response to this won’t be to stamp down on the far right, but rather a wider introduction of stuff like facial recognition that gets used again JSO, anti war protestors etc.

    Most likely will happen, mission creep for convenience is a real a present danger.

    I’m still hoping for massed cavalry charges. Send some actual patriots into the mix with lances and sabres.

    Full Member

    Andrew Tate isn’t thick. And his father is black.

    Full Member

    To be fair, and as much as it pains me, I’m not aware of Tate being a racist or anti immigrant.

    I thought he was one of the accounts RTing the killer came over on a boat lie last week – think I saw that on a news channel deep dive into the social media response to the killings (possibly Sky).

    Full Member

    I didn’t imagine it…

    ‘Andrew Tate, the controversial influencer, amplified the false narrative, saying that the attacker was an “illegal migrant”.’

    Full Member

    Foxy has skedaddled off to Ireland I see!

    Spain… Ireland, Britain’s immigrants are causing havoc broad! 

    Stop the planes! Stop the planes!

    Full Member

    Andrew Tate has previously announced that he converted Islam, although that announcement was almost certainly for financial benefit – he has a huge following amount young Muslim men, much to the disgust of the wider Muslim community

    Full Member

    Unfortunately grifters like Tate, Farage, Yaxley-Lennon, Fox, Hopkins et Al, have learned how to monetise this shit by peddling grievances to ****-wits. They’ve made literally millions off it, while keeping a nice safe distance from the brick-throwing end of things

    Given Russel Brands recent conversion to Trumpism as his latest grift, I expect he’ll be back in the UK soon and chipping his oar in too

    Full Member

    There was a post in the big Brexit thread we had that has stuck in my head ever since. One poster said their relative voted for Brexit because a Nigerian nurse was rude to her when she was in hospital. Unfortunately there really is no cure for stupidity

    Same thing happened as I sat in the assessment room of A&E at Dumfries hospital with my dad for his myelodysplasia back in 2018, there was another couple across the room both in their 60’s, my dad was assessed by a lovely nigerian doctor we had seen before so we both knew him, after the doctor left the room I overheard the man say to his wife “I hope I don’t get that **** c**n looking at me”.

    I got up and stuck my head out the door into the busy A&E corridor and said very loudly “This racist couple in here say they do not want the **** c**n doctor to examine them – I’m just letting you all know”

    Walked back to sit next to dad and said to the couple “There you go, you’ll now get a nice white doctor so don’t worry about the **** c**n

    Racists/facists, call them out wherever they raise a head.

    Too many folk bite their tongue in such situations

    Full Member

    And Andrew Tate’s brother Tristan is one of alleged islamophile (and occasional Nigel Farage supporter) George Galloway’s greatest financial backers. Go figure.


    Full Member

    Falling like dominoes.

    This lady (was) a childminder but IS a Tory councillors wife…


    Full Member

    So hearing rumours here in Sussex that protests are planned in Brighton tomorrow, and outside the Peacehaven mosque.

    What does one do here? Counter protest to show solidarity that hate has no place here? What would Martin Niemoller do?

    Full Member

    Also struggling with the Andrew Tate discussion…… Does he get RW arse hole points knocked off cos he’s not racist and only a misogynist? He’s a fully signed up member of the Farage, Musk, Thiel fraternity…..

    Someone on twitter earlier today said he’s not less of a see you next Tuesday because he is a person of colour, he’s a see you next Tuesday because he’s a see you next Tuesday.

    Free Member

    Andrew Tate isn’t thick. 

    Maybe not, but his is a ****

    *cockney slang : berk

    Full Member

    So hearing rumours here in Sussex that protests are planned in Brighton tomorrow, and outside the Peacehaven mosque.

    Yeah I saw a list earlier of all the protests theat the far-right are planning for tomorrow and I was a little surprised to see Brighton on the list, my immediate thought was that Brighton is unlikely far-right territory. 

    They still don’t seem to have any planned anywhere in London.

    Edit: Just checked and the far-right are aiming to target Raj Ryan immigration solicitors in Queens Road Brighton tomorrow.

    I don’t know how to post all the details of the planned far-right protests tomorrow as I’ve got it on a WhatsApp message, and there’s a lot of them!

    Edit 2 : They seem to be targeting immigration advice centres, solicitors, and refugee centres. If you know the town I can probably give you the address incl the post code!

    Full Member

    Did they turn up in Bradford then? Can’t imagine it would have gone well for them, which I guess is what their ringleaders actually want.

    Full Member

    Plymouth is getting hammered tonight. :(

    Free Member

    Boro is lovely and quiet tonight(has been all day).Bit like the Purge movie I think.

    Full Member

    Tomorrow far right targets:

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