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  • Apparently this Jeremy Clarkson article was pulled
  • Wiredchops
    Free Member

    anotherdeadhero, I doff my cap to you, and with a tear in my eye walk into the setting sun knowing that through the universal c0ckness of Clarkson, those who would otherwise disagree are joined in a universal truth, which no 'logic' or 'reason' can ever extinguish.

    Kind of like one of Clarkson's articles!

    Free Member

    Hang on, there is logic abroad?

    *sharpens scythe*

    *writes letter to daily wail*

    *oppresses albanian immigrants*

    Free Member

    A couple of things.

    1. Clarkson aims to get a rise out of people – thats his style, dont take it so seriously.
    2. Mandy is a cock & sometimes JC can be one too..However I know which one Id rather have a beer with – at least JC would drink a pint rather than Mandy who would probably have some kind of spritzer!
    3. The country is on its @rse & no mistake. How come we are the ONLY European country STILL in recession??? FFS Italy is ahead of us now..
    4. 50% taxes looming & dont think that wont affect you, its just the begining of higher taxation.
    5. Currency is in the poo – 1.11 vs the Euro..
    6. Inflation on the up.
    7. Interest rates shot.
    8. BOE to continue printing money.
    9. If you dont think we are in the sh1t then I want some of what your smoking!

    Free Member

    How come we are the ONLY European country STILL in recession???

    Not everyone agrees :

    In a speech at Royal Holloway College, University of London, Dr Sentance, a former chief economist at British Airways, said that evidence "suggests the UK economy has moved on to a recovery track and growth has resumed in the second half of this year".

    6. Inflation on the up.

    Isn't that good ………or do you want deflation ?

    7. Interest rates shot.

    You want high interest rates, even though inflation is low ?

    Free Member

    I like clarkson when he does his car show, it's funny in a juvenile way. As for his opinions on other stuff, irrelevant.

    It does show that those here who support the "opinions" of a car journalist, must be quite devoid of any opinions of their own.

    Free Member

    You give 2 statisticians the same set of numbers – they will prove 2 different things..

    Rising inflation hasnt done Zimbabwe any good..And yes I wouldnt mind interest rates being a little higher as Im the kind of person who has saved his money over the years.

    Free Member

    It does show that those here who support the "opinions" of a car journalist, must be quite devoid of any opinions of their own.

    Oh yes, thats definatly what it means. Without a doubt. I reckon that Adolf Hitler was a misunderstood chap, but what do I know? I'm just a regular guy, not a facist dictator. Who said Godwin?

    a former chief economist at British Airways

    Free Member

    So, our debt is less than many comparable countries, our taxes are lower than our neighbours, crime is down, inflation is low, and our health system is rather better than that enjoyed by 40 million Americans.

    But hey, why let the facts get in the way of a rich person having a moan in order to make himself richer?

    Free Member

    I find Clarkson reasonably entertaining and don't mind watching Top Gear, but if you seriously think his opinions on politics are worth listening to then you're a moron. Sorry.

    Would he prefer it back in the non-politically correct times when women stayed in the kitchen and weren't allowed proper jobs, and you could happily abuse ethnic minorities in the street?

    Free Member

    You give 2 statisticians the same set of numbers – they will prove 2 different things..

    I won't dispute that.


    Quote :

    You are obviously wholly unimpressed by Dr Andrew Sentance who is a member of the Monetary Policy Committee at the the Bank of England and has a PhD in economics anotherdeadhero ?

    Maybe you're right …… perhaps we should take Jeremy Clarkson more seriously on such matters ?

    Full Member

    uni's are being forced into state school selective intakes

    can you explain how taking consideration of someones schooling i a bad thing and can you show me evidence that uni's are being forced into it rather than wanting it, they want the brightest afterall not the most qualified.

    Free Member

    I love the way Clarkson gets the hard-of-thinking frothing at the mouth. Not that's hard here.

    Full Member

    I love the way Clarkson gets the hard-of-thinking frothing at the mouth. Not that's hard here.

    Is that the morons who agree with him or the muppets that think he matters?

    Free Member


    You're such good value to have on these threads; you're so wrong so many times!

    UK plc is donald ducked, and it's barely started.

    Clarkson, although occasionally irritating would get my vote over any of the half-wits in parliament today.

    Mandy; I wouldn't piss on him even if he was on fire. He's a waste of oxygen.

    Free Member

    The number of foreign students in English universities is a serious problem. It has got so bad now some classes are way over a 50 50 mix. I have no problem with foreigners but when English children are not educated at their expense then there needs to be a serious shake up of student visas. Half the foreign students don’t have as good grades and can barely speak any English. So why do they get in? Because they pay a much bigger fee then the capped fee and English child pays.
    I think this one can be solely blamed on Labour dropping university funding and introducing fees. When a girl with 4 A Alevel cannot get on a vet course in any of her 5 chosen universities but plenty of foreign students can you have a serious problem.

    Free Member

    anotherdeadhero – Member

    Ah but there is Teej.

    The Police spend too much time paperworking, and not enough Policing.

    "And you have evidence to back this up? Its a favourite of the daily wail brigade but there is nothing to back it up at all. The paperwork is essential to serve the ends of justice. What paperwork do you suggest is not essential?"

    Clickety click Mr Tandem Jeremy: Police spend up to half of their time on paperwork

    Free Member

    UK plc is donald ducked, and it's barely started
    Your not wrong! :-)

    Free Member

    Nu Labour – massive disappointment. Clarkson – meets expectations. That is all.

    Free Member


    a moron. Sorry.

    Ernie, is your nice graphical representation per capita? if not, then irrelevant.
    If Mr Sentance, ex chief economist of the financially sound BA says it then it must be true :roll:

    Free Member

    I used to find Top Gear/Clarkson quite amusing, but these days he simply comes over as what he is, a boorish public school bully who never grew up.
    Its funny to watch the show, Hammond and May are allowed a certain amount of leeway, but we're left with no doubt who the boss is.
    As much as I dislike him , he'd be nothing without an audience ( like a lot of bullies)so the people who are worthy of most scorn are the ones who idolise him.
    As far as his journalistic opinion goes, you've got to keep in mind that he's a rich, extremely privileged man who'd like to stay that way, so he's hardly representing the interests of 'yer man in the street' any more than Mandelson is.
    He can also sit there, spouting populist sh*t from the sidelines, Knowing full well that he'd never have the backbone to offer any solutions – if he went into politics, I suspect he'd quickly get found out, and that would do nothing for his bank account.

    Free Member

    I think the mistake people make is to view Clarkson as a 'serious journalist' when he ain't… He's a showman, who plays the c*ck to amuse & entertain (a sort of 'professional c*ck,' I suppose). Most of his written work seems very tongue in cheek and intended to amuse rather than inform – I very much doubt his articles represent his real views.

    Full Member

    I was at an industrial dinner last night in London and Mandleson was one of the speakers, such a slimy, god awful politician with a speech that had no charisma or appeal at all.

    Free Member

    backhander …..don't worry mate – I've seen the errors of my ways.

    Obviously Dr Andrew Sentance who is a member of the Monetary Policy Committee at the the Bank of England and has a PhD in economics, can't possibly have a clue what state the UK economy is in.

    From now on I will put my faith in Jeremy Clarkson, who clearly has his finger on pulse of the UK economy
    ………I can't imagine why I was so stupid to think otherwise.

    Let's just hope that Jeremy Clarkson decides to give up his day job and steps in to save Britain.

    Free Member

    Hmmm, George W Bush was the leader of the most powerful nation on the planet, does that make him wise? Tony Blair was the leader of our fair isles and lead us into 2 wars, is he wise? (WMD anyone?)
    Michael fish was a very well respected and qualified weatherman.
    Experts f*** up and are often wrong.

    Free Member

    Whereas Clarkson is loved 'cos he's consistantly, unapologetically wrong ALL the time

    Free Member

    Despite saying, quote : "No one cares what you think" you really ought to read my posts, if you want to comment on them backhander.

    I said, quote : "Not everyone agrees". And I gave Dr Sentance as an example of someone who doesn't agree.

    Now you might along with anotherdeadhero, think that Dr Sentance is just one big "hilarious joke", but the Times amongst others, thought that his comments were worthy of atttention.

    UK recession is over, says MPC man Andrew Sentance

    Presumably you think that it is 'hilarious' that the Times should be reporting Dr Sentance's comments, and that they should be just concentrating on Jeremy Clarkson's words of wisdom – eh ?

    Free Member

    Clarkson is loved 'cos he's consistantly, unapologetically wrong ALL the time

    Clarkson apologises for PM remark

    Free Member

    Where is the "hilarious"ness coming from?
    I've never said he's right or wrong just that "experts" are often incorrect and the reason that his comments were paid any attention is because they were disagreed with by the rest of the economic community.
    I've also not commented on your posts, just that nobody cares for your opinions.
    I like to think that there's a fair bit of tongue in cheek in Clarksons ramblings and what really pisses me off is the normal STW lefty bullies coming out to play.
    I suppose the reason I like clarkson is because he punched Piers Morgan in the face. Which makes me a simple commoner (I am a simple commoner).

    Free Member

    I'va also not commented on your posts

    So I've noticed.

    Where is the "hilarious"ness coming from?

    In response to the Dr Sentance link =

    what really pisses me off is the normal STW lefty bullies coming out to play

    Oh I see……….you're getting "bullied" now, eh ?

    Free Member

    Do you think I'm being bullied?
    Would you like to bully me?
    Your first 2 quotes and responses make no sense at all.

    Free Member

    Clarkson being Clarkson – trying to get a rise and deliberately not understanding what he's talking about.

    e.g. "regionally assembled, big-government" – regional assemblies have been abolished, but they were about localism and taking political power away from the (big) centre and devolving it to the regional scale.

    Free Member

    Seems to me that Jeremy Clarkson has hits many nails on the head, suddenly i like him and agree with his views. If that makes me a bad person in any way i'll just have to live with it.

    Free Member

    You are obviously wholly unimpressed by Dr Andrew Sentance

    Thats about he sum of it yeah.

    Your suggestion we replace him with Jeremy Clarkson is a really good one. I can't think of a man better qualified than a glib journo and populist entertainer. We should definatly do that. Right away!

    And Brian Blessed. He'd get it sorted out, by having a beard and SPEAKING VERY LOUDLY!!!

    (I'm the moron, jesus wept, you people don't even appear to be able to read)

    Free Member

    We never had all this shxt 20 years ago!

    Who screwed this country up?

    It's all down to the legion of sanctimonious "peaked caps" we all pointlessly take notice of IMHO.

    What we need is a stiff dose of corruption in amongst these people

    (no way!)

    Full Member

    I've also not commented on your posts, just that nobody cares for your opinions.

    Fair play as stupid comments go thats fairly high on the scale.

    Free Member


    Your reliance on 'experts' to prove a point is admirable, however anyone who has any interest in the financial market can see that we're in a slow-motion train crash.

    The 2010 UK Train is heading into Terminal Decline; it jumped the Points of Prudence 2 years ago.

    The one eyed spittle-maister really is trying to soil the bed before he's forced out.

    Free Member

    Spongebob – Member
    We never had all this shxt 20 years ago!


    Free Member

    Hi ernie.

    "No one cares what you think"


    Free Member

    You are easily the most boring person on here.

    Full Member

    Jeez, it's just Clarkson being a c0ck again. Hardly worth 100+ posts :roll:

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