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  • setting light to puffins
  • swamp_boy
    Full Member

    They are quite good at getting aloft but flap their wings so fast it always looks like a huge effort. They probably work far better underwater.

    I don't know how they burn, but they taste OK, you can get them in Icelandic supermarkets – meat is dark, fine textured and quite strong tasting, but not really fishy.

    Free Member

    Do not get in their way as they find it difficult to change direction once they get going and you don't want to be run over by a speeding puffin.

    Especially one that's on fire!

    I'd imagine they evolved to fly fast in a straight line to avoid being set alight….

    Free Member

    What if you put a flaming puffin on a conveyor belt?

    Free Member


    Puffin Candles
    Being run over by a speeding puffin
    Flaming puffins on conveyor belts

    I'm finding it difficult to keep my composure in the office!!!

    Free Member

    CaptainFlashheart – Member
    What if you put a flaming puffin on a conveyor belt

    then you'd never get the plane to take off, the belt would either be too greasy from puffin oil or too sticky from the melted rubber :roll:

    Free Member

    Why would puffins taste like fish?
    Cows don't taste like grass. ;-)

    How about a flaming puffin on a conveyor belt? Would that taste better because of better muscle development eg a fitter puffin, or would the burnt coating from the flames ruin the taste?

    It's got me worried. Hold the puffin order Amazon!

    Free Member

    then you'd never get the plane to take off, the belt would either be too greasy from puffin oil or too sticky from the melted rubber

    No one would believe the airport announcer either – "sorry, all flights cancelled today as there is an excess of puffin oil on the take-off conveyors".

    Full Member

    but flap their wings so fast it always looks like a huge effort.

    It is a huge effort, they're huffin and puffin all the way along the runway.

    /coat, door

    Free Member

    Contemporary puffin candle song:

    "Relight my Puffin"
    "Puffin in the Wind"

    /coat, door "Hello Crazylegs"

    Free Member

    And those other old favourites……….

    "Old flames can't hold a puffin to you"- Dolly Parton
    "Puffin song"-Ugly kid joe
    "Burn that Puffin"-Bill Haley

    And simply…"Puffins"-Chris Rea.

    Free Member

    "Puffin compares 2 U"
    "I Owe You Puffin" – Bros

    Free Member

    Don't forget anything by Aukwind

    Full Member

    I'm sitting outside a cafe in town, wiping tears from my eyes from reading this thread, so far nobody's noticed my total loss of composure. Brilliant thread, thank you, chappau!

    Full Member

    Do not get in their way as they find it difficult to change direction once they get going and you don't want to be run over by a speeding puffin.

    just imagine, it's bad enough being hit in the face by a bumblebee, just think what a half-pound of flaming puffin doing thirty knots would be like.

    Free Member

    BBQ puffin? Do you need to use a skua?

    Free Member

    CFH – that's got to be one of the worst jokes of all time

    Perhaps they should build Pelican Crossings on St.Kilda?

    Full Member

    Perhaps they should build Pelican Crossings on St.Kilda?

    as there's no real roads, that would be Aukward.

    Free Member

    the island was named after a famous explorer called Stan who landed on the island on a night ride and did not have a Bastid light
    so found a puffin and discovered if lit with a match would light his ride . but sadly the puffin died half way round the ride .

    his mate was a rasta and coined the phrase Stan killda puffin in the cafe.

    and the name stuck but was shortened by the cartographers later

    Coat Hook Bye

    Free Member

    This thread Rocs.

    WOuld all those songs mentioned above be sung by Puff(in) Daddy?

    Full Member

    You're being silly now, it's time to Tern this thread around.


    Free Member

    And I thought this thread was a variation on cartwheeling rally cars, burning ostriches and orange penguins with brooms.

    Isn't a smoked Puffin a Shag?

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