Just wondering if anyone's successfully done a basic lube-type service on a Thomson Elite covert dropper post. Mine has no issues on the hydraulic side and only a little noticeable play, but is creaking like a bastard. And no, it's not the post / tube / clamp interface.
Given that a service from Upgrade is £125 plus postage both ways, it doesn't make financial sense - I could buy a brand new, decent dropper for that - but it sounds/feels like some re-greasing might sort it out.
What I don't want to do is get enmeshed in a complex dismantling and rebuilding of the cartridge element of the post, but if I can remove that as a sealed unit and rebuild the rest, I'm happy enough. Anyone done that before I get the tools out? Anything I should be aware of?
Nice posts btw, but now looking overly expensive and the lack of internal spares and DIY servicing info is irksome.
I've got a dead one stashed away pending some time to have a go at it.
I have this thread on mtbr bookmarked.
Thanks, I've seen that thread, but it doesn't quite work with my small dog brain in the sense that I can connect the bits in the absence of actual post. It'll probably make more sense once I've started dismantling the thing.
Would you mind videoing your effort and sharing it?
Lots of pictures on a Swedish forum of one stripped down, external cable
Its really annoying that they dont publish service manuals and wont sell seal kits.
Excellent - off to learn Swedish now
Mine's on it's way back from Upgrade - it was "only" £60 for the service. For some reason I thought it would be more - i think their pricing on the website might be wrong. I had the same experience with the previous supplier (i-something).
No, you're right. Maybe that makes some sense then, though I'd always rather DIY it. How long did it take to get back to you?
At Upgrade a Thomson service is £55, service and a new cartridge is £125, return postage £5
Excellent – off to learn Swedish now
I learnt Swedish in 10 seconds. Google offered to translate the article for me
How long did it take to get back to you?
Without Easter interfering I would guess 7-10 days is standard. I paid for mine on Thursday after which it was being posted 48hr but not here yet (Bank Holidays).
Right enough, £55+5. I think I was half expecting mine might need the £125 full works. This is the third service mine's had and I've been expecting it to fail purely due to age at some point, but has been a great STW Classifieds purchase of about 6 years ago.
I learnt Swedish in 10 seconds. Google offered to translate the article for me
So you didn't actually 'learn Swedish' at all? You just used Google Translate? Why didn't I think of that...
... anyway, I'm going to see if I can DIY it regardless of language skills. I resent paying 60 odd quid for a basic service because Thomson has chosen not to release servicing details for its dropper posts.