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  • Anthrax laced heroin.
  • Junkyard
    Free Member

    Legalising and regulating doesn't work either.

    I know look at alcohol, prescription drugs, fireworks, the highway code not helped there has it?
    There really is a lack of empathy from some on here. Clearly Junkies made choices in their lifes, bad ones at that, as did the Mc Canns should we have no pity/sympathy for them?

    Free Member

    This is really funny, illegal drug supply and drug/alcohol misuse are normal elements of society just like sex offending, People Traffciing, Illegal immigration and the host of Violence against the person Offences.

    Drug and Alcohol addicts have made a concious choice to abuse what God has given them, people stay on drugs because they are too lazy to make the effort and change their behaviour, its just too hard and they know best anyway. Some do want to change but only usually when they are facing prison, they can opt for community treatment and walk free from the courts!

    Residential detox is effective but prohibitively expensive.

    Needle Exchange is woefully under used so needles are being resued and shared, this increases HEP B and C infections. this is also an indication of lazyness. did you know that anyone can walk into boots and demand a needle exchange kit, just give a fake date of birth, and bobs your uncle!

    Free Member

    PJ266 – Member
    Alcoholics are just as bad as any other addicts IMO and I think saladdodger would agree.

    Yes I would

    my step sons dad was a alcoholic and he has not realy seen him since the age of 4 and it has affected him to this day with unplesant memories

    He is now 18 btw

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