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  • All Pledge Allegiance to the New King
  • ransos
    Free Member

    When I was on holiday in Rome, I went to see the Pope. Didn’t make me a Catholic.

    The pope doesn’t live in Rome and isn’t a Catholic.

    Free Member

    So honestly, some on here should just live and let live.

    Which bit of that does calling people ‘miserable gits’ fit in with?

    Full Member

    The pope doesn’t live in Rome and isn’t a Catholic.


    Free Member



    Full Member


    Ask a grownup to explain it to you. Preferably one with a working knowledge of English.

    Free Member

    Ask a grownup to explain it to you. Preferably one with a working knowledge of English

    No need to be snippy. “Pope” isn’t an official title of the Bishop of Rome. It is an official title of the Archbishop of Alexandria, a coptic Christian who lives in Cairo.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    You need to have a word with the Holy See then;

    “The first Pope of the Americas Jorge Mario Bergoglio hails from Argentina. “

    Free Member


    Perhaps we can put your unprovoked personal attack down to tiredness.

    You need to have a word with the Holy See then;

    Doesn’t bother me either way! It’s certainly in common usage, just not actually an official title. I think it came up on QI.

    Free Member

    It’s so fun reading pedantic crap spouted in an “I’m righter than you” manner. Grow TF up!!!

    Some people cared about the coronation, some just enjoyed an occasion, some didn’t care. So what? Some have a valid objection to the £millions of tax spent on the weekend. Again, so what? Nobody was forced to do anything they didn’t want to by royal decree or by law so it’s all good right?

    Full Member

    Nobody was forced to do anything they didn’t want to by royal decree or by law so it’s all good right?

    Pretty sure all the people who got arrested would have preferred not to get arrested.

    Free Member

    It’s so fun reading pedantic crap spouted in an “I’m righter than you” manner. Grow TF up!!!

    Wtf are you on about? It’s a bit of trivia, that’s all. There seems to be an awful lot of grumpiness here this morning.

    Full Member

    I think it came up on QI.

    Yes it was QI who came up with the astonishing claim that the Pope isn’t a Catholic. They were however wrong. Not all Catholics are Roman Catholics, some are Copic Catholics:

    The Pope is Catholic.

    Full Member

    Next you’ll be telling me that’s wrestling’s fixed?

    Full Member

    Wtf are you on about? It’s a bit of trivia, that’s all. There seems to be an awful lot of grumpiness here this morning.

    I agree. I don’t understand why some people seem so quick to anger on social media. What’s that all about?

    Free Member

    The Pope is Catholic.

    And The Bear?

    Full Member

    Pretty sure all the people who got arrested would have preferred not to get arrested.

    Then they should have promised to cheered during the fancy dress party.

    Full Member

    And The Bear?

    If its a full grown grizzly then its whatever it wants to be!

    Full Member

    I don’t understand why some people seem so quick to anger on social media

    Not angry. Disappointed.

    Full Member

    Some have a valid objection to the £millions of tax spent on the weekend. Again, so what? Nobody was forced to do anything they didn’t want to by royal decree or by law so it’s all good right?

    I’m not sure the tax form has an option for “please reduce my taxes cos I don’t agree with spaffing money on Big Ears and Horsey.”

    Full Member

    Not angry. Disappointed.

    What are you disappointed about?

    Edit : Btw the reference to angry was in response to this comment:

    Grow TF up!!!

    Which sounds a little angry.

    Free Member

    Not angry. Disappointed.

    I’d say humourless and aggressive if this morning is anything to go by.

    Full Member

    What are you disappointed about?

    It was a joke, Ernie.

    Full Member

    So you are not disappointed? Jolly good.

    Free Member

    I don’t understand why some people seem so quick to anger on social media


    Full Member

    It will be interesting to see if we find out who ordered the Met clampdown on republic after they had agreed their plan with the Met. It can only really be the palace or number 10

    Full Member


    Possibly. There one person who imo only seems to login when they are in a particularly foul mood. I often imagine that they have probably just had a row with the missus.

    Full Member

    It can only really be the palace or number 10

    Does it need to be either, directly? Make it known to a force under threat what you want them doing… and leave it to them to make decisions they think will please/appease you. No “order” or direct involvement required.

    Free Member

    Why does it have to be ordered? Could just be an over zealous senior officer who thought they were doing the right thing for the country.

    Full Member

    If Number 10 or the Palace are giving direct orders to the Metropolitan Police with regards to whom they should arrest that is a really very serious situation, and it would be a huge scandal if it ever becomes public.

    Full Member

    I strongly suspect no direct orders were given.

    I strongly suggest that informal conversations were had, that were undocumented, where police officers thought they understood what had been discussed and was expected of them.

    Full Member

    Informal undocumented conservations between senior politicians and the Met police? That’s a pretty serious allegation too!! If ever it got out all hell would break loose.

    Full Member

    I’m not sure the tax form has an option for “please reduce my taxes cos I don’t agree with spaffing money on Big Ears and Horsey.”

    You don’t get a choice where any of your taxes get spent (except by voting for your representative in parliament) so that’s a pretty silly point to make.

    Free Member

    Some have a valid objection to the £millions of tax spent on the weekend. Again, so what? Nobody was forced to do anything they didn’t want to by royal decree or by law so it’s all good right?

    I’m not sure the tax form has an option for “please reduce my taxes cos I don’t agree with spaffing money on Big Ears and Horsey.”

    You don’t get a choice where any of your taxes get spent (except by voting for your representative in parliament) so that’s a pretty silly point to make.

    Silly? “Nobody was forced to do anything”: we’ve just had a weekend of ceremonies and events that the let’s say half the country that in some way support the monarchy wanted, and the let’s say quarter of the country that didn’t, didn’t. That quarter of the country is being forced to put up with this version of monarchy. Just as pacifists are forced to pay for armed forces, unilateral disarmers for nukes, private medicine enthusiasts for the NHS etc etc. You can argue the rights and wrongs of these things, but in each case one side of the argument gets its way and the other sides don’t.

    Free Member

    Pretty sure all the people who got arrested would have preferred not to get arrested.

    I’m not actually sure thats true!  I’m not one for plackard waving and marching but its probably not that much fun, especially in London on the day of the coronation where inevitably lots of people you encounter are going to think you are some sort of enemy.  At the very least your feet will get sore and waving a plackard for a whole day must hurt the arms.  Now, getting arrested isn’t my idea of fun either, but it looked like the people I saw “went quietly” and so weren’t particularly physically manhandled.  They’d get some food and a sit down without having to wave a heavy plackard and whilst having to deal with the met’s finest who probably weren’t the nicest to them I am sure that they were probably better than some raving union jack waving gamon on the streets would have been.  So it didn’t all go to plan – but on Tuesday we (and the mainstream media) are still talking about the Republic Protestors, in a positive light (even most monarchists are not comfortable with their arrest) and nobody had to do anything stupid like lock themselves to a golden carriage or superglue themselves to Price Harry to do it…   as protests go, it was actually very effective.  The Just Stop Oil folks could probably learn a lot – positive media coverage rather than people raging about stunts!  Its quite a contrast – monarchists saying republicans must be allowed to protest, v’s people who agree with the JSO “cause” but saying its the wrong way to do it!

    Full Member

    Informal undocumented conservations between senior politicians and the Met police? That’s a pretty serious allegation too!! If ever it got out all hell would break loose.

    I suspect you are correct. Especially given the action was taken after a4 month process between republic and the met agreeing what was mutually acceptable

    Full Member

    I feel the dead hand of the Met all over the parades, just when the rest of the world thinks that they may have got the message that they’ve been acting like a uniformed gang all this time, their response is not far above “Hold my pint…” Shall we add this to the top of the pile of shitty ways for a police force to behave? at least it covers up the last one; “If you’re a woman and you get arrested at night time, flag down a passing bus”

    I mean, how old is that Not the Nine O’clock News sketch anyway?

    Free Member

    It can only really be the palace or number 10

    Or plain incompetence / miscommunication (although why you would hold them for so long after the ceremony is not clear to me – other than to try and cover up your own errors).

    Or Special Branch / MI5 don’t talk to the right people in the Met.

    Or the home secretary.

    Or more likely a load of “group think” from officers who were poorly briefed.  At the end of the day you have a structure where officers need to be empowered to make decisions on the ground and act quickly (imagine if they had been going to do something much more disruptive or dangerous and the cops stood by waiting for instructions if these were the right sort of bad people to arrest).  What matters is that having made an initial arrest there are checks and balances to liberate people as soon as possible.  Unfortunately all too often problems arise not from the original mistake but the delays in correcting that mistake.

    I raised a quizzacle eyebrow when the Police Federation came out yesterday to say that the arrests were entirely legitimate and appropriate.  It struck me as entirely not the job of what is essentially the Police Union to be commenting on whether arrests were legal or not, it already seemed to me that someone was looking for individual officers to blame.  I’m certain that this will become the Home Office position – individuals got carried away rather than new the law being shit or the culture being one of cover-ups and lack of oversight.

    Full Member

    I’m sure all of the above will take the blame. Whether it’s deserved or not is a different matter. Let’s hope it does see the inside of a court

    Free Member

    I think our PM has already made it clear it was all the Mets fault and nothing to do with poorly worded and rushed legislation being left open to interpretation. I think the Federation were simply trying to defend their members from what they thought was going to happen. i.e. Everyone blames the officers.

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