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  • Adaptive cruise control issue
  • richardkennerley
    Full Member

    Is it possible it could be configured for LHD on a RHD car!?

    Just been on a journey down the M6 and back. I’m sure it was working fine on the way, but I could be mistaken i.e. can’t remember.

    On the way back though, it was definitely wrong. Detecting cars on the inside lane and slowing me down but not detecting cars outside of me and allowing me to undertake!

    Car is a new Skoda Octavia IV. I’ve had an Octavia prior to this with acc and that was faultless.

    Full Member

    Possibly, the default setting is to match the speed of a car to your right, unless you override by tapping the accelerator. Does it show the car on the CC screen to your left when it’s not overtaking?

    Free Member

    VAG have had enormous issues with their driver assistance systems in their latest models. It affects all the MQB platform cars – Golf, Leon, A/S3, Octavia. Some of it is software and some hardware.

    I suggest getting over to Briskoda and having a search. I’m sure you’ll find multiple threads discussing these issues

    Free Member

    not detecting cars outside of me and allowing me to undertake!

    Allowing yo to actively move lanes from right to left and go under cars in the outer lanes ?

    Or allowing you to continue to progress uninterrupted in the clear lane you were travelling in already.

    Free Member

    Sounds wrong to me that the car would slow you down if a car is in the inside lane.

    Also I wouldn’t expect adaptive to slow you down and stop you undertaking, but then I’ve not tried that in my own car (Merc) – except in slow motorway traffic ie in 50 mph zone where it keeps the distance to the car in front even if that means I undertake

    Full Member

    There is a setting somewhere in my Passat that switches the traffic side – I thought it was to do with the LED headlights but it might do the ACC too?

    Full Member

    Clean the lens.

    Free Member

    There is a setting somewhere in my Passat that switches the traffic side

    Yep that’s auto main beam assist headlights for if you go abroad

    Main beam assist I’ve found to be the best invention ever, more useful that adaptive cruise even!

    In my Audi, it doesn’t care so much what’s in the other lanes, it adjusts speed to the car in front.

    In fact, if it’s slowing me down, the instant I put my indicator on and make a slight move towards the outside lane, it’ll start accelerating.

    Obviously if there’s something in that lane, it won’t let me drive into it

    Full Member

    Also I wouldn’t expect adaptive to slow you down and stop you undertaking,

    My Skoda does this. It shows you passing on the left of another car on the display but a tap on the accelerator makes the car just carry on at the set speed.

    Full Member

    The Skoda system 100% does slow you down and match the speed of a car in the outside lane and will only undertake if you give the accelerator a prod, it does it in my 2017 Superb.

    Check the “drive on right/left” setting in the car menu, should be under lights. Some think it’s linked.

    Full Member

    If I’m in the middle lane and it detects a slower moving car in the inside lane, it will slow me down and prevent me overtaking. It shows the car on the inside on the graphic display.

    My previous Octavia worked the other way round (correctly.) It would detect a slower moving car in the outside lane and prevent me undertaking.

    Allowing yo to actively move lanes from right to left and go under cars in the outer lanes ?

    Or allowing you to continue to progress uninterrupted in the clear lane you were travelling in already.

    Yeah I’m not weaving in and out of traffic, I just mean when I’m selfishly hogging the middle lane 😜

    Full Member

    Check the “drive on right/left” setting in the car menu, should be under lights. Some think it’s linked

    Sounds like this could be the problem!!

    Free Member

    The ACC unit on my Golf could get knocked out of line (never happened to me), dealers can realign them.

    Full Member

    The ACC unit on my Golf could get knocked out of line (never happened to me), dealers can realign them.

    Bloody hell. It’s only 3 weeks old or so!

    Free Member

    All new MQB evo cars from VAG group (Golf 8, Octavia IV, Audi A3, Seat Leon) from 2020 onwards suffer from a huge amount of bugs and unfortunately this is one of them, along with many others such as the cruise control changing the speed reading from mph to kph and slamming the brakes on.

    Free Member

    Well you learn something new every day.

    I just assumed that all manufacturers worked to the same standards, quite clearly not, even within the same group

    To me that would be a real pain it not letting you over take a car in the inside lane, or undertake a car in the outside lane (obvs only in things like 50mpg sections)

    Free Member

    As per Drac, try cleaning the sensor. Ours sometimes plays up but never after the car has been washed.

    All new MQB evo cars from VAG group

    My dads 2021 Leon displays random speed limits like 110mph on the 30mph road that they live on.

    Full Member

    2015 Passat B8.

    Lens dirty = problems. Not especially user friendly for those who wait for accumulated dirt to drop off our cars as opposed to washing dirt off. 😁
    Also had to switch off the city centre safety feature as it would activate when no reason to.

    Free Member

    My dads 2021 Leon displays random speed limits like 110mph on the 30mph road that they live on.

    Is that the manufacturer or the data used though? eg my car self drives, I quite often in 30’s let it drive itself. However I know now one stretch of road which is clearly a 30 it will all of a sudden speed up to 60mph when it’s clearly a 30. I assume that’s from wherever Merc get there GPS/SatNav data from

    Full Member

    I can see why Dacia are selling quite well. Their adverts say 78% (or similar) of drivers don’t want unesessary tech.

    My sister’s Focus told her her car needed washing – not washed it for 9 mnths and the camera’s complained. 🙂

    Free Member

    Is that the manufacturer or the data used though? eg my car self drives, I quite often in 30’s let it drive itself.

    I assume it’s both. This is on the display of speed limits in the dashboard menu. I think it is a software glitch. The dealer has subsequently confirmed that other cars do this across VAG but no fix has been forthcoming.

    Edit- it does this where there can be no confusion about speed as the roads are known to not have had speed limit changes, also they are not close to faster roads causing location confusion. Also they are not mph to kph translation errors as the speeds don’t match.

    Free Member

    Bloody hell. It’s only 3 weeks old or so!

    Stuff can be misaligned or badly installed from new. Speak to the dealer.

    Full Member

    I’ve got another m6 trip tomorrow so I’ll see if I can find the setting for switching the lights, see if that does the trick.

    To me that would be a real pain it not letting you over take a car in the inside lane, or undertake a car in the outside lane

    It’s not the it doesn’t let you, but it does slow you down to match the speed so you don’t automatically undertake. You can override it by tapping the accelerator. It’s now doing it on the wrong side, which isn’t the end of the world but if I keep slowing down for every single car that’s in the inside lane, the white van man already up me chuff is gonna get a bit miffed!

    It’s a shame they’ve introduced problems, the system worked well in the old Octavia, didn’t need changing!!

    Full Member

    Just routed through the settings on the infotainment thing, can’t find anything about switching which side of the road you’re on

    Free Member

    As above, it is a well known issue with VAG cars, the Golf Mk8 gremlins thread on the Golf R owners forum is currently on page 131 and 1960 posts, most are to do with ACC and other systems such as the sign recognition and lights orientation switching to LHD and KPH, eg, you set it at 70mph and it suddenly decides that you actually wanted 70 KPH.
    Many have been back to the dealers on numerous occasions with new software updates sometimes working and sometimes not.
    Some have started the process of rejecting the car as a result of exactly the OP’s issue as they regard it as so dangerous.

    Full Member

    I’ll see what happens tomorrow, if it’s playing up again, I’ll get on to the dealer on Monday.

    Full Member

    ‘Kin ‘ell! I take cars out on test drives after mechanical work, before they go into the workshop for paint, and things like cruise control are what I’m checking, so crap like this isn’t going to help matters! #rollseyes

    Full Member

    Just got back and today the acc worked pretty much as it should.

    It did pick up a car on the inside once and held me back, but just the one. I don’t think the outside lane detection is as good as the old Octavia, bit it did work… Mostly!

    Totally different to the last journey I did where it seemed the whole system was flipped around! Very odd.

    Free Member

    Does appear to be a faff of a system to use having to keep pressing the accelerator all the time to pass a car.

    Does explain all the middle lane drivers though

    On a secondary note though, I don’t think these gadgets help with fuel economy.

    Even set with the greatest distance to the car in front mine tends to leave slowing the car down much later than I would and then accelerates full throttle to maintain a gap.

    Free Member

    I like the Hyundai one. It slows you down behind a car then when you signal to overtake it speeds you back up so you can slide into the next lane just as you should.

    Full Member

    Does appear to be a faff of a system to use having to keep pressing the accelerator all the time to pass a car.

    Yeah, that’s my point though, that it shouldn’t be like that!

    It’s amazing how inconsistent other drivers are when you’re on cruise control. And in cars that no doubt have cruise control available… they fly past, pull in, slow down, you pull out, they speed up, you drop back in, they slow down again, you overtake, they fly past then a few minutes later they’re back in the slow lane as you trundle past at exactly the same speed you’ve been doing all along!!

    Free Member

    my mates 21 plate Golf Hybrid had this exact issue. Woudln’t let him overtake a car as it thought he was undertaking. under car settings_ lights you coudl see it had switched to Left Hand Drive mode. Back to the dealer as they had another software update to put in too.

    Free Member

    Interesting thought I had when I borrowed a Toyota with ACC – when it slows you down on the motorway, does it use the brake lights? one time the lane slowed quite suddenly and I wondered if cars behind could tell what was going on if it was all engine braking.

    Full Member

    On a secondary note though, I don’t think these gadgets help with fuel economy.

    The Kia system works very well and we get a better mpg using it. Probably as you overtake less as the whole slowing down for someone in front is less of an inconvenience as you don’t actualy do anything – the car just does it all. It’s also smoother getting back up to speed.

    Completely addictive, I wouldn’t buy a car without it now.

    Full Member

    It’s amazing how inconsistent other drivers are when you’re on cruise control. And in cars that no doubt have cruise control available…

    Ah yes. “I want to drive slower than you, in front of you.” I once drove on a fairly quiet M6 with anther car essentially in orbit around me from like Lancaster to Penrith. It’s weird.

    Free Member

    I always thought ACC sounded pretty cool, was looking forward to one day driving/buying a car with it.

    I’m not so sure now!

    Full Member

    I always thought ACC sounded pretty cool

    It’s sublime in traffic queues / jams – you just sit there and do nothing. You do have to remember to stop it following the car in front onto a roundabout if there’s something coming….

    The Kia system is excellent but I have to disable it in central Cambridge, narrow Victorian roads and people parked half on the kerb – it keeps thinking you’re going to hit them and slams on the brakes. NB It does say don’t use it in dense urban areas.

    Full Member

    I always thought ACC sounded pretty cool, was looking forward to one day driving/buying a car with it.

    It’s brilliant, especially for motorways just set it and steer around cars as needed. It slows down and speeds up as needed, unless you don’t clean the lens or if it has a fault.

    Free Member

    I always thought ACC sounded pretty cool, was looking forward to one day driving/buying a car with it.

    I found it so relaxing. Was surprised how good it is on A roads as well as the obvious dual carriageways and motorways.

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