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The Coronavirus Dis...

The Coronavirus Discussion Thread.

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Surprised at how little discussion there is of this outside of impact on shares and travel. (and yes I did do a search)

So here's a thought, does the unprecedented lockdown of almost 50 million people suggest that this outbreak is much worse than China and the WHO are letting on, or are they overreacting?

Posted : 30/01/2020 11:31 am
Full Member

the disaster fappers will be here can guess who.

Posted : 30/01/2020 11:42 am
Full Member

Its easily spread isn't it. So locking down a city is probably a good containment protocol.

It has spread though I heard on R4 earlier.

Ahh well.

Posted : 30/01/2020 11:43 am
Free Member

does the unprecedented lockdown of almost 50 million people suggest that this outbreak is much worse than China

Well as of this morning is killed more people than flu in China in 2018 or 16&17 combined. Whilst I very much doubt the accuracy of the reported official figures on flu deaths from China (China daily linked below) the national health committee is the same agency now reporting 170 plus to corona virus. Given the US reports 60k deaths per annum (cdc below) a similar level of number massaging would suggest a lot more than 170 deaths but still not many more than flu, in a much shorter time frame than a flu season though, so potentially very bad.

Posted : 30/01/2020 11:49 am
Full Member

or are they overreacting?

That's a question that can never be answered. We'll know if they don't do enough but we'll never know what would happen if they did nothing.

I suppose the one good thing is that it's happened in the one country able to act so quickly and decisively. Of course one must recognize why that is which is less that palettable

Posted : 30/01/2020 11:49 am
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I suppose the one good thing is that it’s happened in the one country able to act so quickly and decisively.


Posted : 30/01/2020 11:57 am

It has a sneaky title but we have one.

Posted : 30/01/2020 12:01 pm
Full Member

Don’t know if you TikTok but here you go:

For those who don’t here are the key points:

RLSW is a biotech company based in China. It’s logo is near identical to the Umbrella Corporation in the Resident Evil games.

In those games the “C virus” spreads around Racoon City.

Racoon is an anagram of Corona!

Coincidence? I think not!!1!?!

Posted : 30/01/2020 12:06 pm

Full Member

Brilliant conspiracy graham, could be a movie andin the sequel all the dead people get turned into food for the survivors?

Posted : 30/01/2020 12:19 pm

Except for a small error it is quite funny.

Posted : 30/01/2020 12:25 pm
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I'm quite interested in the ages of the fatalities. The first 20 or so were all over 60. When it reaches the UK that could solve quite a few problems.

Posted : 30/01/2020 12:32 pm
Free Member

We've all heard of pooping through the eye of a needle. I heard that the coronavirus gives you quantum diarrhea, meaning that you can poop through solid materials, and the poop is simultaneously in two places at once. That's how strong this disease is.

Posted : 30/01/2020 12:35 pm
Free Member

One of my sons is in China, school cancelled for another week, everything locked down, have to get your temperature taken to get into the mall, so he's spending a lot of time in his apartment. Told me the other day he'd ploughed through the Witcher in a couple of goes. That's how bad it's getting.

Posted : 30/01/2020 12:43 pm
Full Member

This is different right?? I mean I'm probably not going to buy any but if I was offered a cold one I don;t have to refuse do I???

[url= g" target="_blank"> g"/> [/img][/url][url= ]upload pic free[/url]

Posted : 30/01/2020 12:43 pm
Full Member

Dazh has a point. After an initial crisis, it could simultaneously reduce the pensions crisis, pressure on the NHS, free up housing and seriously threaten the chances of the Tories getting re-elected. 🤔

+No, I don't really want any of that to happen via a killer virus. Except maybe the last one)

Posted : 30/01/2020 12:45 pm
Free Member

tbf tories vs killer virus is a close call

Posted : 30/01/2020 12:54 pm

Full Member

I was thinking yesterday that perhaps earth has decided to take things into its own hands. It has got up one day and thought...right, none of these billions of people are going to pull their finger out and actually do something, so as usual I'm going to have to sort things out myself. Here's an untreatable virus to reduce the population by 5%!

Posted : 30/01/2020 1:03 pm
Full Member

Planet needs a reset button.

Killer virus is a bit more preferable than a nuclear winter.

Posted : 30/01/2020 1:05 pm

Here’s an untreatable virus to reduce the population by 5%!

It’ll have to choose something more effective if it only kills 5%.

Posted : 30/01/2020 1:07 pm
Full Member

woe woe and thrice woe.....

Posted : 30/01/2020 1:09 pm
Free Member

tbf tories vs killer virus is a close call

Not really, if I had them both round to dinner, only one would put me off eating the suckling pig.

Posted : 30/01/2020 1:10 pm
Free Member

what I want to know is why do all these viruses originate in China?

1996 avian h5n1
2002 sars

and now we have one named after a Mexican beer.

Posted : 30/01/2020 1:15 pm
Free Member

Animal food markets plus loads of people. Beer virus (varieties of common cold are caused by corona viruses fwiw) likely crossed species from bats, again fwiw. Which is why the Sun calls it 'snake flu"

Posted : 30/01/2020 1:25 pm
Free Member

The rim of the head of the penis is called a corona

Posted : 30/01/2020 1:32 pm

Full Member

The virus in World War Z first emerged in China

Just sayin'

Posted : 30/01/2020 1:34 pm

The first 20 or so were all over 60. When it reaches the UK that could solve quite a few problems.

Cheers @dazh

Posted : 30/01/2020 1:34 pm
Full Member

When it reaches the UK that could solve quite a few problems.

If only it had spread before the referendum!

Posted : 30/01/2020 1:37 pm
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Topic starter

After an initial crisis, it could simultaneously reduce the pensions crisis, pressure on the NHS, free up housing and seriously threaten the chances of the Tories getting re-elected. 🤔

Not to mention the fact that the campaign to rejoin the EU will receive a major boost. Good boost to the economy too with all that inheritance cash floating about. I've already got my eye on a new bike or two. Bring on the #gammonageddon.

Posted : 30/01/2020 1:39 pm
Full Member

Not to mention the fact that the campaign to rejoin the EU will receive a major boost. Good boost to the economy too with all that inheritance cash floating about. I’ve already got my eye on a new bike or two. Bring on the #gammonageddon.

Not another brexit thread.

The rim of the head of the penis is called a corona

Not another helmet thread.

Posted : 30/01/2020 1:43 pm
Free Member

It’ll have to choose something more effective if it only kills 5%.

It certainly would but a virus is probably the thing that will save the planet and it's ever expanding population and consumption.

For example, a very infectious virus with an incubation period of 4 months and a 90% fatality rate would certainly reduce the worlds population by a massive amount.

Posted : 30/01/2020 1:48 pm
Free Member

LOLz @ dazh.

Anyway, on a serious note, this is reminding me to go back and finish reading “Spillover” by David Quammen. It’s a bit weighty - very small print, lots of facty mcfactfaces but it’s an excellent read on how (various) viruses make the crossover from aminals to human beans. Might take a few gos to get through it.

Posted : 30/01/2020 1:48 pm
Full Member

Not another brexit thread.

it's the new godwin's law. maybe we could call it farage's law.

Posted : 30/01/2020 1:49 pm

Full Member

Stolen from the other thread

Corona virus dashboard

This is both fascinating and scary

Posted : 30/01/2020 1:50 pm
Free Member

When it reaches the UK that could solve quite a few problems.

There was a very sketchy and vague news story lunch time about someone in a UK hotel who has fallen ill.

Over-reaction? Hard to judge, or rather people are poor judges. China has a population of 2Bn and about 100 people have died. To some people that's "a load of overblown bollocks".

On the other hand you've got a virus that contagious before symptoms shows and can kill people, that sounds pretty scary to me. China and the rest of the world have taken huge steps to avoid it spreading, if it works and it all goes away then the cynics will be proven right in their own minds anyway.

What's more scary than the thought of 5% of the global population being wiped out, is that it would only take us back to around 2014/15 levels 20% would take us back to around 2000.

Posted : 30/01/2020 1:57 pm

It certainly would but a virus is probably the thing that will save the planet and it’s ever expanding population and consumption.

For example, a very infectious virus with an incubation period of 4 months and a 90% fatality rate would certainly reduce the worlds population by a massive amount.

Yup I very much believe a pandemic virus of some description will wipe out millions.

Posted : 30/01/2020 2:00 pm
Full Member

Corona virus dashboard

Wonder what the 'Recovered' stat is on there - would that be 'admitted to hospital, treated and discharged'?  It seems like a small number compared to all the others which is at odds with the reports of 'many cases are mild' and 'mortality is relatively low'.

Posted : 30/01/2020 2:01 pm
Full Member

It certainly would but a virus is probably the thing that will save the planet and it’s ever expanding population and consumption.

Possibly - my money's on major volcanic event that lowers global temps by a couple of degrees for a couple of decades, as in the 'mini ice ages' of previous centuries.

Posted : 30/01/2020 2:02 pm
Full Member

what I want to know is why do all these viruses originate in China?

1996 avian h5n1
2002 sars

And MERS. Hold on...

Posted : 30/01/2020 2:02 pm
Full Member

Wasn't the Black Death from China too?

Posted : 30/01/2020 2:02 pm
Full Member

and now we have one named after a Mexican beer.

It's far worse than that


This stuff would make people wear brown corduroy flares, sleep on nylon sheets and eat cheese and pineapple off a cocktail stick. Some even covered their walls in large orangey coloured flowery wallpaper and drive Austin Allegros. Those of us that saw it will never forget, god help us all if it gets as bad as that!

Posted : 30/01/2020 2:03 pm

Full Member

Why didn't they return the bottles?

Posted : 30/01/2020 2:05 pm

Posted : 30/01/2020 2:08 pm
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Topic starter

Anyway, on a serious note,

Who said I'm not being serious? Wonder if a Dustin Hoffman type figure is currently flying round China in a stolen helicopter? Also looking forward to the panic buying. It's going to be like the 2000 fuel crisis on steroids. Boris Johnson has no doubt got Cummings writing a Churchillian speech ready to be delivered from the COBRA bunker.

Posted : 30/01/2020 2:18 pm
Free Member

Sars was also a coronavirus, more lethal but less contagious, this bad boy has already infected more than sars did but killed significantly less; thus far....

Sars 8098 infects, 774 death
Corona >8000 infects, 170 deaths

Posted : 30/01/2020 2:26 pm
Free Member

Sars was also a coronavirus, more lethal but less contagious, this bad boy has already infected more than sars did but killed significantly less; thus far….

Sars 8098 infects, 774 death
Corona >8000 infects, 170 deaths

Without being too morbid, of the 8000 currently infected how many will die? Maybe it's less-lethal, or maybe there's hundreds of people on hospital wards right now who'll succumb to it in the days ahead.

I can't help but think I'm rooting for the virus.

Posted : 30/01/2020 2:41 pm
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