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Entries opened yesterday..anyone get in?
Having done the 2 mile swim a few years ago, I was super keen to enter the ‘super six’.. Thankfully I clicked the link in the ‘early entry email’ practically as soon as it arrived, and BOOM I’m in!
So..time to get the wetsuit on, jump in the sea, and get swimming again!
Anyone one else taking part?!
Posted : 05/02/2025 7:26 am
Is it a nice event to do? I've walked around it as a tourist and the water looks murky and the paths covered in bird poo...
Posted : 05/02/2025 10:12 am
Topic starter
I really liked it when I did it... Well organised, fun, good crowd control etc..
I did it the year there was the 'weed growth' in the water as it had been warm, but was clean..
Posted : 05/02/2025 12:16 pm
Would have been up for this, but didn’t know it even existed
wow though - six mile swim - respect
Posted : 06/02/2025 1:11 pm