Today we walked for the last time with Fin on the trails we have chased each other on for the last ten years before the visit to the vets to say our last goodbyes and she went to sleep in my arms.
We new this was eventually going to come and decided on quality rather than quantity of life. I'm going to miss my buddy
The time was right for her but never going to be right for us.
My sympathies, we had exactly the same with our last dog, you have i am sure made the right decision, it still feels unbearable though ☹️
Sorry for your loss. You are braver than me posting today.
we lost our dog in October after a horrible few months with dementia kicking in, the time was right but it still feels hard all these months later. First night in the caravan without her tonight so another reminder.
take it easy
That’s really sad - my sympathies with you. At least he could have that walk with you though.
Our dog is 8 and have noticed her slow down a little bit already and she apparently has a small heart murmur so I don’t know how old she will get to. Hope a good few years yet 🙏
Sorry to hear this. She had some amazing adventures with you all, you will have many wonderful memories when the pain eventually eases.
Sorry to hear that. I always enjoyed seeing your many photos containing Fin having a great time. Fin had a life well lived
I'm so sorry to see this. I always loved the pics of you with Fin.
Oh bloody hell, it's really dusty here 😔
Sorry to hear this, always loved the pics you’ve posted of you and Fin. Feel for you.
So sorry to read this. I too have really liked some of the pictures you’ve posted over the years. My condolences to you and yours
Sorry to see this, that's tough. Sounds like you've made the right decision, but that doesn't make it any easier to deal with. Big love and hugs from all of us at the shop x
Sorry for your loss, you just have to remember all the good times you had together. I used to have a border collie so I loved seeing your the pictures of Fin.
Ugh. Sorry for your loss. She's a bonnie girl.
There is an adage in skydiving circles, "those who do can't explain, those who don't can't understand." I think that's desperately true with pets, there are some who would have the attitude of "it's only a dog/cat/gerbil/goldfish" but when you lose a companion of years if ****ing hurts regardless of how many legs it has. All I can say is, know that you gave her a good life whether it's twenty years or a weekend.
I really should dust in here.
As soon as I saw the thread title and that you'd posted it I knew what it would contain. Awful news but you can rest easy now knowing you made the right decision and all of her ten years worth of love and adoration that she gave you, in one moment you've returned all of that. Best wishes to you all at this very sad time.
Sorry for your loss . Dogs are a big part of families . Had to do the same last august .
Life sucks sometimes, but the years of joy a dog brings outweighs the days of heartbreak- remember the good times.
Fin is looking at you with so much love in the first pic, and looks happy in the second - that's not a bad way to end a life.
Thanks for sharing, I'm dreading the day I will inevitably have to make the same decision.
Aw Tracey, so sorry to hear that. Fin's always going to be there with you though, they never leave.
My thoughts are with you. Don't have any words that are meaningful. RIP beautiful Fin.
So sorry to read this Tracey. Fin is such a beautiful dog and will of course leave a massive hole in your life.
It is clear from your photos that she had an absolutely brilliant time with you guys and that's the best you can ever do
It really is an incredibly difficult and sadly inevitable thing that we all go through. So painful.
We still toast our beautiful Barney every dinner.
Thoughts are with you all xxx
It's the thing I considered most before we gave Bert his forever home that one day he'll go on the biggest adventure of all but on his own without being by my side.
Sending virtual hugs, Fin has always looked so happy in your pics.
Poor you. I can cope with my boys out of the house more so than our old lady BC. I cant imagine how this is going to be in our household when the time comes. We have an old lady mismatch BC, currently fitted with a pacemaker and going strong, if a bit flaky round the edges - now stone deaf, half blind and arthritis.
So hard to bear, sorry to hear this. Mine's only 3 and I'm already dreading the day
Top tips
Cry a lot
Talk about it
Stop talking about it
Stop thinking about it
Dont look at photos
3 years in, will update in a couple of years
What a beautiful dog and what a life she’s had. Sorry for your loss. Thinking of you.
So sorry to hear, a horrible decision but you did the best thing and gave her a wonderful life.
So sad to read sat here in the sofa with my now 4 year old mutt. It seemed early on like she'd never make it this far, but here she is. I'll be heartbroken when the time comes to say goodbye to her. I wanted a dog since I was a kid and at 42 finally got that wish, it's been a bit of a rollercoaster and not one I'm sure I'll ever repeat (long term sickness, swallowing 2 tennis balls, multiple surgeries, lots of steroids and add to that the behavioural problems you get with a rescue) but the love I have for her is ridiculous.
Fin looks like she loved life, as all dogs should.
Very sorry to hear. We did the same with Pebbles our Lakeland border collie cross. You did the right thing. Dogs try to appease their companions at the expense of themselves. Pebbles died in our arms too. We collected her ashes yesterday and will take her back to her favourite place middle beach perbecks...say good bye keep the happy memories. Perhaps up there fin and pebs, can play...
Again sorry for your loss.
Thanks everyone for your kind words and sympathy. They have helped us get through a hard weekend
I'm so sorry. The absolute worst of times, but many many happy memories to look back on. Take care.
Sorry to hear this. It looks like Fin had a great life, and it's always really hard when the time comes to say good bye.
We had to make the same call with our collie 9 years ago. We still miss him, but it does get easier as time goes on.
She had a splendid life with you guys. Sending deepest condolences.