We shout at each other from different rooms,but I think that's just part of getting older and thinking we can still hear properly.
Face to face ,never.
We are pretty chilled as a unit,even though I can be an annoying smartarse. !!;-)
I don’t get shouted at, but my OHs hearing improves markedly if I say Oops, as if I’ve broken something and can hear a beer opening from space.
Face to face, never.
she has a terrible habit of talking to me at normal volume while I’m in the other room and the kettle is on…
That's familiar....
We don't shout. Just give each other "the look" and make passive aggressive remarks about my latest failure to read her mind, while building up a simmering well of bitterness and resentment. Coming up to 30 years since we met, one of us must be due parole....
We definitely have differences of opinion but they don't result in shouting at each other. It's more usually sotto voce
Never, I just don't get dinner or my coat stroked when I've messed up.
Given how much I like both, probably more effective too
Never by Mrs F and I honestly can't recall the last time anyone raised their voice to me. High school probably.
One wife, 3 teenage daughters.
I'm Shouted at on a half hourly basis.. luckily I have thick skin and very selective hearing.
She doesn’t need to shout for me to know I’m in trouble, the wife is a headteacher so I get the “naughty boy” look..
This thread feels like a trap. My Spidey senses are tingling! Is Mrs Bloke masquerading as the OP?
We bicker and make sarky remarks constantly - not resorted to shouting in many, many years.
35 years married this Oct!
Best ask my neighbours, I'd be accused of getting the frequency wrong.
and very selective hearing.
A skill I am carefully cultivating, alongside some genuine age related hearing loss to aid credibility.
Never. I have no interest in being with someone who has to raise their voice to communicate.
I don’t shout at her, she doesn’t to me.
We don’t shout. Just give each other “the look”
I get ‘the look’ all the time. A 50/50 mix of pity and contempt?
There is some shouting….
The other 10% is having someone stood In front of the cupboard or drawer you want to open.
I can't hear the shouting for the crunching of egg shells I'm always walking around on.
Andy Capp is a fly on the wall documentary.
Mrs WF is German. Do you really have to ask?
Coming up to 30 years since we met, one of us must be due parole….
Lightweight, we're coming up to 51yrs since we met but then Mrs dB was only 6 at the time.... Not sure we've ever shouted at each other apart from at gigs
I’m Shouted at on a half hourly basis
you are the worst parent in the world and I hate you!
ah, the statement of love from your offspring.
Never. My Mum was a shouter, completely ineffective innit.
We do have very robust and honest conversations on occasion though and life is definitely nicer with some HRT in the house.
Before this I had to point out that if we expected our son to talk to us in a civilised manner then the wife would need to up her game on that front. Admittidly, it must be very frustrating living with 2 men 🙂
I can’t hear the shouting for the crunching of egg shells I’m always walking around on.
Did you marry MrsMC's twin?
I dont get shouted at, i get an endless steam of "observations" about everything i do "wrong"
I honestly would be shocked if someone shouted at me, probably take me a second or two to gather myself enough to tell that person where to go......
I'd be even more shocked if I shouted at someone I know, worst would be a raised mock angry voice to "encourage" teenage daughter to get out of her bed in the morning. Raised voice to wife is not something I'd ever consider.
Actually, now that I think about it, I've turned the air blue and cursed people out of it during cyclist \ driver and cyclist \ walker confrontations (me being the cyclist). These would be max once every 5 years and I've never regretted any of these "altercations".
Never. My Mum was a shouter, completely ineffective innit.
This. I grew up in a household that wasn’t far off the Biffa Bacon cartoons (no that’s not an exaggeration). My mam, dad and brother spent 18 years shouting at each other and fighting. I was the odd one out and got out of there to go to uni and never went back. I still get triggered when people shout or lose their temper around me. As a result there’s barely a crossed word between me, the mrs and the kids. And if on the rare occasion it happens we make sure to stop and talk like normal adults instead.
Life is too short to be shouting* at each other and fighting.
*unless it’s at a football match, in which case it’s obligatory.
Think we're pretty much the same as everyone else on here. In separate rooms all the time, usually competing with the telly, kettle, etc. Always amazes me when she says "I heard that" when I mutter something after having to shout my previous reply.
Other than that never
Never, we very rarely fall out or argue.
Never either way and never have. Married for 10 years this October, together some years more.
Never. But the cat? That poor fella gets shouted at all the time!
We have never had rows, 'if it's on your mind, get it out there' is our approach so no smouldering resentments or misunderstandings. Luckily, there's not a single person on this planet I would rather spend time with.
Never, don’t reckon I’d hang around too long with someone yelling at me.