Greg LeMond is opening a factory in Grimsby to produce carbon fibre but the BBC article doesn't give much information has to what exactly they will be making, could we be getting carbon fibre bikes made in Grimsby?
he BBC article doesn’t give much information has to what exactly they will be making
it says it will 'produce carbon fibre' so maybe not make things out of carbon fibre put supply the fibre to people who do. A bit of cursory googling suggests he's been involved in efforts to bring down the manufacturing cost of the fibre itself
Sounds like a fignon of your imagination
Well at least the subject wasn't what I was fearing.
That's a great Cafe Ride episode (there aren't any bad ones, to be fair).
"I'm sat on my right testicle" being a highlight.
@MoreCashThanDash it's great isn't it? They look like they had a load of fun.
This is another great episode
I wish they'd given Greg some shorts that fit him. Baggy lycra legs is not a good look
A lot more detail in this article
This is another great episode
They are all a great watch, especially some of the ones with lesser known names.
The very first was with Nick Craig, very bittersweet.
Thanks I'll check that one out. The Wiggo one is also worth a watch but for different reasons.....