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Flies! Uurgh, horri...

Flies! Uurgh, horrid nasty things.

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AFAIK there isn't some maggot infested corpse in the house- so why do I keep having to hoover up the blasted things? It's been going on for a bout a week to ten days now, collecting five or six a day. Yukky, horrible disease spreading little blighters.Is anyone else experiencing this?I'm an anti-social curmudgeon- I haven't asked the neighbours because I don't get on with them particularly well.

Posted : 24/01/2025 11:10 pm
Free Member

Cluster flies maybe?

Posted : 24/01/2025 11:20 pm
fasthaggis reacted
Free Member

We have had similar, but different, but not sure if related.

I posted just before Xmas about a rat / squirrel living in the roof space. Nuked them / it with rat poison, only know because the noise stopped

over Xmas bins were not empted so I had a bag kept in the kitchen for wrapping paper / none perishable stuff. Next thing noticed flys in the kitchen, then maggots near the bag and appearing from the hob extractor.

week later all eliminated - not please though !

Yesterday start seeing small but quite docile flies in the kitchen. We are rural so do get flies August to September but these are not the same type of flies, and odd they are about especially when it has been cold

Reading on cluster flies , it could well be them apart from the size and colouring , unless we just have nice little babies which are yet to grow ?

Posted : 25/01/2025 7:19 am
Full Member

I get cluster flies a few times a year in a relatively modern house. They’re particularly slow and stupid and there can be millions of them, and they often seem to die on mass and I end up with what looks like the outcome of a fly suicide cult. They have quite a distinct smell too.

Amazon sell smoke grenade things that you can set off in the loft, but they’ll always come back. I’ve evicted them from window frames, blinds, ceiling fans, lights, you name it, they’ve been in it.

This year I’ve added fly screen to all the vents in the loft and tried a spray on all the windows which apparently discourages them from returning.

Posted : 25/01/2025 8:07 am
Full Member

We used to get cluster flies in roof spaces at work

They are seasonal and search out dark places over the winter.

The pest control folk would bug bomb and spray around any areas that could be access points.

In the big spaces they fitted insectocutors.

Posted : 25/01/2025 8:29 am
Free Member

Flies! Uurgh, horrid nasty things

I thought that this might be a follow up to your previous trousery-belt post

Posted : 25/01/2025 8:31 am
Full Member

Flies! Uurgh, horrid nasty things

I thought that this might be a follow up to your previous trousery-belt post

Time to accept that we are all heading towards the demographic of elasticated waist beige slacks....

Posted : 25/01/2025 8:44 am
Full Member

Let's be honest, flies have done more this planet than humans. They're the ones who should be in charge; we're the pests.

Posted : 25/01/2025 9:22 am

Free Member

They're a bit grim, but get some of those sticky fly catchers. They work.

We lived in a cottage that was prone, so some nice decorative fly catchers were needed!

Posted : 25/01/2025 1:22 pm
Full Member
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Goes to look into the kitchen cupboard to look for fly paper. Good shout mate, thanks for reminding me ?

Posted : 25/01/2025 10:09 pm
Full Member
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Oops, no need for the question mark at the end.

Posted : 25/01/2025 11:00 pm
Full Member

We had a problem with flies for a while when a pigeon got stuck in the chimney and sadly passed away……

Posted : 25/01/2025 11:07 pm

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