mikewsmith - Member
There are ways to share intelligence with people, when all the people who really know disagree then it should tell you something.
The problem with that is that those people really need to let go ... let go ... let it be ...
President Trump likes to do things his way.
Get it? His way. Not the demoncrats nor his political opponents' way.
That's the problem innit ... He gets to decide his way.
[quote=GrahamS ]Interesting that 538 are projecting improvements to his approval ratings in the future, suggesting they think we are at Peak Trump Disapproval (for now).
It just looks like regression of the mean of the centre of the confidence intervals to me. It's pushing it a bit to suggest they're predicting his approval rating to improve when the confidence interval includes a significant decrease in his rating.
That's the problem innit ... He gets to decide his way.
Yes he does, a man who hasn't manged to follow up his last tweet (probably got bored) now needs to think strategically. Somebody who's plan A for business is screwing everyone else over including the people he was working with, somebody who has so far managed to defy political scientists who now have come to the conclusion he is working on full random mode rather than having any actual plan or direction.
As I'm sure we will find his way doesn't always end well.
As people are now suggesting comparing him to Nixon is a little insulting the good old Richard.
[quote=chewkw ]That's the problem innit ... He gets to decide his way.
Until he doesn't. When he was elected and inaugurated I honestly thought his impeachment was a fantasy from those who were desperate to get rid of him. I now think it's likely (that or he resigns first). I doubt they're even still trying to find something to impeach him on - they're simply waiting for him to mess up enough that he loses the support of his party so that there the impeachment proceedings aren't too difficult to get through the house.
Oh and the bookies now agree with me - he's odds on not to complete his term.
Crikey I don't know it's that easy to become President of USA without being able to think. If that is the case I don't want to think.mikewsmith - Member
That's the problem innit ... He gets to decide his way.
Yes he does, a man who hasn't manged to follow up his last tweet (probably got bored) now needs to think strategically.
As I'm sure we will find his way doesn't always end well.
If only you could see that far you would have your preferred candidate in the Presidency ...
They better think of something quick coz President Trump is draining the swam and it's getting closer ... closer ... soon they will just have to comply.aracer - Member
I now think it's likely (that or he resigns first). I doubt they're even still trying to find something to impeach him on - they're simply waiting for him to mess up enough that he loses the support of his party so that there the impeachment proceedings aren't too difficult to get through the house.
They better think of something quick coz President Trump is draining the swam and it's getting closer ... closer ... soon they will just have to comply.
and watch out for the sea monsters and dragons.
mikewsmith - Member
and watch out for the sea monsters and dragons.
I think you are thinking of nassie in the loch
In Murica they have sasquatch aka big foot ...
Things certainly seem to be reaching fever pitch.
Initial predictions were that Trump would spend his whole time firefighting - I thought this would be from his past: sexual allegations, dodgy dealings etc (I also cant believe a NY property developer in the 80s and 90s hasn't been involved in some fairly serious criminal activity) - I hadn't thought that he's be quite so incompetent that he would be creating his own crises on a day-by-day basis.
Good to see that Comey (I assume) has leaked his notes from the Trump meetings.... calling Donald's bluff about tapes of the conversations.
political scientists who now have come to the conclusion he is working on full random mode rather than having any actual plan or direction.
Yeah, this is quite interesting. I have come to a similar conclusion with various people in my life over the years: You tie yourselves up in knots trying to figure out why they are acting as they are..... but then you realize that you are trying to apply logic to their behaviors, but what you're witnessing are the random flailing of an imbecile.
chewkw - Member
I have never been to the Americas.
I think you are thinking of nassie in the loch
In Murica they have sasquatch aka big foot ...
and that's a wrap folks...
@batfink for most politicians you can at least see a trait of self preservation, seeking relection, knowing who you can afford to piss off etc. but this one no idea. He is bouncing off some many things at one extreme you could call him a broard consensus politician but that does involve thinking he actually has a plan.
Sessions and Bannon have one which revolves around the idea that the Republican base will be a serious minority within 20 years, their vision of white god (the right one) fearing America is on it's way out and is scares the shit out of them.
Trump was the puppet they wanted to push their ideas through, unfortunaly for them he is more of the Blatter mould - a man who has 99 ideas a day and 100 of those are bad ones.
[quote=chewkw ]In Murica they have sasquatch aka big foot ...
small hands?
for most politicians you can at least see a trait of self preservation, seeking relection, knowing who you can afford to piss off etc. but this one no idea
Agreed. In my opinion he is viewing this as a very shot-term appointment. I think he has a list of self-serving objectives, and anytime after those are achieved we'll see the mother of all flounces, when he's decided that he's had enough and wants to go back to a life where nobody expects him to behave like anything other that the <expletive deleted> he is.
and wants to go back to a life where nobody expects him to behave like anything other that the <expletive deleted> he is.
Trouble is by that time he will have made a lot of enimies who would very much like to take a closer look at his affairs. I really hope they throw the library at him.
He'll be a lot more vulnerable out of post!
I think Trump is going to become more and more isolated as people distance themselves from him before the inevitable meltdown, this in turn will speed up the process as he goes full Trump. And you never go full Trump.
"I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go," the president told Mr Comey, according to the memo. "He is a good guy."
ooohh, yeah thats a bad one right there
wonder what other gems comeys got to drop ?
Why ascribe malice to the president when incompetence alone explains everything? Remember these three words: Trump is stupid.
I think that Vice may have nailed it
whos waiting to see what hes spews out onto twitter this morning to directly contradict the statements his staff have had to put out regarding the latest fk up?
wonder if there really are tapes of those comey conversations
Apparently Putin is ready to provide tapes/transcripts of Lavrov's converations with the Donald...
Whether this is because they're embarrassing, or not embarrassing, who knows, but I guess it's just to make Russia look straightforward while the White House looks desperate and shifty!
martinhutch - Member
Apparently Putin is ready to provide tapes/transcripts of Lavrov's converations with the Donald..
putin was recording in the whitehouse?
putin was recording in the whitehouse
Russian media were there, American media were excluded.
President Trump's political opponents are so incompetent they jump at everything President Trump says.
Oh look President Trump says something impeach him quick ...
Doesn't work that way silly goose coz the population, who have voted for President Trump, will not allow that to happen.
Funny timing chewkw, as the figures actually show that by now majority of the US population is for impeaching him
Oh look President Trump says something impeach him quick ...Doesn't work that way silly goose coz the population, who have voted for President Trump, will not allow that to happen.
Uh huh.
Why is Trump less impeachable than [url= https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impeachment_process_against_Richard_Nixon ]Nixon[/url] was?
Nixon took 96.65% of the Electoral College votes and 60.67% of the Popular Vote.
Trump took 56.50% of the Electoral College votes and 45.98% of the Popular Vote.
Yep, if you believe former Tory flounce queen Mensch the case for impeachment is already drawn up.
Now that polls have shown a majority of public favour impeachment and crucially for republicans who control the senate, their own voters are turning against him, it's time to let a grown up have a turn
it's time to let a grown up have a turn
This is the part that worries me - who would replace Trump? Pence? Yikes!
We have a parallel with Nixon here - I presume one of the hold ups is getting rid of Pence first.
Mikkel - Member
Funny timing chewkw, as the figures actually show that by now majority of the US population is for impeaching him
You mean the make up bias fake news?
I suggest the fake news start reporting President Trump at every opportunity that they get. Those fake news should try 100 times harder otherwise they are not earning their keep.
Oh look ... President Trump ... impeach him quick!
In this story and others, there's a pattern of argument that is simplistic, naive and ill-informed, yet dogged and inflexible.
In my mind, that bovine-like attitude will forever be signalled by the emoticon:
Doesn't work that way silly goose coz the population, who have voted for President Trump, will not allow that to happen
Once again, a determined effort to display breathtaking ignorance about how the US political system works.
Question for chewkw: What bike do you own, how often do you ride it? it's just that I don't think you've ever once posted in or responded to any single thread about cycling.
aracer - Member
We have a parallel with Nixon here - I presume one of the hold ups is getting rid of Pence first.
again according to mensch, both ryan & pence are also implicated so Orrin Hatch is being lined up , but thats getting a bit tinfoil
Dorset_Knob - MemberIn this story and others, there's a pattern of argument that is simplistic, naive and ill-informed, yet dogged and inflexible.
In my mind, that bovine-like position will forever be best signalled by this emoticon:
Those silly geese keep turning and spinning their news as if they are the deciders. I mean if those silly geese cannot even overturn simplistic arguments you really have to think hard how silly they have become. It's that silly. It's a bit like dumb and dumber innit.
PJM1974 - Member
Once again, a determined effort to display breathtaking ignorance about how the US political system works.
You know how it works? Who is the current President?
Oh c'mon ... we all love cycling ...Question for chewkw: What bike do you own, how often do you ride it? it's just that I don't think you've ever once posted in or responded to any single thread about cycling.
good article in the ft
If America’s political system were working as it should, Donald Trump would be on his way out. Either Congress would have started impeachment, or people around the president would have declared him unfit for office. But Mr Trump retains an ace up his sleeve. No elected Republican dares cross him. Any who think of standing up to him know they would risk an electronic lynching that could finish their career. Just ask Jeb Bush.America’s government is at a dangerous impasse. Most people know Mr Trump is unfit to be commander-in-chief. But nobody with the power to redress it has found the courage to act.
The tragedy for America — and the world — is that this is likely to persist at least until next year’s US midterm elections. Even overt signs that Mr Trump is trying to obstruct justice, which was the first article of impeachment against Richard Nixon, are glossed over. Between a quarter and a third of Americans are diehard Trump supporters. They have the power to eject rebel Republicans in primary elections.
Is 'silly goose' a thing I have missed?
Is 'silly goose' a thing I have missed?
It's the chewbot's latest turn of phrase in the hope of it managing to turn out something intelligible. At the current rate of progress it should manage to simulate the conversational ability a doorknob by 7017.
Oh c'mon ... we all love cycling ...
You do? I'd be really interested to hear all about your direct experiences with riding a mountain bike. You're never short of an opinion, I think we'd all value your views on axle standards, the current state of your local trails or indeed whether you actually have any sort of connection with mountain biking aside from only ever posting in the Off Topic section of a UK based mountain biking forum.
So, don't be shy...tell us all about what you ride and where.
would it be rude to suggest it is already half way thereit should manage to simulate the conversational ability of a doorknob by 7017
Trump hasnt tweeted for 19hrs, is he OK??
has he had his phone put in the naughty box?
hes tweeted at least once a day since becoming prez, maybe hes composing an epic multi-tweet rant
General Mattis stormed the oval office and broke his thumbs
Was amusing to see Trump making a speech in front of those Turkish flags as he welcomed President Erdo?an at the Whitehouse, someone who has pushed for a [url= http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2016/06/turkey-education-erdogan-devout-generation-plan.html ]"devout generation"[/url] in his supposedly secular nation.
I can only imagine what Trump would have been tweeting about Obama in the same instance.
(The [url= https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/864565791076872192 ]speech itself[/url] was terrible. As always.)
Putin is now offering congress tapes of the conversation between Trump and Foreign Minister Lavrov.
Troll level: Expert.
So the US now have to ask the Russians to learn what's been going on in the Oval Office?
Looking forward to this one
kimbers - Member
Not bad, not bad but no it's not South Park.
I don't call people a-hole coz that's so yesterday.
Anyway as you were ...
edit: South Park is rather yesterday ... Family Guy and American Dad are much interesting at the moment.
thersa alive feed of trump at a coastguard grad ceremony rigfht nbow
its funny how insanely bored hes looked for the last 30+ mins listening to all the speeches
Apparently when they get Trump to read reports they're putting his name in as many times as possible to try and hold his interest for longer. The man is an idiot.
Whatever might be happening over there cannot hide the fact that the Trump cabinet is struggling to convey a clear and coherent message. Trump has undermined Conway, Spicer et al out of frustration and he's hung out some career non-partisan White House staffers out to dry, which will come back to bite him sooner or later.
Also, there's a very interesting piece about Kellyanne Conway in the New York Times: [url= https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/15/business/media/mika-joe-kellyanne-conway.html?_r=0 ]Bleurgh I need a shower[/url]
If I interpret American political commentators correctly, Republican rank and file are quickly becoming frustrated at having to make public excuses for their president and sooner or later, there will be divisions. Trump of course is well aware of this and is trying time-honoured boardroom tactics to keep everyone in line. The Russia thing could well bring the entire Republican party into disrepute and I daresay they'll jettison the president before a scandal mortally wounds the reputation of the GOP.
PJM1974 - Member
@chewkwAs an aside, tell us about your mountain biking experiences.
C'mon ... that's for the Bike Forum you know the other tab, ask me in the Bike Forum.
edit: ... in the meantime continue to enjoy President Trump draining the swam ...