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Boris Johnson!

Boris Johnson!

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aggghh how can this **** moron become the UK prime minister?
Appealing to the right wing gammons with all his previous these are the people all riled who'll bother to get out and vote.
He lies, he's lied all the time, he has no integrity and must be held accountable for all his previous statements.

Posted : 13/06/2019 4:02 pm
Free Member

Oh good.

Another politics thread.

Posted : 13/06/2019 4:04 pm
Free Member

feel free to avoid contributing

Posted : 13/06/2019 4:06 pm
Free Member

Another duplicate politics thread


Posted : 13/06/2019 4:08 pm
Free Member

feel free to avoid contributing

Well I would, but we get threads about the countries top cyclists chopped because there's one post that has it buried deep inside, but talk about buffoons in suits aw **** day long.

No wonder there's hardly any **** left on here anymore.

Posted : 13/06/2019 4:10 pm
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I searched and although there is a leadership thread there is no Jo blo thread. His idiocy demands a sole thread I thought.

Posted : 13/06/2019 4:47 pm
Full Member

If we're being consistent with thread titles it should be 'Boris! Johnson!' . He is, after all, our poundshop Trump.

Posted : 13/06/2019 4:51 pm
Free Member

He lies, he’s lied all the time, he has no integrity

He's a politician what do you expect? Lying & having no integrity is inherently built into politicians, I despise every single one of them.

Posted : 13/06/2019 4:52 pm

Full Member

I think this thread has all you need to know about him...

Posted : 13/06/2019 4:54 pm
Free Member

Darn and I had my hopes pinned on Greta Thunberg

Posted : 13/06/2019 4:55 pm
Free Member

The great thing about Boris is that he's obviously authentic and in no way has been bought by those with nefarious motivations. I'm delighted that he's able to segregate his duties as an MP to those of his employers, the chucklesome Barclay brothers who've paid him £750k in return for him writing opinion pieces for a once highly respected broadsheet newspaper.

I am full of confidence that Boris is in no way a lying, deceitful, serial bullshitting shyster who cannot keep his trousers up and that he is capable of empathising with 65m people and ultimately uniting the country behind him.

Posted : 13/06/2019 4:55 pm
Full Member

I have no concerns that Bo Jo won’t unite the country. I suspect quite quickly we’ll all realise his grade A ****wittery.
Then we can be united on this matter.

Posted : 13/06/2019 4:59 pm
Free Member

I think this thread has all you need to know about him…

Just taking one point from there, so you're cool with burqas? Don't see why people might not like them? This is the same Boris who wants an amnesty for all illegal immigrants by the way. The nazi.

Posted : 13/06/2019 5:03 pm
Full Member

How does Lord Far Far fit into all this?

Will he happily slide away knowing that the position of prime **** has been admirably  filled or will he still have to find something to moan about?

Posted : 13/06/2019 5:08 pm
Free Member

There's always one who has to make a demonstratively contrary point just to be "edgy".

Posted : 13/06/2019 5:11 pm
Free Member

Just taking one point from there, so you’re cool with burqas?

Yep, presumably you are not - which is no surprise given all the other shit you post.

Posted : 13/06/2019 5:27 pm

Full Member

It's quite amusing that he's gone from pariah to hero of the brexiteers

He's a serial liar & incomptent, his 'plan' for Brexit is nonexistent

Somehow theyve managed to learn nothing from May & are certain that this time it'll work out just fine.

Posted : 13/06/2019 5:30 pm
Free Member

This winds me up so much, what I think I’ll do is avoid any news. Any news where his moronic dough ball of a face is likely to appear. That way I can pretend it doesn’t exist and carry on unaffected, except in the normal ways a Tory govt. effect my life.
(Any better ways of dealing with it will be gratefully received)

Posted : 13/06/2019 5:31 pm
Full Member

Did anyone see his press conference yesterday? He only took 6 questions. One of them was the BBC's Laura Kuenssberg asked him about Brexit. In a reaction straight out of the Trump/Bannon playbook, he ignored the question but then immediately started mocking and belittling her, while his Tory audience all turned to boo and jeer her.

I note he's not doing any other interviews or press

He really is just a Poundland Trump. A truly vile human being

Posted : 13/06/2019 5:34 pm
Full Member

Yep, presumably you are not – which is no surprise given all the other shit you post.

Don't feed him !

Posted : 13/06/2019 5:37 pm
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I guess it's not the public he has to convince. It's shameful.

Posted : 13/06/2019 5:38 pm
Free Member

He really is just a Poundland Trump. A truly vile human being

That pretty much covers it, I think.

Posted : 13/06/2019 5:39 pm
Full Member



aggghh how can this **** moron become the UK prime minister?

Well that's simple isn't it- just avoid having an election, get selected by somewhere around 150 MPs and then voted for by somewhere around 63000 Tory party members. It's all about taking back control don'tchaknow, "and a transition about as democratically proper as the transition from Claudius to Nero. It is a scandal. Why are we all conniving in this stitch-up? This is nothing less than a palace coup… "

Posted : 13/06/2019 5:42 pm
Full Member

Don’t see why people might not like them?

I can readily see why some people might not like a lot of things. Burqas*, immigrants, abortions, Millennials, atheists, homosexuality, income tax, TV licences, gender reassignment... However, "people not liking things" doesn't automatically give their opinion any validity.

Personally I object to husbands telling their wives what to wear, but I also object to middle-class white men wanting to tell women at the other end of the country what they cannot choose to wear. How would you feel if Sajid Javid wanted to ban skirts? Presumably you'd be fine with that too, otherwise you'd just be a monumental hypocrite.

(* - As an aside, I don't think I've ever actually seen a burka in the UK and I very much doubt you have either, I assume you mean a niqab.)

Posted : 13/06/2019 5:44 pm

Free Member

Yeah, but, alliteration is important when you’re massaging your inner bigot.

Posted : 13/06/2019 6:07 pm
Free Member

think this thread has all you need to know about him… >

Oh my goodness. It says here this Johnson fellow has some sort of irrational fear of Islam. Well this is too much. I can't believe it... WHY Boris?? I trusted you, believed in you, and how do you repay me?? Irrationally fearing Islam, that's how! How are we to get full Sharia implemented across the UK with politicians like Johnson around? I must admit people I'm starting to come round to seeing things from the Corbyn mob point of view. There's hope for me yet Comrades! Thinking about it, there's an easy cure. If an Imam puts a Fatwah on BJ, it won't be an irrational fear!

Posted : 13/06/2019 6:49 pm
Free Member

There’s hope for me

Don’t go taking this the wrong way now...

Posted : 13/06/2019 6:55 pm
Free Member

I follow the political threads most days, I hardly ever contribute, but seriously grimep, you've clearly lost your way, and all rational thought is now beyond you. Let me be the first - U OK hun?

Posted : 13/06/2019 7:04 pm
Full Member

I've come to the conclusion that we deserve Boris as PM now. Let him become PM and drag the country into the gutter. We deserve it as a country.

The country needs to go through some true hardship. Perhaps for a generation, to finally quell this whole hateful Brexit/ far right resurgence.

Let it all burn. F*** it all.

Posted : 13/06/2019 7:07 pm
Full Member

Ah, lack of engagement and a non squiteur. Always a good sign that you've got a strong argument.

Posted : 13/06/2019 7:07 pm
Full Member

Actually, no, with my <moderator> boots on for a moment,

If you want to start an Islamophobia / ban the 'burka' / I'm a Big Old Racist thread, so long as it doesn't breach the site T&Cs you agreed to when you signed up, then you go right ahead. But knock it off on this one, it's just deliberately disrupting what (arguably) passed for a discussion in the first place. This is way, way off topic on a thread we almost closed as a duplicate when it was on topic.


Posted : 13/06/2019 7:12 pm
Free Member

Good grief, going through the Charge Sheet it would seem some time ago Boris made a disparaging remark about poor governance in Africa. Well Comrades, I don't think we need to feel offence on behalf of Africa, where corruption in office is literally unheard of. They can rise above it!

Posted : 13/06/2019 7:14 pm

Free Member

The country needs to go through some true hardship. Perhaps for a generation, to finally quell this whole hateful Brexit/ far right resurgence.

Sadly, I have to agree. You can keep trying to save people who don't have the ability to think things through or just let others form their opinions for them but it has failed. The only problem is that the people making their lives worse will convince them that it wasn't them and it is still the fault of immigrants, EU etc,. etc,.

Posted : 13/06/2019 7:16 pm
Full Member

That applies to everyone else too, BTW - if this turns into That Brexit Thread 17.0 then it will be closed.


Posted : 13/06/2019 7:18 pm
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Topic starter

If Boris makes it to no10 who does he install in no11?
This has the potential to get worse and worse.

Posted : 13/06/2019 7:20 pm
Full Member

Hmm, does the Chancellor actually have to be a MP? Other Cabinet posts can be held by members of the HoL.

Posted : 13/06/2019 7:25 pm
Free Member

I don't particularly care whether people are offended, and I sincerely doubt that anyone is feeling offended on behalf of others, as you've just made that up for some strange reason best known to yourself. The issue is whether the man is fit to be PM, and how the current political climate allows a man with a track record of lying, racism, stupidity and laziness to get to the position of your beloved 'Boris.' As I said before, you've utterly lost any sense of balance, democracy and all the well established characteristics of a successful and happy society. Well done you.

You're derailing the thread and showing yourself up, Comrade.

Posted : 13/06/2019 7:30 pm
Full Member

We’re well and truly through the looking glass now. It’s like the country has decided to whatever is worse for it at every turn.

Posted : 13/06/2019 7:30 pm
Free Member

democracy /di-mokˈrə-si/
noun (also formerly (Milton) democˈraty)
A form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people collectively, and is administered by them or by officers appointed by them
The common people
A state of society characterized by recognition of equality of rights and privileges for all people
Political, social or legal equality
(usu with cap) the Democratic party (archaic; US)

Use it or lose it.

Posted : 13/06/2019 7:48 pm
Full Member

aggghh how can this **** moron become the UK prime minister?

Well, it's a mark of the desperation that's seized the Tory party. Basically they are - or believe they are - in the midst of an existential crisis. They're terrified that if they don't deliver on the B thing, all their voters will defect to Nigel Farage inc. Boris is the closest thing they can find to Farage. They know what he is, but they're taking a last desperate gamble that he can save their gammon, or bacon, or whatever it is. Hopefully he'll be the end of them. Fingers crossed.

But basically he's the desperation product of last resort. Or something like that.

Posted : 13/06/2019 8:04 pm

Free Member

I think I posted several years back on one thread on here,"Imagine a world where Trump becomes US president and Boris UK PM"....
On the positive side Boris doesn't have an eye for detail (ie is lazy) and is a good at delegation so maybe our future lies in the hands of unelected advisers.I hope they're better than Theresa May's.

Posted : 13/06/2019 8:12 pm
Free Member

If Brits are so resigned to the fact that we are to continue as a slow-mo car crash to some bitter end then he's driving crashing a Fiat Accompli into Trumpville. No airbags.

Posted : 13/06/2019 8:19 pm
Full Member

There was a story about a rumour that the committee banned phones in the voting chamber on the grounds Boris team was wanting mps to take a photo of the ballot paper with the cross in the right place. Just in case people were lying about their support to hedge their bets when it comes to the nice ministerial jobs.

Posted : 13/06/2019 8:20 pm
Free Member

Top boy him and the Trumper for dragging blond hair into disrepute.

Posted : 13/06/2019 8:23 pm
Full Member

He got more than a third of the votes in the first round.

Hopefully the other near-two-thirds of Tory MPs will continue to vote for anyone-but-Boris as the process moves forward.

Posted : 13/06/2019 8:54 pm
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