Did anyone else hear Binners get name checked on Radio 2 this morning. They were discussing breakfast of champions and asking if anyone had ever been a champion. Someone called in saying they'd been part of a mixed MTB team that won a 12 hour race and listed the team members which included somebody called Binners. Has to be too much of coincidence not to be STW own, no?
I think I have my teammate Bunnyhop to thank for that. Her good self, me and Kiwi John are still the undefeated mixed team champions of Hit The North (because it will never be contested). Still got my framed plates up on the wall
It was a long time ago and it meant an awful lot to me at a very difficult time. I even wrote it up for the magazine (yes, there’s a magazine)
Well done Binners. The much missed Hit the North.
last place finish due to hiding in the woods
Ah I did so enjoy abusing the 'lurkers' avoiding a final lap. I've not really got a competitive bone in my body, but I loved those races.
Hahaha, I hoped some STWers were listening. The DJ was OJ Borg who said what a great name ‘Binners’ was.
marshalling was great fun, especially the year it dumped with snow.
My number from our winning team is in my workroom, still covered in mud.
OJ Borg was a regular at the NWCCA CX races a couple of years ago! Nice chap, I had no idea who he was when I was chatting to him on the start line but thought he had a voice for radio at the time!
I was chatting to OJ on All Request Friday a week or so ago and offered him a go on our tandem. He's not taken me up on the offer though 😉
Do I remember correctly Binners on 6Music once upon a time?
I've been on 6 Music a few times, once discusssing my artwork and the Rake hillclimb with Mark Radcliffe, which then crashed my website it got so many hits after he read the address out if anyone fancied a look
But I've been on nowhere near as many times as @nbt who's something of a RadMac regular on the Chain and Teatime Themetime. Just listen out for the regular 'Julian from Marple' references
I've not been on 6 music for *ages*
Hit The North.
That brings back a memory of a very wet and windy night in a not very waterproof tent.
Followed by a very wet day and a long drive home in the dark.
Worth it though as Mrsstu won this very expensive trophy...
O.J Borg (a massive cycling person), shouldn't be hidden away at midnight, he needs his own daytime slot. However he lives in Manchester and probably doesn't want to go up to 'that London'.
I used to love the practise preview rides that Andrew and Jason organised for 'HtN'. Fun times. There's possibly still bike bits buried deep into the mud in the 'bomb hole'.
In my capacity as a Scout Leader I spend a lot of time on the camp site that hosted HtN. Fences have been put up to keep the MXers out, so the lines around the Bomb Hole have returned to nature.
That tree probably has some brake levers, helmet visors and teeth embedded in it.
Weirdly, before we lagged it with crash mats nobody hit it. Once we highlighted that it was there and only just off the line it got clattered by everybody.
I used to love the practise preview rides that Andrew and Jason organised for ‘HtN’.
We mustn't forget Vince and Warren too who were very much involved in the setting up and running of the first one.
After that it became me and Jason, and ultimately just Jason.
Shame it became such a bloody faff to put on!
Hit the North was always bloody great fun! More a social event than a race
DunkFest™ has become the natural successor.
How many HtN's were there? I think that I did 3 of them. I did the 8 hour one, then a couple of the shorter ones.
Me and the boy’s vid of the first one.
DunkFest™ has become the natural successor.
I'm presently sat designing this years DunkFest™ artwork. Its coming together nicely and is once again taking a nod from another iconic Scottish brand. Watch this space 😀
@MrSparkle cheers for posting the video up. I spotted myself in there. Not riding obviously, but stood with a pint in my hand, heckling people 😀
Did you see Ed Oxley waving his didgeridoo (Mrs)?
I was the second rider going over the motorway bridge in the vid.
There’s time yet….
In the meantime, this years Duncfest artwork is finished, with a nod to Scotlands leading purveyor of lager…
Mustn't forget Mr Sparkle too in his role as Marshall Wrangler, along with Bunnyhop, Ton, RustySpanners, Mrs RustSpanners and all of the others who helped out on the day(s).
That was the real joy of it. There were only a couple of us that ran it, but when the call went out for help loads of people stepped up.