Schwalbe Albert Gravity Pro Tyres Price: £79 each From: Schwalbe A pair of gravity tyres to suit your wheel size could be yours! These are one of Schw ...
By stwhannah
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Just in time before my lunch break ends, thanks
Entered. Think I have done it correctly. Video doesn't work though.
I'm really interested in these tyres. Was quite surprised to see them reviewed quite poorly by Vital recently.
I'm looking at a mostly empty page. I had to scroll down for miles just to see this...
Video works now.
Who won yesterdays?
As per a couple of the comments above. I had to scroll miles down a blank page to get to the bottom, couldn't see any comments until I clicked the chat icon in the header pic, still not sure if I have entered the megasack today??? The box says come back in 23hrs 55mins!
Am I the only one having trouble understanding how the daily entries and megasack entries are working this year?
A simple explanation somewhere pleaseeeeee.
P.S. the website pages are incredibly slow to load? I have a 500mb Full Fibre connection so its not my end.
P.P.S. nothing (at present) on the Day 3 page about who won on Day 2
P.P.P.S. I am logged in when I go to the website, so why do I have log in again and then verify my e-mail? All very confusing 🙁
Am I the only one having trouble understanding how the daily entries and megasack entries are working this year?
Yeah it's telling me to come back in 3 hours to get my subscriber validation. If it resets to 24 hours every time that slot is going to get later and later!
Plus if I can't enter everything at the same time I'll just forget. I like to get the whole thing wrapped up while I'm at work.
I'm on the desktop now and having to scroll past acres of empty space in between visible items.
It's ok, it doesn't look like you will find out even if you do win!
It's a really clunky and confusing system this year, STW. Coupled with slow running of the website generally it's clear the sherry and mince pies are being consumed early in the season!
Agreed it's far more complicated this year! I've just found out you need to enter the Mega sack draw separately so does that mean I've lost 2 chances already? I assumed once you'd entered the daily draw you were automatically entered into the Mega sack like always before?
And still don't know who won the lights?
It’s defo very clunky. Despite being a subscriber I seem to have to validate my email everytime I make an entry.
18:24 - logged back in to do the 2nd member only entry for the megasack (due to time out restriction earlier in the day) and the entry box has completely disappeared) - have tried on 2 different devices with different browsers so don't think it's me!
As sharkattack says above, I'm concerned about how late this is going to get quite quickly!
On the plus side the acres of scrolling appears to be fixed.
Oldfart - yeah, looks like you've lost 2 chances...I've lost 1 chance.
I think Mark posted up the reasoning for it on the day 1 thread...all sounds reasonable, just not as smooth as before (but should make the picking of the winners easier).
The Schwalbe website has lots of tyres but IDK how to find the kind of tyre I'd like. I figured that there'd be at least some way to pick, for example, 'trail' AND 'mud' but it seems not.
definitely confused here, altho that doesnt take much. todays entry didnt seem to have the 'megasack only' entry available. if i click todays (day 3) then it says ive got 3 entries, 3 days left and shows the 3 entry methods. nothing else.
if i click yesterdays, (day 2) then it shows 3 entries with 3 days left, but i also see the 'megasack only' entry which says 2 entries and 19 days left.
i also seem to be able to enter before ive verified my email address. add my name and email address, watch the video, then answer, and go to merch page and prize-givers page for full 3 entries. i then see the verification email but ive already answered anyway and have 3 ticks. but no megasack option. i click it anyway but makes no difference as far as i can see 😀
as someone said the other day ^^^, if carlsberg could do competitions 😀
of course, it could just be me.....
In a wonderful sentence, I have the same problem as myself. No megasack entry button.
And now it's back.
I've been diligent since day 1. How the hell are you supposed to enter the mega sack draw then?
Every day, I log in despite already being logged in. I confirm that log in through the link sent to my email.
I watch the video.
I answer the question.
I visit the merch store
I visit the prize providers website.
What am I missing?
A subscription...
Is that the only way to get in the mega sack?
To win a balance bike I don’t even want:
Log in on phone. Question box doesn’t show all fields so can’t enter. Spend 10 mins looking for iPad. Not charged. Wait 5 mins for it to fire up. Log in again. Password incorrect. Change password on phone so I can remember it on iPad. Log in on iPad. Read question and answers. Watch video. Answer question. Click two more links and close them down. Spend 5 minutes looking for mega sack entry. Finally find it. Have to wait for 10 minutes. Log in again. Enter user name again to enter mega sack. Phew finally done? Nope. Checking my email for something else. Email from stw. Open email. You must click on this link to validate your entry.
Is that the only way to get in the mega sack?
To win a balance bike I don’t even want:
It begs the question: then why bother? Leave it for someone who does want it and just enter the Megasack, which is a separate section entirely. You don't even have to wait until after the daily draw this year.
I've just done it 'cos I don't want these tyres: Log in. Enter name & email. Click button. Enter username in separate box. Click other button. Tada! No verification needed.
...Although I am confused about the timer. Can you only enter the megasack once every 24 hours? If so, how do you go back and enter for the days you missed? How do you even know which days you missed?
I thought there was a mega sack entry for everyone and a bonus entry for subscribers. Is this not the case?
Not easy to enter very confusing
I thought there was a mega sack entry for everyone and a bonus entry for subscribers. Is this not the case?
No, subscribers only this year for Megasack
Yep, its certainly a long winded affair to enter the competiotion each day, but maybe by putting more people off it might give me a better chance to win something!?
...As of 2230 on day 3 still no day 2 winner announced? Good luck everyone 🙂
Silly question, are we meant to enter our username or actual name in the name field?
I'm sure I saw Mark say that winners will be announced at the end of each week now rather than every day.
It's Day 3 and my Megasack entry is already 22.45pm. Bit annoying
Silly question, are we meant to enter our username or actual name in the name field?
Pretty sure either is ok. Whatever you want displayed on the site if you win, I guess.
Sure it's clunky but it's free stuff and if it puts anyone off all the better! The 24 hour thing is definitely going to cost me a "day" as I get a little later every time, it's the thrill of the chase.
I've had no issues with it so far, either on my phone or work computer. Quite enjoying the additional faff to be honest, but I'm an engineer so a bit weird that way anyway...
I think Mark posted up the reasoning for it on the day 1 thread…all sounds reasonable, just not as smooth as before (but should make the picking of the winners easier).
Yes. It boils down to trying to filter out people from competition agglomeration sites and making the selection of winners easier. The pay-off is that the competition is now a bit of a ball-ache to enter, but it keeps people coming back to the site, though what genuine value those visits have eludes me slightly.
Given that it's now day four - sort of - and people are still struggling to understand how it all works, why not publish a simple explanation of the mechanism as part of the entry form?
In honesty, as with UIs everywhere, if it needs an explanation, it's probably not a very user-friendly system. The 'log-in' terminology makes the daily prize draw entry confusing, while the implied connection between the daily and overall erm, member entry, when it's actually uncoupled is also slightly obscure. The 24-hour thing is just nuts. Surely it should simply limit you to entering on the day.
This is what a world run by AI will look like 🙁
He griped, ungratefully 🙂
Entering is so complicated. Despite entering the first 3 draws it seems I hadn't entered the megasack draw.
Managed to enter for the tyres. The only thing I've seen that I've actually fancied winning so far.
Bit of a ballache, but I suppose if it reduces the number of people entering for the sake of it then that's an upside?
I am hoping to catch up with the megasack entries on the weekend when there won't be any daily prizes. Could even get a day in hand if it works....(guessing it won't!)
Only just worked out the subscriber entry late as well. As I have to wait 24 hours does this mean I can’t enter today’s Megasack subscriber entry till tomorrow? Can I make up for lost time at the weekend when there’s no daily prize?
It would be a helluva lot easier if the whole giveaway was only for subscribers.
@Mark or anyone can you please verify if all/any of the following is correct? Or if I've missed anything?
There are 2 separate widgets on each Megasack day's page.
Box 1: the daily draw. Any member can enter this, you need to verify your email and then can get up to 3 entries (1 directly, 2 more for following links). This closes at the end of the day (not sure when exactly).
Box 2: Megasack draw, only for paid subscribers. You need to enter your email to log in (ie, to the 3rd party draw software, not the website) but verification is not needed and then you can get one entry for the megasack. This box allows you another entry after 24 hours. It also appears to be the same thing 'shared' on all pages (ie, you could submit all your Megasack entries on the same day's page if you wanted, as long as you wait 24 hours between each).
Further notes:
If you are a subscriber and don't want the daily prize, this year DON'T wait until after the daily draw's done because you'll miss a day's mega entry. Just enter in the mega box and ignore the first box.
The mega draw being every 24 hours, don't be late or you'll miss a day! You cannot do as in previous years and go back to add all your missing mega entries. One per 24 hours or lose out. Also, because it's 24 hours counted from your entry time, don't be an hour or so later each day otherwise the allowed entry time gets later each day until you end up skipping a day.
Nearly right. We've extended the daily draw entries until 6pm On Sunday now. Apart from day 1 which we've already drawn. But each week the daily draws will happen every Sunday at 6pm. This gives you all extra time to enter the daily draws.
You still need to visit every 24 hours to get your MegaSack entries in though as that's now a separate draw completely as it's paying members only. That's to ease the workload at our end (my end) as otherwise I'd have to go down the massive list of all entries and extract the full members for the draw on Christmas Eve. I'd rather not spend hours on Christmas eve with a spreadsheet and manually run the risk of missing someone out.
Look at the timer at the top of each daily box and you'll see a timer counting down. Once you enter your entry will also show up there.
I know it's all a bit new this year. It is for us too, ergo the initial glitches (We did test it well, but you can never really know how it will work until you let thousands of people into it). eg. The IP detection system that was meant to stop multiple entries was creating false positives that stopped some people entering, so we've turned that off.
There's been many thousands of entries successfully put in the system so far but if anyone is having trouble getting their entries in you can contact me directly. That's better than hoping I see a post here and especially so if there's a timer counting down.
Hi Woo, you are most kind to pass on your good fortune and as such I shall promise you I will not treat these Alberts’ gently but they shall be muddied, worn and forced to work in horrid conditions suitable for their namesakes! Thank you and have a wonderful 2025! ?❤️??️?