Danny MacAskill's Do A Wheelie video went down an absolute treat, so now he's back to help us all join in with a How To video. Over to Danny! https:// ...
By amandawishart
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They all make it look soooo easy...
I know how to do a wheelie....
I can watch as many of these videos as get made, but I still always end up veering off to one side and can never do more than about a 10-pedaller on my best day.
I'm never sure it helps when someone gifted makes one of these how-to videos - I might learn more from someone who really had to struggle to do it so they can say what worked for them and what didn't.
so they can say what worked for them and what didn’t.
practice. practice and more practice. there isnt an easy way. i cant be arsed to practice therefore i`m rubbish at wheelies.