Our new Singletrack Pom Pom Hats are here. Mark described these as a “Hyper Localised Personal Insulation System”, and he is right. We should register ...
By charliedontsurf
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Hell's teeth! How deep is that puddle?
We have right proper puddles up ‘ere in the Pennines. As a consequence we also have a really high modelling staff turnover.
I have a red one and can confirm it keeps my head warm and my heart warm and fuzzy!
Really like it when i was out and abiur in europe this las
week and when I am in the Arctic circle this December will try to join the 21st century and post a picture of it!
Feels well made although a couple of threads have come out of the pot pom
I have a birthday appearing real soon now and o hope it involves one of these, they looks ace