Hi all.
I have a sort of sentimental frame in my office that I'd like to build but there is a problem. It has slidey dropouts like the below but they slidey bit has a few stripped threads - what are my options? The bolts being used now are brake caliper (M6?) bolts - could I re-tap the dropout and fit M7 bolts? Might need a bit of filing off the slidey bits of the frame which I'd like to avoid... Or do these dropouts look familiar? Frame company went out of business years ago so no chance of getting new dropouts. Or could I get some sheet alloy/steel and get new ones cut and made up? Just wondered if anyone had ever come across something similar...
Drill, tap, insert (helicoil) and refit is the way. Hopefully still enough metal left in them that you can keep using the same size of bolts. This will make them better than new.
The only thing you'll have to keep an eye on is the inserts moving (if you remove the dropouts) as I assume they are through holes, meaning there's nothing to bottom them out against.
Helicoil kit for sure is the obvious place to start.
Alternatively, whilst the frame co might no longer be around, They probably didnt design and manufacture the dropouts themselves, they will have been bought in and thus used elsewhere. You may be able to find replacements with some super sleuthing.
ETA - Actually Timesert might do better - its effectively got a 'flange' so not an issue with it pushing through. In this situation may work better than helicoil, slightly different solution to the same problem. I've used them before and they work great.
Get new slidey bits?
As long as you're running it as an SS there looks like there's enough room to just use longer bolts with a nyloc nut on the back.
Or even a countersunk bolt pushed through from the inside with a nyloc nut on the outside if space is tight.
Show us a picture of your dropouts, I have some brand new Kona ones that look similar
Or even a countersunk bolt pushed through from the inside with a nyloc nut on the outside if space is tight.
I've done that in the past. Perfectly effective and cheap.
Or even a countersunk bolt pushed through from the inside with a nyloc nut on the outside if space is tight.
Great idea - I'll have a look at doing that.
Helicoil would be my choice, but you could probably get some replacement dropouts still. Are that Paragon machine works or similar?