Wondering if anyone knew if there was any legal stop on having multiple agreements running, as long as you stay under the scheme limits?
Could do with buying a few spares and it would be a way of reducing costs if i could start a second agreement before waiting for my first agreement to expire.
You can only have one scheme running at a time. I’m in the same boat, waiting impatiently for my current scheme to end so I can buy something else to fill up the garage.
You clearly can’t have more than one at once! I’m somewhat surprised you can keep starting new ones once the current one is finished, since it’s clearly not possible to cycle several bikes to work at once!
You clearly can’t have more than one at once! I’m somewhat surprised you can keep starting new ones once the current one is finished, since it’s clearly not possible to cycle several bikes to work at once!
The rules do allow the purchase of spares. so i have bought wheels, helmets, shoes etc. over the years, i could just do with some chains and cassettes, tyres.
What can I get on the cycle to work scheme? - Cyclescheme Knowledge Base
since it’s clearly not possible to cycle several bikes to work at once!
Yeah but you may want a different bike for winter and summer....? (wink emoji if it doesn't work)
I didn't think there was any legal reason you couldn't have concurrent schemes going.
Yeah but you may want a different bike for winter and summer….?
I think it's reasonable to assume that your commute needs might change over time, and you might want a folding bike/cargo bike/electric bike/whatever. Every possibility you might wear out a bike commuting regularly on it too, and want a replacement.
i Had 2 schemes running in parrallel for a short period (2 months) both with GCI.
You can have as many agreements as you want as long as you don't go over your company's maximum value. Weather your company will let you is a different matter. My company wouldn't let me have more than one. (Cycle2work)
I’m somewhat surprised you can keep starting new ones once the current one is finished, since it’s clearly not possible to cycle several bikes to work at once!
As above, there's no stipulation that you have to buy a bike with the voucher, only that the things you do buy are within the schemes rules. Some schemes don't even force you to spend it all at once on big-ticket items, Gogetta just give you a prepaid voucher to spend how you like throughout the year. Which means you could buy spares to keep your bike running year round, waterproofs and warm gloves in winter, etc etc.
Although even as a fixie my commuter get's trashed ridden year round. Any normal person would look at it at the end of winter and just buy another one (the drivetrain will be trashed, the brakes are shot, I've just smashed the front rim into a pothole and even bent straight again it grabs and makes the fork shake, the headset needs replacing, tyres are cut to shreds, bar tape is worn through, as is the saddle, mudguards are held on by self tapping screws and prayers. So the idea that it should preclude buying new bikes each year is equally daft.
Cyclescheme wouldn’t let me start a new application today because I already have one in place.