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crickles is (coming...

crickles is (coming) back

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Those who used crickles will be aware that they had to close the service due to Strava (being dicks with their) T&C's. They've recently announced a relaunch, date tbc, using a data feed from instead. Note that you will need to feed from somewhere other than Strava.

Posted : 17/01/2025 9:44 pm
anorak, J-R, zomg and 1 people reacted
Free Member

Great news.

Posted : 17/01/2025 11:25 pm
Free Member


Posted : 18/01/2025 12:28 am
Full Member

SR can you explain what this is for?

Posted : 18/01/2025 6:31 am
Full Member

This is great news. I've already emailed Ian to sign up to test the new release when it's available.

SR can you explain what this is for?

It tracks   "Cardiac Stress Score" which is a way of monitoring exercise intensity, recovery, etc.

Posted : 18/01/2025 4:33 pm
Full Member

From the website:

background on the research side… The primary purpose of Crickles is to enable our users to quantify their aggregate cardiac stress through exercise and to compare this with levels from a cohort of peers. We created Crickles because we couldn’t find, and still haven’t seen, metrics on other platforms that do this well. In addition, we developed a simple method for identifying certain apparent irregularities in user heart rate data acquired from sports devices such as Garmin or Wahoo bike computers. Our simple irregularity measure has a very strong association (p-value ~ 0.0001) with a reported diagnosis of heart rhythm issues. Both our measure of cardiac stress and our irregularity flag reach beyond established science so around four years ago Mark – a senior cardiologist with an interest in sports cardiology – and I co-authored a paper on our methodology and findings in order to get them into the public domain for the scrutiny of others. If this holds up and can be replicated it could give endurance athletes a pre-symptomatic warning of some potential heart health issues they can take to a medical professional for proper screening. This does not require the athlete to wear a high-end watch with built-in cardiology features but can be taken from pretty much any sports device that accurately captures heart rate during exercise. (The Crickles cardiac stress score does not even require that!)

Posted : 18/01/2025 4:44 pm
Free Member

Read this the other day. Its great news.

It's particularly mean minded of Strava to prevent their research paper being issued, so I've already dumped strava and moved to intervals.

I've always found crickles data to be more interesting and more personalised. Than the fairly generic strava data.

Posted : 20/01/2025 2:20 pm
Full Member

I still use Strava as there are features I like, perhaps most of all is the link to Veloviewer. However Intervals is far superior as a monitoring and training aid.

Posted : 20/01/2025 4:42 pm

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I still use Strava as there are features I like, perhaps most of all is the link to Veloviewer.

I've suggested that VeloViewer should look at alterative/supplementary sources but there's been no interest. I guess that might change if/when Strava decide to enforce their new T&Cs at some point in the future.

Posted : 20/01/2025 4:54 pm
Full Member

I think Veloviewer got given a golden ticket to ignore the Strava T&Cs didn't they?

Regular users are probably familiar with the upload process to intervals, but I've been trying to get my head round it as I've been moving my data to Intervals, and you have to be pretty careful to have only one version of the truth on there, and no duplication of activities from different sources. I had tried it a few months ago and had linked Polar and Strava, so when i paid my subs and uploaded history from both, my annual mileages were huge. So I had to delete everything, select just Polar as my source, and reupload - a bit of a faff.  I also do my indoor stuff on TR, so I have set up a DropBox synch for those sessions to Intervals. I also have to de-deduplicate the polar HR file for the same exercise. (i use the Polar to monitor my overall load on the polar ecosystem - will see how necessary that is as time moves on)

Back to Veloviewer - veloviewer is pretty user-friendly - you updates your info and you see pretty charts and hey-presto. Intervals on the other hand is much more sophisticated w way more ways to slice and dice your data, so it requires much more input to get useful info out of it. Haven't yet found the Idiots Guide to Intervals on the forum, so my learning curve is step-wise at best.

At some point going to log itno Crickles Alpha test and see how Ian and co are getting on

Posted : 20/01/2025 7:26 pm
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I think Veloviewer got given a golden ticket to ignore the Strava T&Cs didn’t they?

Until Strava decide they want to offer their own, similar, stats and change their mind? If I was developing VeloViewer I wouldn't want to have my livelihood determined by Stravas whims.

Posted : 20/01/2025 8:04 pm

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