Had this twice now, once in a Hutchinson Fusion 5 tyre and a Schwalbe Durano plus both running tubeless
Both times the bulge has been on the tread of the tyre
Both times ive pierced the bugle with a pin and water (no sealant) has come out and the bulge disappears and tyre looks normal again (im only pirecing the top of the tread to release the water, not going right through the tyre) the amount of water is very small maybe 1ml or less
Bike is used in all weathers for commuting, just cant work out how water could get under the tread to cause a bulge
No one tell him/her.....😎
I won't if you won't
Not sure I'd trust it to hold air without a tuba after that.
You could try another brand of tyre - how about Company B?
OP is trumpeting their problem.
Some brass neck to ride that.
He'll get the wake up call - any minute now...
This could be their last post
Could be the OPs last post
Edit: gah! Beaten by seconds!
I agree with the last post.. beaten to it!
This feels like an orchestrated attack now
You guys are really stringing him along!
Have you tried filling it with corn. It might work.
So annoying when that happens. You can end up with A Flat.
Can you just pa-ra-ra-rum-pa-pump-pump it up?
Politician interview mode on
“If what you’re asking is whether my bugle would still work when full of water then the answer is that it has the potential to follow the same principals”
<shameless Reddit copy-paste follows>
Sound is made of compression waves. The fundamental equation here is
Speed = Frequency * Wavelength
In different mediums (air, water, other gasses) the speed of wave propagation will change, so the relation between frequency and wavelength will change. In general, the denser medium, the speed of sound will change. The speed of sound in water is a bit more than 4 times faster than it is in air.
Now for instruments. There are mechanical issues with some instruments playing in different mediums. If a flute is filled with water, you would have to blow water instead of air, but the energy required would need to be greater, since the water is denser. A stringed instrument, such as a guitar, would function just fine, but the water would dampen the sound, so the note would not last very long and the string would stop vibrating after a short amount of time.
What would they sound like? Well a guitar would play the same note. See the sound is set by the properties of the string, so for a given length you get a certain frequency, based on the speed of sound in a string. So playing different notes is just altering the length (fretting.) This would not change underwater, so guitars would play the same note but sound different to us, because the damping would cause the string to stop very quickly.
A wind instrument like a flute, would change drastically (assuming you could still play it, a human probably can't blow water the right way.) In wind instruments, the wavelength is set related to the length of the air from the mouthpiece to the holes (the length is changed by the fingering). But the wave is propagating in the air, rather than a string, so if you replaced the air with water, the frequency would change drastically. So a flute would be over 4 times higher frequency in water than in air. So it would be about 2 octaves higher, you could still hear it.
Sounds like this could end with a crescendo.
Bet the OP isn’t reveille in the quality of these replies
I was trying to think of a better gag than the “last post” one but I just couldn’t trumpet.
I bet this thread is giving you the horn.
Not sure what you guys are on about and i think you a reading something into my post which im oblivious too!
I genuinely have had two different tyres which have developed a bulge within the tread and when pierced a small amount of water came out, first tyre has done 2000 ish miles since it happened with no more issues
* Edit
Just seen ive spelt bulge as bugle in the thread title and once within the post, doh!!!!
Must remember to get my g & l the right way round!!
We probably shouldn’t have made such a song and dance of it.
Hopefully no one will get band.
We probably shouldn’t have made such a song and dance of it.
Hopefully no one will get band.
Well i could say im dyslexic and you are picking on me lol
(im not and im finding this funny!)
👏 everyone!
im not and im finding this funny!
Music to our ears.
Me so horny
Just seen ive spelt bulge as bugle in the thread title and once within the post, doh!!!!
Must remember to get my g & l the right way round!!
Yeah, you blew it.
Just had the first proper belly laugh in days at the way this developed, really needed that!
Sounds like something you need to discuss with the tyre manufacturer rather than on here.
You phonin' 'em up would probably create enough noise to get a response
You phonin’ ’em up would probably create enough noise to get a response
Yep. Get on the blower.
That wood wind me up
Ignore them OP. some of the replies are very witty admittedly (they're referencing your spelling of bulge as bugle the musical instrument in case you didn't know). I realise that I may be a victim of an elaborate setup though, but here goes.
Water obviously won't find its way in through rubber that is able to hold a bubble from the outside, so it's most likely the carrier of the sealant. It has probably found a tiny imperfection in the carcass which has filtered out any hole sealing fibres. I had a Hutchinson Fusion 5 which blistered on the tread but the failure was more catastrophic. Luckily I was carrying a spare tube to get me back but the tyre was toast.
Probably a warranty issue. Perhaps euphonium up on Monday?
You are being very unfair to the OP if English is not his first language.
He may not be an anglosaxaphone.
Both times ive pierced the bugle with a pin and water (no sealant) has come out and the bulge disappears and tyre looks normal again
At least you know the tyre jazz is working properly.
OP - don’t worry and ignore all the silly replies, it’s generally just a lot of hot air.
<salutes martinhutch>
Thanks. I'm enjoying the thread shofar.
why's he getting the kudos, I posted the same bloody joke in a better way an hour earlier 😉
All these folk making bugle-related puns. What a bunch of brass-holes…
why’s he getting the kudos, I posted the same bloody joke in a better way an hour earlier
This is the bugle thread, not the 'world's smallest violin' thread. 🙂
Favourite thread for a while!
Anyway, it’s getting late, we should all probably hit our sax.
This is the bugle thread, not the ‘world’s smallest violin’ thread.
I've definitely been fiddled.
Don’t fret
I’ve definitely been fiddled
👏 Excellent, great pun. Take a bow
It might the centreflugel force driving the water into the tread as it spins.
Try a Schwalbe G♭-One