In a break from the norm, there are no goods. That’s because Benji and I are both due to be on annual leave for the next week, which is actually the week preceding the day you’re reading this. With me so far?
In fact, technically speaking I’m already supposed to be on leave. The out of office is on and I’m all tucked up in bed. Except then I remembered I hadn’t scheduled this story. Dammit. Anyway, back to your today (confusing, isn’t it?).
You will now be approximately half way through this marathon of bank holidays, in the fallow period between Christmas Day TV specials and New Year’s Eve’s ‘is it nearly midnight yet?’ nonsense. You’ve probably already compared Christmas presents in a forum thread, and no doubt the Lego thread has been busy.
So, just for once, instead of stuff, this week’s Fresh Goods Friday is a Fresh Good Stuff Friday.
What are you looking forward to in the year ahead? What new places will you go, new things will you try – or learn? Maybe you’re getting a new knee? Did you finally remember to plant spring bulbs in autumn, and are counting the weeks until they bloom?Perhaps there’s a grandchild on the way, or a new routine in your work life.
Whatever it is, let’s hear about the good stuff you’re hoping to make happen in the year ahead. Head to the comments to share, and be inspired.

Right now, I’m looking forward to a nice big sleep, with no alarm in the morning. Dinner out with some friends tomorrow, and an afternoon of mince pie manufacturing on Sunday. See you on the other side.