Thursday 21st December: Altura Dirt Bag
- Value: £50
- From: Altura

This is a waterproof bag for all your gear – put everything in it, loop your helmet through the straps, and know you’ve got everything ready for your ride. Then, after your ride, perform the magic trick of opening the bag out into a changing mat, strip off all your mucky gear, then return it to bag mode with all your filthy kit neatly inside – ready to be put in the car, or carried through the house to the washing machine.

It’s slightly padded in the base – making it more comfortable to stand or sit on. No pokey stones, and away from the cold. The slightly stiffened material of the bag means it holds everything in neatly, without something icky schlumping out the side and spreading filth all over your cream carpet (why did you choose a cream carpet?!).
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Today’s question
Thanks to this year’s big supporters:

Day 14 Winner Revealed!
The winner of the SQ Labs Bundle daily prize on Day 13 is: Dr_Bakes
Congratulations! Do a little jiggy! We’ll be in touch about getting your prize to you!
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