Come Join In The Singletrack Women’s Forum!

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Something new is here! The Singletrack World Women’s Forum is now live, so come on in and join us. As a little extra incentive, we’re also giving Women’s Forum members a free download of Singletrack Magazine Issue 147.

Here’s where we explained last week a bit about why we were launching it:

We know from Google stats that we have a good number of women reading – but their voices aren’t showing up in story and forum comments. We’re not sure if the answer to changing that lies with a Women’s Forum, but we’re going to trial it and see what happens. If women don’t speak up in the comments section, or in the forum, then we don’t know as much about whether we’re writing about things they’re interested in, or what things they’re asking questions about that perhaps we could be looking into further.

Women: too busy riding bikes for lurking on the internet…?

There is much to love about the existing forum, with its depth and breadth of knowledge, and often compassionate responses to life’s trials and tribulations. Nothing about that will change – women are still welcome there. In fact, we hope that in time more women might join in the rest of the forum, as they get more used to engaging with the Singletrack Community via the Women’s Forum.

However, for those that would welcome a space for women, we’re going to try out having a Women’s Forum. Anyone choosing to access it will be able to see the Women’s Forum in addition to the existing forums. Fora? Forae? Where’s the hive mind when you need it?

Access is granted on the basis of selecting the pronouns ‘She/Her/Hers’ in your user profile. If you identify with these pronouns you are welcome in the Women’s Forum. Threads on the Women’s Forum will only be able to be contributed to or read by others with access to the Women’s Forum.

A word of caution before you’re tempted to be ‘that guy’ who thinks they’ll just set their pronouns for a bit of a nosey, or a laugh, or whatever. You get one shot at setting your pronouns, and you’ll have to email us to change them in future. The Women’s Forum will be moderated the same as the rest of the forum. Anyone who abuses the pronoun filter in order to gain access to the women’s forum will be dealt with harshly by the moderators. Get yourself banned from the Women’s Forum and you’ll be banned from the whole lot. And no, you can’t have two accounts – the rest of the forum rules apply.

We’re planning to launch the Women’s Forum early next week, so head to the profile section of your account to set your pronouns ready for the launch. Tell your friends too – maybe some of them may be about to discover why you spend so much time here?

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Author Profile Picture
Hannah Dobson

Managing Editor

I came to Singletrack having decided there must be more to life than meetings. I like all bikes, but especially unusual ones. More than bikes, I like what bikes do. I think that they link people and places; that cycling creates a connection between us and our environment; bikes create communities; deliver freedom; bring joy; and improve fitness. They're environmentally friendly and create friendly environments. I try to write about all these things in the hope that others might discover the joy of bikes too.

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