The Classic Ride Is Coming – with Cycling UK

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The next issue of Singletrack World is about to whirl its way around printing presses, and you’ve got until 25th March to get your name on the list if you want to receive the printed copy! Within, you’ll find another Classic Ride, this time written by Barney Marsh, as he takes us on a tour of some Peak District classics.

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In our new partnership with Cycling UK, we’ll be bringing you Classic Rides from around the country, and to suit a variety of ride styles. We’ll be raising an eyebrow where there’s an obvious gap in the rights of way network, and celebrating the people who help keep our trails running.

There’s a strong alignment between what we at Singletrack think mountain biking is all about, and what Cycling UK thinks cycling is all about. We like their their slightly irreverent approach to campaigns – they’re not afraid to take on the establishment. This partnership will allow Cycling UK members to hear about the joy of mountain biking, and help the mountain bike community engage with cycling advocacy issues. More people on more bikes more of the time – that’s a common goal any cycling enthusiast can get behind.

This partnership is just one of a host of off-road projects that Cycling UK will be undertaking this year, as it looks to re-light the fire under the Trails For Wales campaign. In 2019, the Welsh government brought forward proposals to broaden access rights, but between the pandemic and economic downturn it seems that progress on this issue has stalled.

More recently, the debacle that saw the right to wild camp on Dartmoor rescinded in the courts, has also sparked a debate about how we enjoy access in England. With that looking likely to be fought out in party manifestos ahead of the next General Election, the cycling charity is keen to make sure mountain biking and off-road riding are not ignored.

A bivvy and tarp set up to spend the night after a day riding Cycling UK’s West Kernow Way, June 2021. The 230km route is part of the EU-funded EXPERIENCE project to develop sustainable year-round tourism activities in Cornwall.

Sarah Mitchell, Cycling UK chief executive said:

“Cycling UK’s mission is to get millions more riding, something we see Singletrack inspiring its readers and subscribers to do in each and every article they publish. Partnering up makes simple sense, as together we both aim to break down the barriers which prevent many from riding, while also celebrating the lure and love for the wild places with which cycling allows us to connect.

“If the furore around restrictions on wild camping in Dartmoor proves anything, England, and arguably Wales, are set for change in how we all access and enjoy the countryside. This debate is shaping up to decide how we can ensure the countryside is accessible to all. It’s our hope at Cycling UK, that together with Singletrack and the wider off-road communities, we can make sure mountain bikers’ voices are listened to.”

We’re glad to have Cycling UK on board, and look forward to supporting their off-road campaigns. Hopefully this work will help open up new Classic Ride routes for the future.

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Here’s a taste of what’s coming in the next issue of Singletrack World. Be sure to sign up today to read Barney’s tale of why you should ride it – along with all the usual useful stuff like where to buy a great slice of cake, and where to find an emergency inner tube – plus lots more inspiring and interesting stories.

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Hannah Dobson

Managing Editor

I came to Singletrack having decided there must be more to life than meetings. I like all bikes, but especially unusual ones. More than bikes, I like what bikes do. I think that they link people and places; that cycling creates a connection between us and our environment; bikes create communities; deliver freedom; bring joy; and improve fitness. They're environmentally friendly and create friendly environments. I try to write about all these things in the hope that others might discover the joy of bikes too.

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