What’s Inside Singletrack Issue 148? Don’t Miss Out!

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It’s the shoulder season. Kind of Atlas sized shoulders, that go on forever. Snow, sun, ice, mud, frost, wind… This issue, out early April, bridges the seasons nicely. We’ve got sunny days out, snowy epics, and the brightest collection of waterproofs ever assembled on a ride. We’ve even got a taste of desert dust. All the seasons, all the ride styles, one magazine. Make sure you’re signed up (and that your delivery address is up to date) by 25th March to receive this issue.

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Editorial / Every ride is a snowflake

Chipps ponders how every single mountain bike ride is as random as it is unique.

UK Adventure / The HT550 in winter

Steve Bate is no stranger to adversity and triumphing over it. However, will a loop of Scotland’s Highland Trail 550, in mid-winter, break this Paralympian down? Or build him up?

UK Adventure / The Longest High Street

Sanny and Mark revisit an epic Lake District ride that, last time saw some very dark moments. Hopefully, this time, an e-bike for Mark and a Nick Craig for company will see them right. 

Column / I♥️MY

Benji takes us through his no fuss gear, that lets him focus on testing and fiddling, one thing at a time.

Classic Ride – The Beast of the Peak

Barney Marsh returns to a true, British mountain bike classic, with a Dark Peak tour that includes Hope Cross, Ladybower and The Beast. Is it still a classic? Definitely.

Interview / Who is Dylan?

He came from seemingly nowhere to earn a spot at the 2022 Red Bull Rampage. His secret? Loving bikes and never giving up. 

Kit Essentials / Sleeping Out

A night outdoors doesn’t have to mean spending a fortune on gear. Let us inspire you to choose wisely.

Bike Test / Brit Boxed Burly Bikes

Benji heads to the hills on three 160mm travel bikes from Bird, Privateer and Saracen.

Purposeful Adventure / Beyond The Blues

Trash Free Trails A-Teamer Pete Scullion takes us on a scalable adventure: be it blue trail or big hill, there’s always an opportunity to leave your mark – in a positive way. 

Get Your Hands on Singletrack Issue 148

We think you must be bonkers not to be a Singletrack Member and have the magazine dropping through your letterbox, or downloaded every issue. However, you will find the new issue, and previous issues in the merch store.

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Author Profile Picture
Hannah Dobson

Managing Editor

I came to Singletrack having decided there must be more to life than meetings. I like all bikes, but especially unusual ones. More than bikes, I like what bikes do. I think that they link people and places; that cycling creates a connection between us and our environment; bikes create communities; deliver freedom; bring joy; and improve fitness. They're environmentally friendly and create friendly environments. I try to write about all these things in the hope that others might discover the joy of bikes too.

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  • This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by feed.
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  • What’s Inside Singletrack Issue 148? Don’t Miss Out!
  • 2
    Full Member

    And so begins three weeks of silently cursing the postman every day that the mag does not come through the door.

    Full Member

    @mtbfix You’ll have to exercise some extra patience with this one! Due to the way the days and dates fall, this one goes in the post on 6th April. Don’t start eagerly scampering to the letterbox before then!

    Full Member

    It’s the boost edition, can’t wait for issue 157 :)

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